Analysis of Non-Metals in Metals
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Analysis of Non-Metals in Metals

Proceedings of the International Conference Berlin (West), June 10-13, 1980

  1. 560 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Analysis of Non-Metals in Metals

Proceedings of the International Conference Berlin (West), June 10-13, 1980

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  2. General paper: Objects and methods of the element and phase analyses of non-metals in steels:
  3. Determination of the oxygen activity in carbon steel melts by electrochemical probes:
  4. Influence of the sample preparation on the determination of nitrides in steel by hot extraction in streaming hydrogen:
  5. Problems of the determination of hydrogen in plain steel:
  6. Investigations about the influence of water on special ferro alloys:
  7. The determination of low contents of carbon and sulphur in carbon steel:
  8. Multielement trace analysis in solids by spark source mass spectrometry:
  9. Identification of non-metallic inclusions in steels by electron microscopy:
  11. General paper: The analysis of non-metals by nuclear methods:
  12. Analysis of hydrogen in metals by a nuclear reaction technique:
  13. Studies of He, Li and B in metals by use of (n, p)-and (n, α)-reactions:
  14. Nuclear microprobe measurements of the spatial distribution of non-metals in metals:
  15. Influence of the research programmes “Standard reference materials” of the BCR on the recent progress of activation analysis and its importance in this research work:
  16. Precision of analysis by irradiation with charged particles for the determination of non-metallic impurities in metals:
  17. Error causes in the determination of oxygen by charge particle irradiation:
  18. Determination of oxygen in platinum by helium-3 activation analysis:
  19. The determination of boron in Al 99,5 and AlMg3 by charged particle activation analysis:
  20. The determination of boron in zirconium and zircalloy by charged particle activation analysis:
  21. The determination of nitrogen in refractory metals by charged particle activation analysis:
  22. The determination of traces of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in molybdenum and tungsten:
  23. Photon activation analysis of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in refractory metals:
  24. Experience of the use of γ-photon activation analysis for the determination of oxygen in sodium:
  25. The determination of sulphur in copper, nickel and aluminium alloys by proton activation analysis:
  27. General paper: State of the analysis of non-metals in non-ferrous metals:
  28. About the reliability of the determination of carbon in refractory metals by combustion methods:
  29. Difficulties with the quantitative determination of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in thin TiN-layers by Auger electron spectroscopy:
  30. The determination of oxygen in powdered tungsten carbide by reducing fusion: primary carbon dioxide suppression, working conditions selection and adsorbed moisture effects:
  31. Reference materials for the analysis of gases in non-ferrous metals:
  32. Determination of nanograms of boron by emission spectrometry with CMP- and ICP-excitation:
  33. Estimation of nitrogen contents in alkali metals by the foil equilibration method:
  34. Determination of gases in non-ferrous metals-application to plutonium and beryllium:
  35. The determination of oxygen in niobium by hot extraction, internal friction and residual resistance:
  36. The determination of carbon in sintered uranium dioxide – suitability of grinding:
  37. About the problem of the determination of sulphur in copper and copper alloys:
  38. The determination of low contents of boron in non-ferrous metals:
  40. BCR-Reference materials for non-metals in non-ferrous metals:
  41. List of referents
  42. Subject index