Legal Harmonization and the Business Enterprise
eBook - PDF

Legal Harmonization and the Business Enterprise

Corporate and Capital Market Law Harmonization Policy in Europe and the U.S.A.

  1. 381 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Legal Harmonization and the Business Enterprise

Corporate and Capital Market Law Harmonization Policy in Europe and the U.S.A.

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  1. General Editors’ Foreword
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Table of Cases
  4. Table of Constitutional, Treaty and Legislative Provisions
  5. List of Abbreviations
  6. Chapter One: Introduction - Models of Inquiry
  7. I. The Search for a Rational Division of Powers
  8. A. Quantitative Criteria
  9. B. Formal Criteria
  10. C. The Relevance of Constitutional Text and Context to the Choice of Criteria
  11. II. Economic Considerations Underlying the Division of Powers in the Field of Corporate and Enterprise Law
  12. A. The Public Choice Approach
  13. B. The Productivity of Integration Approach
  14. C. The Nature of the State and the Unification of Law
  15. III. The Political Frame of Reference
  16. A. The European Political Frame of Reference
  17. B. The American Political Frame of Reference
  18. IV. Conclusion
  19. Chapter Two: The American Experience
  20. I. Introduction
  21. II. The Factual Setting for the State Regulation of Trans-State and Transnational Company Activities: An Introduction and Census
  22. III. The American Constitutional Framework of Corporation Law
  23. A. Introduction
  24. B. Division of Powers
  25. C. The Search for a Substantive Rationale of Federal Supremacy
  26. IV. Division of Powers and Traditional Corporation Law
  27. A. The Conflict of Laws
  28. B. The Twentieth Century Struggle Against Traditional Conflicts Doctrine
  29. C. The Constitutional Debate: Conflicts of Obeisance and the Role of the Full Faith and Credit Clause
  30. D. The Constitutional Issue
  31. V. Voluntary and Substantive Uniformity Among State Corporation Laws: “Harmonization from Below”
  32. A. Introduction and Early History
  33. B. Major Components of the Majoritarian and Managerialist Enabling Act
  34. C. The Center and the Periphery: State Blue Sky and Related Securities Regulation
  35. VI. The Corporation Within the Polity: Protection or Apotheosis?
  36. A. The Impact of Bellotti
  37. B. Free Speech and Corporate Management
  38. VIl. Conclusion
  39. Chapter Three: European Attempts to Harmonize Company and Capital Market Law
  40. I. National Regulation of Transnational Corporations: Facts and Developments
  41. A. The Nature of Transnational Corporate Activity
  42. B. The Development of Different National Company and Capital Market Laws
  43. II. Aims, Bases and Expectations of Harmonization of Company and Capital Market Laws in Europe
  44. A. Aims
  45. B. Bases
  46. C. Expectations in Community Law - Failure of National Laws
  47. III. Methods and Tools for Integration of Company and Capital Market Law
  48. A. Indirect Methods and Tools
  49. B. Legal Integration Through Community Company and Capital Market Law
  50. IV. Status, Difficulties and Prospects of Integration
  51. A. The State of Harmonization of Company and Capital Market Law: A Preliminary Table of Contents
  52. B. Difficulties of Integration: The Example of Worker Participation on Company Boards (Codetermination)
  53. C. Prospects for Integration
  54. Chapter Four: The Legal Problems in Their Social Context
  55. I. Harmonization of Company Law - At Which Level?
  56. A. The Ongoing Process of Harmonization by European Community Directives
  57. B. The Judicial Role in Harmonization
  58. C. The States’ Statutory Role in Harmonization
  59. D. The Harmonization Process and the Public Choice Model
  60. II. The Causes of Failure of Harmonization at the Member State or Community Level
  61. A. The History of Accounting Law Harmonization
  62. B. Accounting Law Harmonization and Economic Models
  63. C. Securities Regulation and the Models
  64. D. The Process of Harmonization and the Models
  65. III. Harmonization of Law on the Basis of Priorities Derived from Non- Economic Values
  66. A. Substantive Values and Value Disputes and Harmonization Efforts
  67. B. Process Consensus and Harmonization Efforts
  68. C. Methods and Tools of Harmonization in Politically Fragmented Areas
  69. References
  70. Index