Language, Identity and Community
eBook - PDF

Language, Identity and Community

  1. 254 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Language, Identity and Community

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Über dieses Buch

The book brings to the fore the issue of collective identity and analyzes it from the linguistic perspective. Addressing the problem, the authors demonstrate ways in which the language we use in everyday life enables us to construct and perform in a flexible and context-bound manner the sense of our belonging in a community. They offer some rich data and present strong arguments in favor of qualitative methodologies for research in the field. Drawing on numerous interactional settings, and amongst different communities, the contributors shed new light on how our language practices and non-verbal behaviors mold our collective identities.

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  1. Cover
  2. Copyright information
  3. Contents
  4. List of Contributors
  5. Language: The Mirror and the Means of Collective Identification
  6. Identity Construction of Non-Native Academics in Japanese Universities1
  7. Testimony as Identity
  8. Place-Attachment as a Master Narrative in the Interviews of Shi’i Muslim Women in the Diaspora1
  9. Malaysian Students’ Identity in Seminars: Malaysian English
  10. Behind Adventure Stories. R. L. Stevenson’s Kidnapped and Catriona as Narratives of Identity
  11. Translocal Spaces and Identities
  12. Gender Differences in Identity Construction of Polish Migrants to the UK
  13. A Consideration of Imposed Identities
  14. A Musician Abroad: Linguistic Challenges in Establishing a Musician Identity
  15. Subjectification and Spanish Community’s Identity
  16. Desirable Personality Traits of Foreign Language Learners Promoted in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  17. Identity and the EFL Classroom in the Sign Language Context
  18. Identity Negotiation in Cultural and Pedagogical Contexts: Institutional Possibilities for Selfhood
  19. Does the Self Writing Lead to Personal Change?
  20. Co-constructing and Re-constructing Self
  21. A Working Identity: Pre-professional Status in Nursing and the Ethics of Care
  22. Subject Index