Technology & Engineering

Applications of Ceramics

Ceramics are used in a wide range of applications, including in the production of pottery, bricks, tiles, and glass. In engineering, ceramics are valued for their high-temperature resistance, electrical insulation properties, and hardness, making them suitable for use in manufacturing processes, electronics, and structural components such as turbine blades and cutting tools.

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4 Key excerpts on "Applications of Ceramics"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Sustainable Construction Materials
    eBook - ePub
    • Ravindra K. Dhir OBE, Gurmel S. Ghataora, Ciaran J. Lynn(Authors)
    • 2016(Publication Date)

    ...Ceramics offer tremendous value in these wide-ranging applications because of their useful thermal, mechanical, electrical and chemical properties. For example, the materials are used extensively in gas turbine engines in aircrafts because of their low thermal conductivity and high temperature stability, in parts such as valves, bearings and pumps because of their high resistance to wear and chemical attack and in bricks because of their high strength and durability properties (Richerson, 2006). The most commonly used raw material in ceramics is clay. The plastic nature of this material when mixed with water is fundamental to the moulding and forming of ceramic products, and combined with the densification the clay undergoes under thermal treatment, leading to greater mechanical properties without loss of form, makes it a very suitable option...

  • Metal Oxide Powder Technologies
    eBook - ePub

    Metal Oxide Powder Technologies

    Fundamentals, Processing Methods and Applications

    • Yarub Al-Douri(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Elsevier

    ...17 Three-dimensional printing of ceramic powder technology Waleed K. Ahmed 1 and Y. Al-Douri 2, 3, 4, 1 ERU and Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 2 University Research Center, Cihan University Sulaimaniya, Sulaimaniya, Iraq, 3 Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Center (NANOCAT), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4 Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is developing rapidly and already plays an important role in many areas like industrial, medical, aerospace, and automotive fields. There is a huge demand for the 3D printing (3DP) technology especially for the ceramic products that have opened doors for a new era of application and industrial levels. In this chapter, a comprehensive review for the applications of the 3DP in ceramic will be covered as well as the technology associated. In this chapter, the applications of using ceramics in 3DP technology have been highlighted and classified based on the most work done in this field. Three main sectors have been covered that reflect the current state of this field: medical, mechanical, and physical applications. Keywords 3D printing; ceramic; properties; characterization; applications There are many applications and advantages of the current revolution of the additive manufacturing (AM) technology, or what is traditionally known as three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. This erupting technology has invaded our lives in different ways, providing a change to the traditional manufacturing techniques that have been used for many years...

  • Building Materials
    eBook - ePub
    • S.K. Duggal(Author)
    • 2017(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...Because of covalent ionic bond the electrons are not free which makes the ceramics, thermal and electrical insulators. At low temperatures, ceramics behave elastically. However, under proper conditions of stress and temperature these deform by viscous flow. 14.2 Classification of Ceramic On the basis of their internal structure the ceramics are classified as clay products, refractories and glasses. Clay products have been dealt in detail in Chapter 2. Refractories and glasses are described in the sections to follow. 14.3 Refractories These materials are capable of withstanding high temperature in different industrial processes. They have high dimensional and chemical stability and do not lose their physical shape and chemical composition. Refractories confine the heat and prevent the heat loss to the atmosphere from the outside walls of furnances. The ability of a material to withstand prolonged action of high temperature (1580°C and onwards) without appreciable deformation or softening under service condition is known as refractoriness expressed in degrees C. It is generally measured by the softening or the melting point of the material and is determined by the pyromeric cone method, with the aid of tetrahedral cones or elongated pyramids, made of the same material to be tested, the size being 20 mm base and 40 mm height. They are heated until they soften and bend to touch the base. These cones are then compared with the standard Segar cone of known refractoriness, kept under same thermal load. The value is known as Polymeric Cone Equivalent (PCE). Fire-clay and high alumina clay soften gradually over a range of temperature, whereas, others silica softens over a relatively narrow range. Classification On the Basis of Chemical Behaviour Acid refractories combine readily with bases...

  • Alumina Ceramics
    eBook - ePub

    Alumina Ceramics

    Biomedical and Clinical Applications

    ...15 Refractory and other specialist industrial applications of alumina Abstract Chapters 12 – 14 having addressed the major industrial applications of alumina ceramics (wear resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical industry), this chapter will address all other industrial uses for alumina ceramics, of which the most industrially significant is the refractories industry. Refractories are used for heat-containment, primarily in furnace linings, and also as crucibles and kiln furniture. The global refractories industry is one of the largest materials-based industries in the world. It is currently generating revenues of around $50 Billion a year, of which China has 50% global market share. Therefore, refractories are one of the quintessential traditional ceramic products, along with traditional clay-based ceramics from bricks and tiles, to porcelain, and fine China. By their broadest definition, refractories are somewhat outside of the scope of this book. However refractories is such a large industry, and there are so many important points of intersection between alumina ceramics and the refractories industry, that this chapter will dedicate a significant proportion to the refractories topic to highlight these important areas of intersection. While the largest focus in this chapter is on alumina in the refractories industry, important niche applications for alumina will also be discussed including machining/cutting tools, architectural uses, aerospace uses, and oxygen sensors. This chapter contains two important industrial case studies: alumina architectural ceramics with a focus on Taylor Ceramic Engineering (alumina specialty manufacturer for over 40 years); alumina/zirconia oxygen sensors with a focus on Ceramic Oxide Fabricators (AUST) (pioneer of oxygen sensors for over 40 years)...