Sprache und Literatur (Literatur der julisch-claudischen und der flavischen Zeit)
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Sprache und Literatur (Literatur der julisch-claudischen und der flavischen Zeit)

  1. 661 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Sprache und Literatur (Literatur der julisch-claudischen und der flavischen Zeit)

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Über dieses Buch

AUFSTIEG UND NIEDERGANG DER RÖMISCHEN WELT (ANRW) is a work of international cooperation in the field of historical scholarship. Its aim is to present all important aspects of the ancient Roman world, as well as its legacy and continued influence in medieval and modern times. Subjects are dealt with in individual articles written in the light of present day research. The work is divided into three parts:
I. From the Origins of Rome to the End of the Republic
II. The Principate
III. Late Antiquity
Each part consists of six systematic sections, which occasionally overlap: 1. Political History, 2. Law, 3. Religion, 4. Language and Literature, 5. Philosophy and the Sciences, 6. The Arts.

ANRW is organized as a handbook. It is a survey of Roman Studies in the broadest sense, and includes the history of the reception and influence of Roman Culture up to the present time. The individual contributions are, depending on the nature of the subject, either concise presentations with bibliography, problem and research reports, or representative investigations covering broad areas of subjects.

Approximately one thousand scholars from thirty-five nations are collaborating on this work. The articles appear in German, English, French or Italian. As a work for study and reference, ANRW is an indispensable tool for research and academic teaching in the following disciplines: Ancient, Medieval and Modern History; Byzantine and Slavonic Studies; Classical, Medieval Latin Romance and Oriental Philology; Classical, Oriental and Christian Archaeology and History of Art; Legal Studies; Religion and Theology, especially Church History and Patristics.

In preparation:
Part II, Vol. 26, 4: Religion - Vorkonstantinisches Christentum: Neues Testament - Sachthemen, Fortsetzung
Part II, Vol. 37, 4: Wissenschaften: Medizin und Biologie, Fortsetzung.

For further information about the project and to view the table of contents of earlier volumes please visit http://www.bu.edu/ict/anrw/index.html

To search key words in the table of contents of all published volumes please refer to the search engine at http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/Classics/biblio/anrw.html

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  1. Vorwort
  2. Inhalt
  3. Sprache und literatur (literatur der julisch-claudischen und der flavischen zeit)
  4. Caratteristiche della letteratura giulio-claudia
  5. The Rider and the Horse: Politics and Power in Roman Poetry from Horace to Statius
  6. Manilius als Astrologe und Dichter
  7. Germanico e il suo poema astronomico
  8. The ‘Aetna’: Thought, Antecedents, and Style
  9. Il ‘Saggio sul Sublime’. Una interessante pagina di retorica e di estetica dell’antichità
  10. Etat présent des travaux sur l’‘Histoire Romaine’ de Velléius Paterculus
  11. Valerius Maximus and Roman Historiography. A Study of the exempla Tradition
  12. Phaedrus the Fabulist
  13. The Elder Seneca and Declamation
  14. The Elder Seneca and Declamation Since 1900: A Bibliography
  15. Der Traum des Historikers: Zu den ‘Bella Germaniae’ des Plinius und zur julisch-claudischen Geschichtsschreibung
  16. Tiberius and Gaius: their Influence and Views on Literature
  17. Claudius – the Erudite Emperor