
Challenges and Opportunities for OB

Challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior (OB) in business encompass the complexities of managing diverse teams, adapting to rapid technological advancements, and fostering a positive organizational culture. These challenges present opportunities for innovation, improved decision-making, and enhanced employee engagement. By addressing these challenges and leveraging the opportunities, businesses can cultivate a more productive and harmonious work environment.

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4 Key excerpts on "Challenges and Opportunities for OB"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Organizational Behaviour
    eBook - ePub

    Organizational Behaviour

    Performance Management in Practice

    • Richard Pettinger(Author)
    • 2013(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...Organizations have to be capable of responding to changes and pressures in their environment; and they also have to be able to change themselves in order to meet fresh challenges and developments. Organizations have to be capable of accommodating advances in human and technological knowledge, and in harmonizing these to best effect in the pursuit of successful activities. The overall context is bounded by the need for managerial expertise in integrating all of the lessons into a body of understanding that forms the basis for the study of knowing how people think, behave, act and react in a variety of situations.xxiv 1 Introduction DOI: 10.4324/9780203857595-2 Organizational behaviour is concerned with the study of the behaviour and interaction of people in restricted or organized settings. It involves the understanding of, and prediction of, the behaviour of people, and of the means by which their behaviour is influenced and shaped. Organizations are bodies or entities created for a stated purpose. They may consist of one or more people. In the case of the sole trader or single operator, he/she needs to build relationships with suppliers, contractors, customers, clients and the community. For those that consist of more than one person, internal as well as external relationships have to be created and maintained. Organizations therefore consist of individuals, groups and relationships. Objectives, structures, systems and processes are then created to give life, direction and order to activities and interactions. Organizational behaviour is therefore of great concern to anyone who organizes, creates, orders, directs, manages or supervises the activities of others...

  • Organizational Behaviour
    • Ray French, Charlotte Rayner, Gary Rees, Sally Rumbles, John R. Schermerhorn, Richard N. Osborn(Authors)
    • 2016(Publication Date)
    • Wiley

    ...PART 1 Introduction CHAPTER 1 What Is Organizational Behaviour? Managing people in work organizations can be a richly rewarding activity. Helping people to develop and sustain their potential is fulfilling on several levels, but managing people is demanding too, as tough decisions are frequently required. For many of us the subjects covered in this book are not only interesting in themselves but also relevant and topical. Even if we are not in management roles, the topic areas we identify and discuss in this book can illuminate understanding of our own working lives – and those of others. Organizational behaviour (OB) focuses on the behaviour of individuals and groups at work and provides explanations for such behaviour through examining a wide range of topics – which we will go on to explore in subsequent chapters. OB can be viewed as an applied discipline. Managing people effectively is widely seen as a critically important element in achieving the aims of work organizations, and therefore working towards their ultimate success. However, people can behave in unpredictable and seemingly contrary ways, so the management of people at work, while both interesting and rewarding, is also a challenging area. In this first part of our book, we aim to underpin the subject matter set out in Chapters 2 – 12 by highlighting some broader issues relating to OB. We will explore the nature of this subject area by identifying differing definitions of OB and the subject disciplines that make up the OB terrain. We will also examine some of OB's key features. In this context, one important issue is the extent to which findings from OB research can be regarded as valid in academic terms: how far can and/or should OB be regarded as ‘scientific’? For if OB findings are fundamentally flawed – possibly based on erroneous common sense – or are the result of fads and fashions which don't endure, the relevance of the subject must be strictly limited...

  • Organizational Behaviour
    • Paul Smith, Marilyn Farmer, Wendy Yellowley(Authors)
    • 2013(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...The younger generation are more free with their feelings, aspirations and things like that. On business school courses: There is a required course on ethics at Harvard Business School, but not at most business schools. It's a very difficult topic, but we need to think about the purpose of education. We have to ask the question at business schools, is there something more important than money? Do corporations exist for something more than money and the bottom line? Of course they do, but we have to explain it better. Adapted from ‘Warren Bennis: geeks, geezers and beyond’, in Crainer and Dearlove 2003 Q  Summarize the key OB issues in the extract above, under the following headings: • Individual and group issues • Organizational issues • Wider context issues. How do these different issues interrelate and influence each other? Key ideas Organizational behaviour (OB): • OB is a popular subject on undergraduate degree and postgraduate courses. • OB can be viewed in terms of the study of individual and group behaviour, and the structure and functioning of organizations, but there are various definitions and meanings of the subject. • There are a number of reasons for studying OB, and the subject can provide important insights for managers. Perspectives, theory and practice: • People have differing views on a whole host of subjects and the same is true of OB. • The study of OB is multidisciplinary: it draws on a range of different disciplines. • In studying OB, the reader will come across various different theories. Theories help in building generalized models that can be applied in a range of settings. • Management action or decisions rest on some sort of idea or model...

  • Integrating New Technologies in International Business
    eBook - ePub
    • Gurinder Singh, Alka Maurya, Richa Goel, Gurinder Singh, Alka Maurya, Richa Goel(Authors)
    • 2022(Publication Date)

    ...When applied with a broader Management perspective in a detailed cross-cultural context, it is referred to as cross-cultural management, which imbibes organizational behavior (OB) and International Human Resource as an integral part of the study. Cross-cultural Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology are interdisciplinary contributing verticals. Organizations in business terms define it as an influencing influx of societal ethics, practices, and cultures in managing day-to-day global working teams across cultures and nations. When measured in an individual context, it outlines one’s core values, personal reactions, experiences, and cognitive structures prominently. 3.7 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Global organizations have to adapt and modify as per complex, volatile, disruptive, and diverse ever-changing markets to compete and excel in a level playing field. The major focus area of cross-cultural management is to effectively and ethically adjust to the difference in opinion, situation, and decisions arising due to varied customs, cultures, standards, laws, and practices in the socio-economic system. With the economies growing at an ever-faster pace matching the liberalization and technological advances, organizations are crossing boundaries for gaining global footprints. While companies find their new overseas explorations and ventures lucrative, it is actually far more complex due to the influx of numerous diversities in cross-culture amalgamations. These challenges, imbalances, and differences have formulated the study of cross-culture understanding and adaptation, which supports global organizations with relevant strategic options for managing day-to-day complex working hindrances. We can define cross-culture management as a set of varied assumptions, presumptions, expectations, introspections, negotiations, formulations, and adaptations...