Enjoy Your Business
eBook - ePub

Enjoy Your Business

Aphorisms for passionate can-doers

  1. 156 Seiten
  2. German
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Enjoy Your Business

Aphorisms for passionate can-doers

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Über dieses Buch

There may be thousands of books dealing with various questions on successful management in a serious way. That ist very important, of course. Although I am convinced that a good many things even in this field could be taught much easier by humorous learning. The present booklet contains sentences and maxims on management in form of aphorisms. It intents to inspire reflection on business matters by smiling. It does not claim completeness which is boring.

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About Managing and Being Managed

Management is action forged on life experience.
To manage departments is an activity - to manage people is a skill.
Managers are catalysers in the production of ideas and concentrater of social energies.
You cannot practice good managing without cunning.
A manager is a person whose result depends on the efforts and the ability of his subordinates.
A manager is always expected to do more than a single person is able to do.
A secure position may lead to conservatism.
There would already be progress if only people who can really manage something called themselves manager.
He, who believes that companies can be managed with figures and not with people, will soon get his notice.
It could be very useful to control controllers.
As a manager you gain experience, make enemies and cause envy.
He, who boasts of his rank, is nuts.
Conferences of managers are meetings of individualists and should be chaired by psychiatrists.
The self-complacency in business management is a kind of active euthanasia.
Each entrepreneur has that management which he deserves.
Each management can be looked at by three points of view: by a bookkeeping one, by a legal one and by a sensible one.
Each general manager who was put in the position of a "creative soldier" by his partners is actually an "executive zombie".
He, who is not participating, just participates poorly.
A managing director, who is only a bookkeeper, is not a manager in any case.
If you want to improve something you should correct the course which led to an unsatisfactory result - but you should not "recycle" the result.
An objective is always something you can reach - everything else is fiction at best.
Before staking on profit viability should be guaranteed.
You must be able to recognize the main connections in order to do all the little things properly.
Each proramme is as good as the will of the chairman.
It is easiest to replace one chaos with another.
If a living organism dies, at first the head smells bad.
It requires stressful collective stupidity in order to save a company to death.
In a purification plan...


  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Fundamentals
  7. About Customers, the Market and the Marketing
  8. About Colleagues
  9. About Managing and Being Managed
  10. On the Organization of Labour and Responsibility
  11. How to Deal with Time
  12. About the Organization of One's Own
  13. About Creativity, Quality and Efficiency
  14. On the Strenghts and Weaknesses of Characters
  15. A Bit of Ethics
  16. Go into business
  17. About the author