Computer Science

Programming Paradigms

Programming paradigms refer to the different approaches and styles for writing computer programs. They provide a set of principles and guidelines for structuring code and solving problems. Common paradigms include procedural, object-oriented, functional, and declarative programming, each with its own unique characteristics and best use cases. Understanding and applying these paradigms can help developers choose the most suitable approach for a given task.

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3 Key excerpts on "Programming Paradigms"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Principles of Quantitative Development
    • Manoj Thulasidas(Author)
    • 2012(Publication Date)
    • Wiley

    ...Chapter 7 Computing Patterns for Trading Design patterns in object-oriented programming (OOP) emerge from successful solutions to software architecture problems. They tend to recur in many design situations and suggest stereotyped solutions, much like the time-tested formulas that work for various genres of movies (such as family, sci-fi, slapstick etc.). Just as genres are not storylines or screenplays per se, the design patterns are neither source code nor language syntax/components. They are overarching themes of design. Design patterns allow software architects and developers to reuse ideas that solve one problem and apply them to another problem. By promoting the reuse of ideas, patterns encourage code reuse as well. In addition, once a design pattern is chosen to address a certain problem, most of the design decisions follow naturally, ensuring completeness of the solution. Design patterns embody the expertise of master software architects in a readily applicable way and hold many advantages over starting from scratch, the least of which is time to deployment. Big Picture 7.1: Paradigms in Computing Paradigms in computing are not unlike the perspectives in trade processing that we talked about. Both computing paradigms and trade perspectives help the developers and users deal with the underlying concepts in an abstract and intuitive way. While the trade perspectives are not very esoteric, computing paradigms take the notion of abstraction to a whole new level. This proclivity is perhaps understandable because the use of paradigms, and the abstractions implied therein, fuel the phenomenal growth of the computing technology, both in hardware and software. Paradigms permeate almost all aspects of computing. Some of these paradigms are natural. For instance, it is natural to talk about an image or a song when we actually mean a JPEG or an MP3 file. A file is already an abstraction evolved in the file-folder paradigm popularized in Windows systems...

  • Cognitive Psychology and Information Processing
    • R. Lachman, J. L. Lachman, E. C. Butterfield(Authors)
    • 2015(Publication Date)
    • Psychology Press

    ...If no cracks appear at 12°, the third check will only scan for cracks if there is 14° or more of bow, and so on. Technically, a program is a set of difference equations for each possible state of the computer that determines what discrete operation it will next execute. Simon (1976) defines it thus: "If 5(0 defines the state of the computer at time t, I(t) is its input, and P is its program, then we may describe its behavior by: S (t + 1) = P [ S (t), I (t)]." In summary, then, the computers and the human mind, in some respects, are both instantiations of a general-purpose machine. They achieve their excellence by their ability to symbolically represent and manipulate anything that can be specified in symbolic form—from states of the world to their own functions—and to combine a relatively small set of basic operations into complex, high-speed sequences guided by conditional decision making. The information-processing paradigm includes the idea that human cognition, too, involves the symbolic representation and manipulation of events, and the concatenation of a finite set of basic capabilities into a potentially infinite range of behaviors, in situations that are familiar or unfamiliar. The concepts of stored programs, subroutines, and compilers have insinuated themselves into research and theory on language comprehension, memory, perception, and even motor skills. Johnson-Laird (1977), for example, has proposed a theory of semantics based on a direct analogy between natural and computer programming languages. The concept of compiler and compilation has been suggested by Miller (1974) as the appropriate metaphor for human understanding of language. Understanding a question, in this view, is directly comparable to the compilation of a program to answer it...

  • Critical Systems Analysis and Design
    eBook - ePub

    Critical Systems Analysis and Design

    A Personal Framework Approach

    • Nandish Patel(Author)
    • 2004(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...It is an aid to understanding what constitutes progress. Paradigms in particular characterize progress as ‘revolutions’ in knowledge. Progress though can be towards certainty, or even uncertainty. Paradigmatic analysis can be used to understand the obstacles to progress, some of which are internal to a paradigm and others beyond it. Notions of progress have complexity as a central theme, where increasing knowledge eradicates the idea that something is simple. A paradigm is a set of beliefs, assumptions, values and shared knowledge accepted by a community of practice. IS developers, including systems analysts, form such a community of practice. The community accept standards and measures of validity for knowledge, how it is acquired, evaluated, and applied. The paradigm focus is on what constitutes knowledge, what is legitimate to investigate, and what methods of investigation are valid. Practitioners do not think about paradigms or act contrary to an accepted explicit or implicit paradigm. For them a paradigm is ‘reason in practice’. There are exemplary forms of reasoning present in different systems analysis and design approaches and practice. Knowledge and understanding gained from a particular paradigm is accepted as valuable and valid, and held by an analyst to be correct. It is this belief in the correctness of knowledge, or certain ways of reasoning and acting, that determines how a particular IS development problem is thought through and what action is taken to resolve it. Alternative conceptualization of the problem and its resolution is resisted because it is not part of the accepted paradigm. Uncritical acceptance of knowledge and rote practice stems from a lack of awareness of a paradigm of knowledge and practice and a lack of awareness of alternative paradigms. Knowledge and practice can be improved when an analyst becomes conscious of an accepted paradigm and begins to question it in the context of available alternatives...