The 5 Roles of Leadership
eBook - ePub

The 5 Roles of Leadership

Tools & best practices for personable and effective leaders

  1. 190 Seiten
  2. German
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The 5 Roles of Leadership

Tools & best practices for personable and effective leaders

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Über dieses Buch

Have you mastered the 5 roles of the ideal leader?Good leaders know that professional expertise isn't everything. You have to know how to use that expertise effectively, and you'll do that by having the most crucial leadership skills. But leadership skills are often neglected during training, in school, and even at work. Instead, the focus is almost entirely on basic professional skills, leaving essential leadership training far behind. Due to this lack of training, many managers fail to deal with their team in an ideal manner; as a result, they experience internal conflicts, a lack of team motivation, and mediocre communication on a daily basis.So where does a professional go to learn the leadership skills that really help move the needle?This book compiles the world's best 21st-century leadership tools to help you gain success and recognition as a leader, allowing you to take your leadership skills, and your career, to the next level.With his signature concise style, renown leadership trainer Wladislaw Jachtchenko reveals how you can master these 5 roles and become the ideal leader.Role 1: The charismatic and convincingcommunicator!Role 2: The always efficient and effectivemanager!Role 3: The motivatingteam leaderwho knows how to delegate!Role 4: The empatheticpsychologistinteracting consistently with each employee!Role 5: The skilledproblem solverwho manages conflict and implements change!The author makes sure to give you concrete, proven tools and the best practices on every page so that you can take these actionable directives and immediately integrate them into your daily routine.The result: You will become the kind of leader that people want to follow; the kind of leader who empowers their team and gets things done.

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Leadership as a Multidimensional Task

Being a leader is a multidimensional task. Effective leaders embody and master the five roles that great leadership entails in any industry:
Role 1: The Convincing Communicator
Role 2: The Effective Manager
Role 3: The Motivating Team Leader
Role 4: The Empathetic Psychologist
Role 5: The Skilled Problem Solver
This book will empower you to integrate these five roles into your daily work life and become the most effective and personable leader you can be.
As the Convincing Communicator, you’re charismatic in convincing your employees and business partners in any situation. To do that you need the body language and voice of a leader as well as argumentative persuasion techniques you can apply to convince others of your point of view. Communication is never a one-way street, however, so superb listening skills are also part and parcel of every successful leader’s rhetorical repertoire. As a professional communicator, you create an open feedback culture in your organization. You communicate values and visions in a way that leaves your employees motivated and eager to come to work. This section provides you with the rhetorical tools you need to master everyday communication with confidence (on page 10).
As the Effective Manager, you are always effective and efficient in your work. And with the help of the proven techniques presented in this book, you’ll be able to increase your output without ever overworking yourself. These techniques for effectiveness and efficiency are easily integrated into your everyday life, and several practical exercises help you solidify them as the new norm for productivity (on page 47).
As the Team Leader, you effortlessly motivate your team and delegate appropriate tasks to your employees. You set clear directions and ensure that company plans are successfully implemented, even in the presence of unforeseen difficulties. Above all, the question of how you can consistently motivate individual employees is essential for day-to-day work. However, the arts of leading groups effectively, negotiating successfully, and adapting your leadership style to the maturity level of each employee are also crucial leadership skills (on page 77).
As the Empathetic Psychologist, you’re aware of the different personality types and approach each employee empathetically according to their character. In this section, you will learn the essentials about various types of people and how to find common ground even with difficult employees. Employee performance reviews are the key to connecting with your employee, so learning how to conduct them successfully ensures your success. And you can’t forget about team building—both when hiring new employees and within the existing team, your goal is to ensure that employees see themselves as a team and work together as one (on page 132).
As the Skilled Problem Solver, you resolve any conflicts within your team and are responsible for change management. Because necessary and sometimes unpopular decisions must be implemented in the interests of an organization, your success as a leader depends on your ability to manage conflicts and initiate necessary changes. The problem-solving tools presented in this section will help you fulfill this role with professionalism (starting on page 158).
Mastering these five roles is, of course, a big challenge. But believe me: You definitely want to take it on, because becoming an ideal leader will bring you inner fulfillment and continuously better feedback from employees and customers. By setting off on the path to mastering the five roles of a leader, you commit yourself to constant improvement.
This concise and easy to understand book is designed to teach you the best tools for mastering the five roles of leadership in just a few hours. You won’t find any pseudo-scientific banter or endless footnotes here; we get right down to business, starting with talking about the five leadership roles in more detail.

The Five Roles of a Successful Leader

The first and most important role of a leader is the Convincing Communicator. It’s true for every manager: communication is not everything, but without communication, there’s nothing. For most of the day, managers are busy communicating with employees, customers, their own bosses, by phone, email, face-to-face, and in video conferences. Being able to communicate successfully is obviously invaluable, and it’s no secret that not all managers have tapped into their communication potential. This chapter therefore goes over some special rhetorical tips for helping you better manage your everyday communication.

The Convincing Communicator:
Rhetoric for Managers

Chapter overview:
  1. Arguments are SEXI
  2. Talking is silver—listening is gold
  3. Body language is king
  4. The voice sets the mood
  5. Creating an open feedback culture
  6. Clearly communicating values and visions
  1. Arguments are SEXI
    Managers are supposed to be naturally convincing. But what is the best way to convince someone of something? With a convincing argument, of course. Yet most people are not actually familiar with the elements that make up a persuasive argument. The first tool I would like to introduce is called the SEXI model. With this model, you can improve your argumentation skills and convince your colleagues and customers faster in just four steps.
    1. First stage of the argument: The Statement
      Every good persuasion process begins with a thesis, what we call the statement. With a statement, your employee or customer gets to know the starting point of your thought process. It’s a good idea to formulate your statement as clearly and concisely as possible at the beginning of a conversation. Nothing too fancy, in other words, because your audience simply doesn’t have time to listen to a long story. No matter the role or position, everybody has crowded schedules these days (we’ll get to the topic of efficient to-do lists in the Techniques for Efficiency and Effectiveness section). And even without the added pressure and stress of a deadline, people just like to be informed right away.
    2. Second stage of the argument: The Explanation
      This second stage of the argument follows immediately after the statement. The explanation gives reasons for why the statement is correct. In my 15+ years of being a coach, I’ve noticed that this second stage of argumentation is the most difficult one to master for most managers. Their explanations are often only two or three sentences lo...


  1. Introduction: Leadership as a Multidimensional Task
  2. The Five Roles of a Successful Leader
  3. The Convincing Communicator: Rhetoric for Managers
  4. The Effective Manager: Productivity Techniques & Time Management
  5. The Motivating Team Leader: Leading Teams & Motivating Employees
  6. The Empathetic Psychologist: Personality Types & Team Building
  7. The Skilled Problem Solver: Conflict Management & Change Management
  8. Conclusion: Self-motivation as the Key to Success
  9. 10 Reading Recommendations
  10. About the Author