Technology & Engineering

Data Management

Data management involves the process of collecting, storing, organizing, and maintaining data to ensure its accuracy, accessibility, and security. It encompasses various activities such as data integration, cleansing, and governance to support the efficient use of data for decision-making and business operations. Effective data management is crucial for leveraging technology and engineering solutions to derive insights and drive innovation.

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3 Key excerpts on "Data Management"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Qualitative Secondary Research
    eBook - ePub

    Qualitative Secondary Research

    A Step-By-Step Guide

    ...10 Managing your Data This chapter supports your ability to understand the need for effective Data Management construct a Data Management plan identify and respond to the demands of data ownership store and dispose of your data securely Chapter overview An important undertaking in any research project is the organisation, storage and tracking of your collected data and this is called Data Management. This way of working with your data requires the adoption of a set of skills and behaviours that should enable you to work with your data in an appropriate, systematic and consistent manner. To aid you in the development of systematic processes, we provide an overview of the role and function of Data Management plans. This chapter therefore, examines a range of strategies for Data Management that should enable you to work proficiently with the type and quantity of data you may have amassed. These strategies are relevant whether you are working with hard (paper) copies or storing your work using various technological devices and formats. As part of our focus on digital forms of storage, we explore the fundamental importance of backing up all of your work. Underpinning this chapter is the role of Data Management in enhancing your researcher integrity because being able to show where your data has come from and recording it accurately enable your reader to trace the data you have utilised. This can be a way of enhancing research credibility and increasing confidence in your findings. By the end of this chapter, you should feel you can handle your data in an effective, systematic and secure way. What is Data Management? Data Management is a general term which covers how researchers manage and organise the information used or generated during the research process (see Figure 10.1)...

  • Data Management and Data Description
    • Richard Williams(Author)
    • 2019(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...Given this potential audience it is essential that a clear understanding of what Data Management “is” must be provided. 1.3 What is Data Management? The basic philosophy upon which Data Management is based is a very simple one. This can be defined as: The recognition that data is a resource, in exactly the same way that finance and personnel are resources and consequently requires to be managed in the same manner as the other resources are. The primary difference between the data resource and the human and financial resources is that: Data, unlike human and financial resources, is not consumed when it is used, and is able to be infinitely reused. In order to ensure that the necessary level of management is applied to the data resource, an environment is required that supports the recognition that data is a resource. The purpose and rationale behind developing and implementing some level of Data Management within an organisation is to achieve the following: To control and exploit the data resource for the benefit of all interested (potential and actual) users of it. In understanding the current situation pertaining to Data Management it is important to recognise how its concepts and philosophy have developed over the period of commercial computerisation. By appreciating the technological and business issues involved in DP as they have developed (especially since the late 1960s) one can begin to appreciate the issues and challenges facing anyone involved in the management of the data resource. Data Management (the function) has become the corporate service which enables the provision of (primarily computer stored) data instances and descriptions to business users, to be controlled and co-ordinated for the organisation as a whole. This is achieved by controlling the data descriptions (some times termed data definitions), which are the format and characteristic description of the data, and their usage in data instances...

  • Ethical Data and Information Management
    eBook - ePub

    Ethical Data and Information Management

    Concepts, Tools and Methods

    • Katherine O'Keefe, Daragh O Brien(Authors)
    • 2018(Publication Date)
    • Kogan Page

    ...They can be applied efficiently and effectively for both ethical and unethical purposes. Ethical information management requires us to make conscious choices to apply these disciplines in an ethical way. While the disciplines of Data Management are ethically neutral tools, ethical decisions or norms often underpin its principles and disciplines as to what is considered valuable and what should be prioritized, and goals related to ethical principles such as trustworthiness of data, ensuring privacy and confidentiality of stakeholder data, ensuring integrity and quality of data, and accurately representing facts. As people in data-centred disciplines realize the increasing power of the data as an asset, we have realized both the increasing need to manage data properly and effectively as an asset to increase value for the organization, and the need to ensure that data is managed and handled ethically with regards to the effects on stakeholders and society in general, with a focus on minimizing any data-related risks. The various Data Management disciplines are interrelated, touching upon each other in different ways. The Data Management Association visualizes this as a wheel of interconnected knowledge areas with different scopes and activities (Figure 5.1), while acknowledging that a two-dimensional representation of how the disciplines relate will not adequately model how the disciplines connect with each other. Figure 5.1 The DAMA DMBOK wheel The DAMA DMBOK wheel SOURCE Copyright © 2017 DAMA International Data governance Data governance as a function is one of the areas that will most explicitly express an organization’s ethical norms regarding data and data use, whether the organization’s normative ethical framework is formally recognized and accounted for or not. The DAMA DMBOK defines data governance as ‘the exercise of and authority and control (planning, monitoring and enforcement) over the management of data assets’ (DAMA International, 2017)...