From a Multiethnic Empire to a Nation of Nations
eBook - ePub

From a Multiethnic Empire to a Nation of Nations

Austro-Hungarian Migrants in the US, 1870–1940

  1. 254 Seiten
  2. German
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

From a Multiethnic Empire to a Nation of Nations

Austro-Hungarian Migrants in the US, 1870–1940

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Über dieses Buch

A Transatlantic ExperienceThe book describes the transatlantic experience of migrants from Imperial Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary who arrived in the US from the middle of the nineteenth century up to the outbreak of WWI. Traditional assumptions of mass migration - such as the rapid and easy Americanization of newly arriving Europeans, as well as their strong desire of retaining as much of native culture as possible - have been challenged by recent historical studies.Multiethnic GroupsThe socio-economic, demographic, and cultural analyses presented in this book offer a much more differentiated picture of the migrants who struggled for new living space amidst hostile industrial environments. This study breaks new ground by examining migration broadly between the Habsburg Monarchy and North America and return migration to Central Europe, including the study of a variety of ethnic and religious groups who originated in different regions.This book offers a scientific investigation of the circumstances under which Austro-Hungarians migrated to the United States in order to find new opportunities while trying to keep up their traditional values.

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Ja, du hast Zugang zu From a Multiethnic Empire to a Nation of Nations von Annemarie Steidl, Wladimir Fischer-Nebmaier, James W. Oberly, Annemarie Steidl, Wladimir Fischer-Nebmaier, James W. Oberly im PDF- und/oder ePub-Format sowie zu anderen beliebten Büchern aus History & North American History. Aus unserem Katalog stehen dir über 1 Million Bücher zur Verfügung.




  1. Cover
  2. Titel
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Preface
  5. Foreword
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. 1. Introduction
  8. 2. The European Context. Migration in and from Austria-Hungary, 1850–1914
  9. 3. From Austria-Hungary to the United States. A Short Trans-National History of Ethno-Nationalism
  10. 4. Gender, Generations, Languages: Who Were the Migrants from Austria-Hungary?
  11. 5. South Slav Identity Projects and their Public Cultures in the USA
  12. 6. To Marry Out or Not. Marriage Patterns of US-Migrants from Austria-Hungary
  13. 7. Earning, Saving and Remitting Money. The Economic Behavior of Austro-Hungarian Migrants
  14. 8. Conclusion and Outlook
  15. References
  16. Source Directory
  17. List of Images, Figures, and Tables
  18. Impressum