Computer Science

Oracle Database

Oracle Database is a relational database management system developed by Oracle Corporation. It is known for its scalability, security, and high performance. It allows users to store and retrieve data efficiently, and it supports various data types and complex queries. Oracle Database is widely used in enterprise environments for managing large volumes of data.

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3 Key excerpts on "Oracle Database"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Human Capital Systems, Analytics, and Data Mining

    ...CHAPTER 3 Database Systems, Concepts, and Design CHAPTER OVERVIEW In this chapter, an understanding of Relational and Design will be underscored by coverage of Relational Database Design Principles, including Normalization using Third Normal Form and Referential Integrity. Hands-on Database Design Tutorials are designed to enhance the understanding of Relational and Dimensional Database Systems. Dimensional Database Systems are also covered; they are used to support Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Multi-Dimensional Databases and are covered more extensively later in this text. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeling Software is introduced through a series of Tutorials, including a Case Study at the end of the chapter. In addition, SQL Server Developer Edition and its installation is introduced. Both Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeling and SQL Server 2017 Developer Editions are available for free from Oracle and Microsoft, respectively. DATABASE SYSTEMS Business Applications such as Human Capital Management Systems (HCMSs) depend on Databases to hold data about the Human Capital in the organization. Human Capital Information stored in a database consists of many changing pieces of data that include employee personal data, pay data, benefit program data, and so on...

  • Digital Asset Management
    • David Austerberry(Author)
    • 2012(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...This provides the services and framework to run the software objects that implement the business logic. The framework has two subsystems. One is to implement the rules of the business logic, the processes like the workflow and categorization. The second is the transaction management for updating metadata records in the database. The Data Tier The data tier is usually a relational database, although this is for administrative convenience rather than elegance of design. It could alternatively be an object database. The database has a management system, DBMS, to control the connections and for the general maintenance of the database (Figure 6.5). The application server is a client to the database. The DBMS manages the transactions to enter and update data, and the information retrieval to generate views and reports of the data. The database administrator (DBA) has a number of tools to maintain the database. Figure 6.5 Elements of the database management Originally, each database product required a different driver for the applications to perform operations on the data. Microsoft developed the language-independent open database connectivity (ODBC) interface that rationalized the database connections into a single standard. This was later joined by Java database connectivity (JDBC), which exposes a Java application program interface to the database drivers. These technologies have much simplified the connection between the business logic and the database. There are limitations to ODBC; it was designed to use SQL for access to relational databases. There are now many data sources that are not relational, mail systems, object databases, and file servers. There have been newer and more efficient components that can provide a more universal data access than ODBC. Limitations of the Web Tier Some clients need more functionality than can be provided by the basic web browser...

  • Information Systems
    eBook - ePub

    Information Systems

    What Every Business Student Needs to Know, Second Edition

    • Efrem G. Mallach(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • CRC Press

    ...5 Data, Databases, and Database Management Chapter Outline 5.1 The Database Concept 5.2 Operational Databases 5.3 Databases for Decision Making 5.4 Database Management Software 5.5 Database Security Why This Chapter Matters Computers do not make businesses successful. Intelligent use of information helps make businesses successful. Computers are a tool in using information intelligently. Databases are a key technology in making today’s intelligent uses of information practical. To get the information we need when we need it, that information must be properly organized. Proper organization makes it possible to retrieve information efficiently, without a lot of extra work; to control access to information, making it available to those who need it but not to those who shouldn’t have it; and to use this information in new, creative ways. As a businessperson you must be on the lookout for new ways to use information. Knowing how computers organize information will help you do this. Knowing this will also help you work with professional database designers to get the databases you need to do your work. Chapter Take-Aways As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job: 1 Databases help organizations become effective by allowing people and applications to share common organizational information. 2 Most databases today use the relational model. Relational databases are flexible. They can handle applications that were not foreseen when the database was first set up. 3 Applications that involve data analysis and decision making may use other database models. 4 Using databases requires database management software to store and retrieve data on behalf of users and applications. 5.1 The Database Concept A database is an organized collection of data about related real-world items or concepts. At the lowest level data consists of bytes, because bytes are the basic storage unit of computers...