New methods for the analysis of coagulation using chromogenic substrates
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New methods for the analysis of coagulation using chromogenic substrates

Proceedings of the symposium of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie, Titisee, Breisgau, West-Germany, July 1976

  1. 294 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

New methods for the analysis of coagulation using chromogenic substrates

Proceedings of the symposium of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie, Titisee, Breisgau, West-Germany, July 1976

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  1. Foreword
  2. Vorwort
  3. Begrüßung
  4. Begrüßung
  5. Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis
  6. Contributors / Teilnehmer
  7. 1. Theory of coagulation analysis with chromogenic substrates / Theoretische Grundlagen der Gerinnungsanalyse mit chromogenen Substraten
  8. 1.1. Molecular aspects of fibrinogen-fibrin-transition (in English)
  9. 1.2. Determination of Protease Activities with Specifically Constructed Peptide-p-Nitroanilide Derivatives / Die Bestimmung von Protease-Aktivitäten mit gezielt konstruierten Peptid-p-Nitroanilid-Derivaten (in German)
  10. 1.3. Substrate Structure and Activity Relationship (in English)
  11. 2. Determination of thrombin, antithrombin and antifactor X a / Bestimmung von Thrombin, Antithrombin und Antifaktor X a
  12. Einleitung
  13. 2.1. Comparison of Six Different Methods for the Quantitative Assay of Antithrombin III (in English)
  14. 2.2. Assay of Antithrombin III with the Chromogenic Substrate S-2160 (in English)
  15. 2.3. Effects of Thrombin and Low Heparin Concentrations on the Antithrombin Activity in Human Plasma / Einfluß von Thrombin und von geringen Heparin-Konzentrationen auf die Antithrombin-Aktivität in Humanplasma (in German)
  16. 2.4. Enzymatic determination of thrombin and thrombin inhibitors (in English)
  17. 2.5. Studies on the determination of antithrombin / Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung von Antithrombin (in German)
  18. 2.6. Studies on antithrombin III using Chromozym TH (in English)
  19. 2.7. Determination of antithrombin III and antifactor X a activity (in English)
  20. 3. Determination of prothrombin / Bestimmung von Prothrombin
  21. 3.1. Determination of Plasma Prothrombin with the Chromogenic Peptide Substrate H-D-Phe-Pip-ArgpNA (S-2238) / Bestimmung von Plasma-Prothrombin mit dem chromogenen Peptid-Substrat H-D-Phe-Pip-Arg-pNA (S-2238) (in German)
  22. 3.2. Determination of plasma prothrombin with Chromozym TH / Bestimmung von Plasma-Prothrombin mit Chromozym TH (in German)
  23. 3.3. Studies on the determination of prothrombin with S-2160 / Untersuchungen zur Prothrombinbestimmung mit S 2160 (in German)
  24. 3.4. Amidolytic assay of prothrombin activated with Ecarin, a procoagulant from ECHIS CARINATUS venom (in English)
  25. 4. Determination of various coagulation factors / Bestimmu ng verschiedener Gerinnungsfaktoren
  26. 4.1. Assay of Factor X<sub>a</sub> with a Chromogenetic Substrate (in English)
  27. 4.2. A new assay for plasma kallikrein activity utilizing a synthetic chromogenic substrate (in English)
  28. 4.3. Heparin assay in plasma (in English)
  29. 4.4. Antiplasmin determination by means of the plasmin specific substrate S-2251- Methodological studies and some clinical applications (in English)
  30. 4.5. The quantitative determination of urokinase with Chromozym UK (in English)
  31. 4.6. Estimation of urokinase activity by means of a highly susceptible synthetic chromogenic peptide substrate (in English)
  32. 5. Possibilities and goals for coagulation analysis with chromogenic substrates / Möglichkeiten und Ziele der Gerinnungsanalytik mit chromogenen Substraten
  33. 5.1. General closing discussion / Allgemeine Abschlußdiskussion (in German)