James Allen: Complete Collection
eBook - ePub

James Allen: Complete Collection

James Allen, Reading Time

  1. 7,000 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

James Allen: Complete Collection

James Allen, Reading Time

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Über dieses Buch

CONTENTS: 1901 - From Poverty to Power 1902 - As A Man Thinketh 1903 - All These Things Added 1903 - Through the Gates of Good or Christ and Conduct 1904 - Byways to Blessedness1904 - Out From The Heart 1907 - Poems of peace; including the lyrical dramatic poem Eolaus1908 - The Life Triumphant - Mastering the Heart And Mind 1909 - Morning And Evening Thoughts 1909 - The Mastery of Destiny 1910 - Above Life's Turmoil 1910 - From Passion to Peace 1911 - Eight Pillars of Prosperity 1911 - Man-King of Mind, Body and Circumstance1912 - Light on Life's Difficulties1913 - Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success1913 - James Allen's book of meditations for Every Day in the Year 1914 - Men And Systems 1915 - The Shining Gateway 1919 - The Divine Companion

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1. From poverty to power (1901)

or the realization of prosperity and peace


I looked around upon the world, and saw that it was shadowed by sorrow and scorched by the fierce fires of suffering. And I looked for the cause. I looked around, but could not find it; I looked in books, but could not find it; I looked within, and found there both the cause and the self-made nature of that cause. I looked again, and deeper, and found the remedy.
I found one Law, the Law of Love; one Life, the Life of adjustment to that Law; one Truth, the truth of a conquered mind and a quiet and obedient heart. And I dreamed of writing a book which should help men and women, whether rich or poor, learned or unlearned, worldly or unworldly, to find within themselves the source of all success, all happiness, all accomplishment, all truth. And the dream remained with me, and at last became substantial; and now I send it forth into the world on its mission of healing and blessedness, knowing that it cannot fail to reach the homes and hearts of those who are waiting and ready to receive it.
James Allen.

Part I

The path of prosperity

Part I

The path of prosperity


The lesson of evil

Unrest and pain and sorrow are the shadows of life. There is no heart in all the world that has not felt the sting of pain, no mind has not been tossed upon the dark waters of trouble, no eye that has not wept the hot blinding tears of unspeakable anguish.
There is no household where the Great Destroyers, disease and death, have not entered, severing heart from heart, and casting over all the dark pall of sorrow. In the strong, and apparently indestructible meshes of evil all are more or less fast caught, and pain, unhappiness, and misfortune wait upon mankind.
With the object of escaping, or in some way mitigating this overshadowing gloom, men and women rush blindly into innumerable devices, pathways by which they fondly hope to enter into a happiness which will not pass away.
Such are the drunkard and the harlot, who revel in sensual excitements; such is the exclusive aesthete, who shuts himself out from the sorrows of the world, and surrounds himself with enervating luxuries; such is he who thirsts for wealth or fame, and subordinates all things to the achievement of that object; and such are they who seek consolation in the performance of religious rites.
And to all the happiness sought seems to come, and the soul, for a time, is lulled into a sweet security, and an intoxicating forgetfulness of the existence of evil; but the day of disease comes at last, or some great sorrow, temptation, or misfortune breaks suddenly in on the unfortified soul, and the fabric of its fancied happiness is torn to shreds.
So over the head of every personal joy hangs the Damocletian sword of pain, ready, at any moment, to fall and crush the soul of him who is unprotected by knowledge.
The child cries to be a man or woman; the man and woman sigh for the lost felicity of childhood. The poor man chafes under the chains of poverty by which he is bound, and the rich man often lives in fear of poverty, or scours the world in search of an elusive shadow he calls happiness.
Sometimes the soul feels that it has found a secure peace and happiness in adopting a certain religion, in embracing an intellectual philosophy, or in building up an intellectual or artistic ideal; but some overpowering temptation proves the religion to be inadequate or insufficient; the theoretical philosophy is found to be a useless prop; or in a moment, the idealistic statue upon which the devotee has for years been laboring, is shattered into fragments at his feet.
Is there, then, no way of escape from pain and sorrow? Are there no means by which bonds of evil may be broken? Is permanent happiness, secure prosperity, and abiding peace a foolish dream?
No, there is a way, and I speak it with gladness, by which evil can be slain for ever; there is a process by which disease, poverty, or any adverse condition or circumstance can be put on one side never to return; there is a method by which a permanent prosperity can be secured, free from all fear of the return of adversity, and there is a practice by which unbroken and unending peace and bliss can be partaken of and realized.
And the beginning of the way which leads to this glorious realization is the acquirement of a right understanding of the nature of evil.
It is not sufficient to deny or ignore evil; it must be understood. It is not enough to pray to God to remove the evil; you must find out why it is there, and what lesson it has for you.
It is of no avail to fret and fume and chafe at the chains which bind you; you must know why and how you are bound. Therefore, reader, you must get outside yourself, and must begin to examine and understand yourself.
You must cease to be a disobedient child in the school of experience and must begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that are set for your edification and ultimate perfection; for evil, when rightly understood, is found to be, not an unlimited power or principle in the universe, but a passing phase of human experience, and it therefore becomes a teacher to those who are willing to learn.
Evil is not an abstract some thing outside yourself; it is an experience in your own heart, and by patiently examining and rectifying your heart you will be gradually led into the discovery of the origin and nature of evil, which will necessarily be followed by its complete eradication.
All evil is corrective and remedial, and is therefore not permanent. It is rooted in ignorance, ignorance of the true nature and relation of things, and so long as we remain in that state of ignorance, we remain subject to evil.
There is no evil in the universe which is not the result of ignorance,...


  1. Complete Works
  2. About James Allen
  3. 1. From poverty to power (1901)
  4. Foreword
  5. The path of prosperity
  6. The lesson of evil
  7. The world a reflex of mental states
  8. The way out of undesirable conditions
  9. The silent power of thought: controlling and directing one’s forces
  10. The secret of health, success and power
  11. The secret of abounding happiness
  12. The realization of prosperity
  13. The way of peace
  14. The power of meditation
  15. The two masters, self and truth
  16. The acquirement of spiritual power
  17. The realization of selfless love
  18. Entering into the infinite
  19. Saints, sages, and saviors: the law of service
  20. The realization of perfect peace
  21. 2. As a man thinketh (1902)
  22. Foreword
  23. Thought and Character
  24. Effect of Thought on Circumstances
  25. Effect of Thought on Health and the Body
  26. Thought and Purpose
  27. The Thought-Factor in Achievement
  28. Visions and Ideals
  29. Serenity
  30. 3. All These Things Added (1903)
  31. Foreword
  32. Entering the Kingdom
  33. The Soul’s Great Need
  34. The Competitive Laws and the Law of Love
  35. The Finding of a Principle
  36. At Rest in the Kingdom and All Things Added
  37. The Heavenly Life
  38. The Divine Centre
  39. The Eternal Now
  40. The "Original Simplicity"
  41. The Unfailing Wisdom
  42. The Might Of Meekness
  43. The Righteous Man
  44. Perfect Love
  45. Perfect Freedom
  46. Greatness And Goodness
  47. Heaven In The Heart
  48. 4. Through the Gates of Good (1903)
  49. Introduction
  50. The Gate And The Way
  51. The Law And The Prophets
  52. The Yoke And The Burden
  53. The Word And The Doer
  54. The Vine And The Branches
  55. Salvation This Day
  56. 5. Byways to Blessedness (1904)
  57. Foreword
  58. Right Beginnings
  59. Small Tasks and Duties
  60. Transcending Difficulties and Perplexities
  61. Burden-Dropping
  62. Hidden Sacrifices
  63. Sympathy
  64. Forgiveness
  65. Seeing No Evil
  66. Abiding Joy
  67. Silentness
  68. Solitude
  69. Standing Alone
  70. Understanding the Simple Laws of Life
  71. Happy Endings
  72. 6. Out from the Heart (1904)
  73. The Heart and The Life
  74. The Nature and Power of Mind
  75. Formation of Habit
  76. Doing and Knowing
  77. First Steps in The Higher Life
  78. Mental Conditions and Their Effects
  79. Exhortation
  80. 7. Poems of peace including the lyrical dramatic poem Eolaus (1907)
  81. Eolaus
  82. Buddha
  83. If men only understood
  84. Practice and perception
  85. Liberty
  86. Long I sought thee
  87. Reality
  88. To-morrow and to-day
  89. Star of wisdom
  90. Would you scale the highest heaven
  91. To them that seek the highest good
  92. One thing lacking
  93. Yashas
  94. The lowly way
  95. The music of the sea
  96. Love’s conquest
  97. To my daughter Nora on her tenth birthday
  98. The inward purity
  99. Self-sacrifice
  100. I take refuge in truth
  101. I, truth, am thy redeemer
  102. The white robe
  103. The righteous man
  104. Choice
  105. Truth triumphant
  106. O thou who would’st teach!
  107. If thou would’st right the world
  108. What of the night?
  109. Knowledge
  110. The end of evil
  111. Man divine
  112. Patience
  113. Restored
  114. On releasing a captive bird
  115. Art thou in sorrow?
  116. When I am pure
  117. Immortality
  118. Are you searching?
  119. 8. The Life Triumphant: Mastering the heart and mind (1908)
  120. Foreword
  121. Faith and Courage
  122. Manliness, Womanliness and Sincerity
  123. Energy and Power
  124. Self-Control and Happiness
  125. Simplicity and Freedom
  126. Right Thinking and Repose
  127. Calmness and Resource
  128. Insight and Nobility
  129. Man the Master
  130. Knowledge and Victory
  131. 9. Morning and evening thoughts (1909)
  132. First Morning
  133. First Evening
  134. Second Morning
  135. Second Evening
  136. Third Morning
  137. Third Evening
  138. Fourth Morning
  139. Fourth Evening
  140. Fifth Morning
  141. Fifth Evening
  142. Sixth Morning
  143. Sixth Evening
  144. Seventh Morning
  145. Seventh Evening
  146. Eight Morning
  147. Eight Evening
  148. Ninth Morning
  149. Ninth Evening
  150. Tenth Morning
  151. Tenth Evening
  152. Eleventh Morning
  153. Eleventh Evening
  154. Twelfth Morning
  155. Twelfth Evening
  156. Thirteenth Morning
  157. Thirteenth Evening
  158. Fourteenth Morning
  159. Fourteenth Evening
  160. Fifteenth Morning
  161. Fifteenth Evening
  162. Sixteenth Morning
  163. Sixteenth Evening
  164. Seventeenth Morning
  165. Seventeenth Evening
  166. Eighteenth Morning
  167. Eighteenth Evening
  168. Nineteenth Morning
  169. Nineteenth Evening
  170. Twentieth Morning
  171. Twentieth Evening
  172. Twenty-First Morning
  173. Twenty-First Evening
  174. Twenty-Second Morning
  175. Twenty-Second Evening
  176. Twenty-Third Morning
  177. Twenty-Third Evening
  178. Twenty-Fourth Morning
  179. Twenty-Fourth Evening
  180. Twenty-Fifth Morning
  181. Twenty-Fifth Evening
  182. Twenty-Sixth Morning
  183. Twenty-Sixth Evening
  184. Twenty-Seventh Morning
  185. Twenty-Seventh Evening
  186. Twenty-Eighth Morning
  187. Twenty-Eighth Evening
  188. Twenty-Ninth Morning
  189. Twenty-Ninth Evening
  190. Thirtieth Morning
  191. Thirtieth Evening
  192. Thirty-First Morning
  193. Thirty-First Evening
  194. 10. The Mastery of Destiny (1909)
  195. Deeds, Character, and Destiny
  196. The Science of Self-Control
  197. Cause and Effect in Human Conduct
  198. Training of the Will
  199. Thoroughness
  200. Mind-Building and Life-Building
  201. Cultivation of Concentration
  202. Practice of Meditation
  203. The Power of Purpose
  204. The Joy of Accomplishment
  205. 11. Above Life’s Turmoil (1910)
  206. Foreword
  207. True Happiness
  208. The Immortal Man
  209. The Overcoming of Self
  210. The Uses of Temptation
  211. The Man of Integrity
  212. Discrimination
  213. Belief, the Basis of Action
  214. The Belief that Saves
  215. Thought and Action
  216. Your Mental Attitude
  217. Sowing and Reaping
  218. The Reign of Law
  219. The Supreme Justice
  220. The Use of Reason
  221. Self-Discipline
  222. Resolution
  223. The Glorious Conquest
  224. Contentment in Activity
  225. The Temple of Brotherhood
  226. Pleasant Pastures of Peace
  227. 12. From Passion to Peace (1910)
  228. Foreword
  229. Passion
  230. Aspiration
  231. Temptation
  232. Transmutation
  233. Transcendence
  234. Beatitude
  235. Peace
  236. 13. Eight pillars of prosperity (1911)
  237. Preface
  238. Eight Pillars
  239. First pillar – Energy
  240. Second pillar – Economy
  241. Third pillar – Integrity
  242. Fourth pillar – System
  243. Fifth pillar – Sympathy
  244. Sixth pillar – Sincerity
  245. Seventh pillar – Impartiality
  246. Eighth pillar – Self-reliance
  247. The temple of prosperity
  248. 14. Man: king of mind, body, and circumstance (1911)
  249. Foreword
  250. The inner world of thoughts
  251. The outer world of things
  252. Habit: its slavery and its freedom
  253. Bodily conditions
  254. Poverty
  255. Man’s spiritual dominion
  256. Conquest: not resignation
  257. 15. Light on life’s Difficulties (1912)
  258. Foreword
  259. The Light That Leads to Perfect Peace
  260. Light on Facts and Hypotheses
  261. Light on the Law of Cause and Effect in Human Life
  262. Light on Values— Spiritual and Material
  263. Light on the Sense of Proportion
  264. Light on Adherence to Principle
  265. Light on the Sacrifice of the Self
  266. Light on the Management of the Mind
  267. Light on Self-Control: The Door of Heaven
  268. Light on Acts and Their Consequences
  269. Light on the Way of Wisdom
  270. Light on Disposition
  271. Light on Individual Liberty
  272. Light on the Blessing and Dignity of Work
  273. Light on Good Manners and Refinement
  274. Light on Diversities of Creeds
  275. Light on Law and Miracle
  276. Light on War and Peace
  277. Light on the Brotherhood of Man
  278. Light on Life’s Sorrows
  279. Light on Life’s Changes
  280. Light on the Truth of Transitoriness
  281. The Light That Never Goes Out
  282. 16. Foundation stones to happiness and success (1913)
  283. Preface
  284. Foreword
  285. Right principles
  286. Sound methods
  287. True actions
  288. True speech
  289. Equal-mindedness
  290. Good results
  291. 17. James Allen’s book of meditations for Every Day in the Year (1913)
  292. .
  293. Preface
  294. January
  295. February
  296. March
  297. April
  298. May
  299. June
  300. July
  301. August
  302. September
  303. October
  304. November
  305. December
  306. 18. Men and systems (1914)
  307. Introduction
  308. Their correlations and combined results
  309. Work, wages, and well-being
  310. The survival of the fittest as a divine law
  311. Justice in evil
  312. Justice and love
  313. Self-protection: animal, human, and divine
  314. Aviation and the new consciousness
  315. The new courage
  316. 19. The Shining Gateway (1915)
  317. Foreword
  318. The shining gateway of meditation
  319. Temptation
  320. Regeneration
  321. Actions and motives
  322. Morality and religion
  323. Memory, repetition, and habit
  324. Words and wisdom
  325. Truth made manifest
  326. Spiritual humility
  327. Spiritual strength
  328. 20. The Divine Companion (1919)
  329. Foreword
  330. The Divine Companion
  331. Truth as Awakener
  332. Truth as Consoler
  333. Truth as Redeemer
  334. Truth as Reconciler
  335. Truth as Protector
  336. The Divine Dialogue
  337. Of Seeking and Finding
  338. Of Entering the Way
  339. Of Discipline and Purification
  340. Of Renunciation
  341. Of Purity of Heart
  342. Of Righteousness
  343. Of Knowledge of the Law
  344. Benediction
  345. The Divine Messages
  346. The First Prophecy, called the Awakening
  347. The Second Prophecy, called the Messiah
  348. The Third prophecy, called the All - One
  349. The Fourth Prophecy, called Unrest
  350. The Fifth Prophecy, called Transition
  351. The Sixth Prophecy, called Peace
  352. The First Exhortation, concerning Purity
  353. The Second Exhortation, concerning Humility
  354. The Third Exhortation, concerning Love
  355. Instruction, concerning the Master
  356. Instruction, concerning the Law
  357. Instruction, concerning The Great Reality
  358. Discourse Concerning The Way of Truth
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APA 6 Citation

Allen, J., & Time, R. (2019). James Allen: Complete Collection ([edition unavailable]). Reading Time. Retrieved from https://www.perlego.com/book/2496569/james-allen-complete-collection-pdf (Original work published 2019)

Chicago Citation

Allen, James, and Reading Time. (2019) 2019. James Allen: Complete Collection. [Edition unavailable]. Reading Time. https://www.perlego.com/book/2496569/james-allen-complete-collection-pdf.

Harvard Citation

Allen, J. and Time, R. (2019) James Allen: Complete Collection. [edition unavailable]. Reading Time. Available at: https://www.perlego.com/book/2496569/james-allen-complete-collection-pdf (Accessed: 15 October 2022).

MLA 7 Citation

Allen, James, and Reading Time. James Allen: Complete Collection. [edition unavailable]. Reading Time, 2019. Web. 15 Oct. 2022.