REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature
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REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature

Vol. 31 (2015): Reading Practices

  1. 237 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
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REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature

Vol. 31 (2015): Reading Practices

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Über dieses Buch

REAL invites contributions on the relationship between literature and cultural change. The study of culture has to face the difficulty of not being able to observe its object directly. Its only access is via cultural phenomena as observable products of human activity: artefacts, texts, rites, symbols, forms of conduct. If scholars wish to study cultural change, they need to do so by investigating the changing relationships among these phenomena, the changing connections between social structures, mentalities and the material dimension of texts, artefacts and other objects. While some scholars have rejected the concept of culture because of this indirectness, others – from Malinowski to Luhmann – have attempted to make it theoretically more precise and historically more saturated. Societies change as well as cultures, but they are not the same and they evolve at different speeds.

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Ja, du hast Zugang zu REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature von Herbert Grabes, Winfried Fluck, Günter Leypoldt, Philipp Löffler, Winfried Fluck, Günter Leypoldt, Philipp Löffler im PDF- und/oder ePub-Format sowie zu anderen beliebten Büchern aus Literature & Literary Criticism History & Theory. Aus unserem Katalog stehen dir über 1 Million Bücher zur Verfügung.


  1. Contents
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Contributors
  4. Philipp Löffler: Introduction: Reading in the Age of Academic Literary Studies
  5. Winfried Fluck: Shadow Aesthetics
  6. Günter Leypoldt: Acquired Taste (Toni Morrison on Oprah)
  7. Amy Hungerford: GPS Historicism
  8. Wendy Griswold and Hannah Wohl: Evangelists of Culture: One Book Programs and the Agents Who Define Literature, Shape Tastes, and Reproduce Regionalism
  9. Daniel Silliman and Jan Stievermann: Reading the Supernatural in Contemporary American Ethnic and Christian Fiction
  10. Timothy Aubry: The Discipline of Feeling: The New Critics and the Struggle for Academic Legitimacy
  11. Merve Emre: Fulbright Love
  12. Philipp Löffler: Identity Fiction and the Rise of Theory
  13. Amy L. Blair: “Tasting and Testing Books”: Good Housekeeping’s Literary Canon for the 1920s and 1930s
  14. Christa Buschendorf: Reading Shakespeare Matters: Symbolic Struggles over Literary Taste among Black Intellectuals
  15. Paul B. Armstrong: How Historical is Reading? What Literary Studies Can Learn from Neuroscience (and Vice Versa)
  16. Dustin Breitenwischer: Reading In-Between: Interpretation as Experience (and the Case of Sylvia Plath’s “Soliloquy of the Solipsist”)
  17. Call for Papers for REAL Vol. 33/2017