Global Political Economy
eBook - ePub

Global Political Economy

Theory and Practice

Theodore H. Cohn, Anil Hira

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  1. 446 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Global Political Economy

Theory and Practice

Theodore H. Cohn, Anil Hira

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Über dieses Buch

Praised for its authoritative coverage, Global Political Economy places the study of IPE in broad theoretical context and has been updated to cover the rise of populism, Brexit, the USMCA, US–China trade wars, tariffs, refugees and global migration, the Keynesian–monetarist debate, Fordism, automation, the "gig" economy, global value chains, climate change, cryptocurrencies, and the residual effects of global economic crises and regional relationships and impacts. Written by leading IPE scholar Theodore Cohn, now joined by his prolific colleague Andy Hira, this book equally emphasizes theory and practice to provide a framework for analyzing current events and long-term developments in the global economy. This text is suitable for both introductory and advanced IPE courses.

New to the Eighth Edition

  • Expands upon the growing US–China competition in many areas of the global political economy.

  • Discusses the problems Brexit is posing for Britain and the European Union (EU).

  • Explores the growth of populism.

  • Focuses more on environmental degradation/climate change along with the increase in global migration.

  • Incorporates a new theme of South–South global economic relations.

  • Highlights the relationship among economics, geopolitics, and security issues.

  • Emphasizes the importance of global value chains.
  • Looks at the potential for future global financial crises.

  • Updates and expands the number of tables, figures, and graphics throughout.

  • Provides an updated Test Bank and new PowerPoint slides in an Instructor's e-Resource.

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