When Juvenile Delinquency Became an International Post-War Concern : The United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Place of Greece
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When Juvenile Delinquency Became an International Post-War Concern : The United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Place of Greece

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When Juvenile Delinquency Became an International Post-War Concern : The United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Place of Greece

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"This book examines how the intensive discussions about the issue of juvenile delinquency in the new international organizations (United Nations, World Health Organization, Council of Europe), which emerged after the end of the Second World War, internationalized the anxieties generated in the fifties and sixties by its purported increase in Europe and beyond. Greece, a regular member-state, anxious to ensure international legitimacy in the aftermath of the Civil War, presented abroad an embellished picture of the measures undertaken at home for the prevention and containment of juvenile delinquency, sidestepping the strong moralism and the juridical formalism that dominated both official and unofficial approaches."

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  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright
  3. Body
  4. Preface
  5. Introduction
  6. Transnational anxieties over juvenile elinquency: a post-war issue
  7. Debating juvenile delinquency in the international fora: experts and others
  8. Dealing with juvenile delinquency the Greek way: between penalization and morality
  9. Greece as part of the new international organizations: the patriotic duty of embellishment
  10. Conclusion
  11. Sources
  12. Published
  13. Bibliography