Literarische Wertung als kulturelle Praxis : Kritik, Urteilsbildung und die digitalen Medien im Deutschunterricht
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Literarische Wertung als kulturelle Praxis : Kritik, Urteilsbildung und die digitalen Medien im Deutschunterricht

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Literarische Wertung als kulturelle Praxis : Kritik, Urteilsbildung und die digitalen Medien im Deutschunterricht

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A didactic model of literary evaluation, which goes beyond the analysis and interpretation of texts, is committed to the concept of literature as a cultural practice and inscribes itself in the framework of German didactics as cultural studies. In order to develop a connectable theory that takes the cultural participation of schoolchildren into account as the guideline goal of school education, the practices of literary evaluation and criticism in the media and formats of the literary public are described as examples and critically examined for their connectivity for German lessons. This perspective of a didactic research on cultural reception focuses on the one hand the traditional forms in the feature pages as well as in literary debates, in audiovisual literary magazines, Evaluation acts in literary awards or the communication and evaluation practices of book groups. On the other hand, the literary-related forms of processing that have emerged in the new media are of particular importance, because the digital network communications found here represent new negotiation modes of literary evaluation. The lay criticism of readers on the Internet calls for an alternative discourse on literary evaluation and criticism and answers different needs than traditional criticism. It lives from specific contexts and reference structures and, especially as a youth cultural social reading practice, is designed for participation. that have emerged in the new media are of particular importance, because the digital network communications found here represent new negotiation modes of literary value. The lay criticism of readers on the Internet calls for an alternative discourse on literary evaluation and criticism and answers different needs than traditional criticism. It lives from specific contexts and reference structures and, especially as a youth cultural social reading practice, is designed for participation. that have emerged in the new media are of particular importance, because the digital network communications found here represent new negotiation modes of literary value. The lay criticism of readers on the Internet calls for an alternative discourse on literary evaluation and criticism and answers different needs than traditional criticism. It lives from specific contexts and reference structures and, especially as a youth cultural social reading practice, is designed for participation. The lay criticism of readers on the Internet calls for an alternative discourse on literary evaluation and criticism and answers different needs than traditional criticism. It lives from specific contexts and reference structures and, especially as a youth cultural social reading practice, is designed for participation. The lay criticism of readers on the Internet calls for an alternative discourse on literary evaluation and criticism and answers different needs than traditional criticism. It lives from specific contexts and reference structures and, especially as a youth cultural social reading practice, is designed for participation.

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