Communication in Business
eBook - PDF

Communication in Business

  1. 234 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Communication in Business

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Über dieses Buch

Always having the right expression at the ready! Communication in Business will teach you the right words for both oral and written communication. If you are already working and want to improve your communication skills in English, Communication in Business may serve as the latest reference book. Whether you want to start preparing for the world of work or for learning at home alongside a full-time career Communication in Business will help you to gain an insight into how to communicate effectively, correctly and in a modern way in the most important situations in everyday business. Accompanied by the essential background information on commerce and foreign trade, Communication in Business covers the following domains: oral communication on the phone, at meetings and presentations or on visits to business partners, and written communication in the form of emails, letters and job applications.

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  1. Table of Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Unit 1. Basics I Writing Business Letters
  4. Unit 2. Basics II Writing Emails
  5. Unit 3. Basics III Using Common Phrases
  6. Unit 4. Making Successful Phone Calls
  7. Unit 5. Making Arrangements
  8. Unit 6. Welcoming Business Partners
  9. Unit 7. Making an Enquiry
  10. Unit 8. Submitting an Offer
  11. Unit 9. Placing an Order
  12. Unit 10. Obtaining Credit Information
  13. Unit 11. Confirming an Order
  14. Unit 12. Arranging a Shipment
  15. Unit 13. Effecting Payment
  16. Unit 14. Sending a Delivery Reminder
  17. Unit 15. Making Complaints
  18. Unit 16. Dealing with Complaints
  19. Unit 17. Sending a Payment Reminder
  20. Unit 18. Dealing with Fairs
  21. Unit 19. Travelling On Business
  22. Unit 20. Writing Miscellaneous Correspondence
  23. Unit 21. Applying for a Job
  24. Unit 22. Presenting in English
  25. Unit 23. Conducting a Meeting
  26. Glossary
  27. Development in Written Commercial Correspondence
  28. Differences in British English and American English
  29. Common Abbreviations in Foreign Trade
  30. Bibliography