Kultur und kulturelle Bildung : Interdisziplinäre Verortungen – Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung – Perspektiven für die Schule (Volume 8)
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Kultur und kulturelle Bildung : Interdisziplinäre Verortungen – Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung – Perspektiven für die Schule (Volume 8)

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Kultur und kulturelle Bildung : Interdisziplinäre Verortungen – Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung – Perspektiven für die Schule (Volume 8)

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Über dieses Buch

Cultures determine fundamental values and visions of individuals or communities, their attitudes towards the world encounter and how they interact with each other. In view of cultural diversity, it is necessary for individuals to be able to deal appropriately with the context of culture. In particular, cultural and educational policy as well as educational opportunities in school inevitably form ideas and approaches to culture. To what extent do diverse cultural views shape the (professional) understanding of (prospective) teachers? What professionalization potential does the humanities and cultural sciences have for the education of teaching students and teachers by providing cultural theoretical and cultural knowledge? Why is appropriate knowledge and related skills essential in educational processes? In the contributions to the anthology "Culture and Cultural Education. Interdisciplinary Locations - Teacher Education - Perspectives for Schools "illuminates culture in a variety of ways and addresses them in the context of cultural teacher education. In the horizon of a semiotic concept of culture and on the basis of different topics and cultural concepts, authors from different disciplines focus on one of the most important tasks of cultural education: the imparting and appropriation of competences in order to reflect, decode and create what has been created by humans and provided with meaning and symbols locate and participate in the coded world.

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