Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloguium on Differential Equations
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Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloguium on Differential Equations

Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18–23 August, 1995

  1. 431 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
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Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloguium on Differential Equations

Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18–23 August, 1995

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  2. Preface
  3. Generating Optimal Runge-Kutta Methods
  4. Minimization Techniques in Neutral Network Supervised Training
  5. An Extended Marquardt-Levenberg Method for Function Minimization
  6. Approximate Iterative Method for a System of Nonlocal Parabolic Functional-Differential Problems
  7. On a Delay Logistic Equation with Nonlinear Average Growth Rate
  8. Griffiths' Formalism on the Calculus of Variations
  9. A Nonlinear Elliptic Equation with Nonlinearity Crossing Eigenvalues
  10. The Partial Differential Equation Associated to the Generalized Kac-Feynman Integral Equation
  11. A primal-dual method for discrete l<sub>p</sub> approximation
  12. Utilizing Curvature Information in Multi-step Quasi-Newton methods for Optimization
  13. Utilizing Curvature Information in Multi-Step Quasi-Newton Methods for Optimization
  14. On Numerical Results for the Generalized Curve Shortening Equations
  15. Analytic continuation of holomorphic solutions of partial differential equations
  16. The Condition (S) of Kawai, the Property of Completely Regular Growth and the Estimate of the Micro-Support of the Complex of a Convolution Operator
  17. One Approach to Exact Solutions of a piecewise Linear Differential Equation
  18. Numerical integration of irregularly oscillating functions by parameter-dependent compound quadrature formulae
  19. Initial Value Problem for Abstract Differential Equations of Sobolev Type
  20. A parallel approach to bivariate splines
  21. Recent results on Liénard systems
  22. Extension of Holomorphic Mappings in Infinite Dimension
  23. Numerical approximations to some nonlinear diffusion equation with strong absorption
  24. On the Initial Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized MHD Equation
  25. Modified Gompertz Curve and it's Applications I
  26. An Experimental Algorithm for Ending Eigenvalues
  27. On a Degenerate Boundary Value Problem for Second Order Quasilinear Elliptic Operators
  28. Some Improperly Posed Problems and their Nonlocal Regularization
  29. Methods for the Computation of Periodic Solutions of Dynamical Systems
  30. The Computation of Equilibrium Points of Up-to-Three Dimensional Dynamical Systems Using the Topological Degree Theory
  31. The boundary behavior of a bounded function
  32. Application of Statistical Moments on Exterior Dirichlet Problem
  33. Discrete Trigonometric Methods for Boundary Integral Equations in Hòlder-Zygmund Spaces
  34. On the conditioning and the solution, by means of multigrid methods, of symmetric (block) Toeplitz linear systems
  35. Differential Game Theory at Control System design for a Manipulator
  36. Two-Point Formulas in Hermite-Birkhoff Quadratures
  37. Numerical Direct Methods for Initial Value Problems of Any r-th-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
  38. A Stochastic Compartmental Model for Dynamic Biological Systems
  39. Round-Off Error of Numerical Integral by a Finite Chebyshev Series in a Floating-Point Number System
  40. Floating-Point Number Solutions in a Simple Linear Equation with Multiplication Algorithm
  41. Multi-Peak System Identification with Gauss-Weierstrass Transform
  42. Continuation of bounded holomorphic functions from one-codimensional subspace to pseudoconvex domains
  43. Singularities of surfaces defined by Monge-Ampere equations of hyperbolic type
  44. De Rham Cohomology of Toroidal Groups and Complex Line Bundles
  45. Generalized Bisection Methods for Imprecise Problems
  46. Periodic Orbits and Invariant Surfaces of Nonlinear Mappings
  47. Expected Behavior of Bisection Based Methods for Counting and Computing All the Roots of a Function
  48. Approximate Lie Symmetries for Diffusion Equations with Non-linear Perturbations
  49. On the Stability of a Multistep Method
  50. Numerical Treatment of Mathematical Models for Infectious Diseases
  51. Applications of the Beltrami Function in the Physics of Plasmas
  52. Necessary and sufficient conditions for Fredholmness of irregular singular partial differential operators
  53. On the Computation of Zeros of Bessel and Bessel-Related Functions
  54. Linearized Viscoelastic Wave Propagation