Jahrbuch Psychotherapie - NLP - in practice
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Jahrbuch Psychotherapie - NLP - in practice

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Jahrbuch Psychotherapie - NLP - in practice

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Über dieses Buch

IntroductionNLP has its roots in three very famous Psychotherapists. It developed in the early 70s.In those days Richard Bandler and John Grinder observed and modelled what really workedin the approaches of the founder of Gestalt Therapy, Fritz Perls, the Grande Dame of Family Therapy, Virginia Satir and the very famous Hypnotherapist, Milton Erikson.They brought togeth-er the very best of these approaches and developed easy to apply step-by-step protocols(NLP interventions) that can be highly effective and success-ful used in Psychotherapy, Management, Education and all areas of human communication. Therefore, I'm very happy for the opportunity to present in this Year-book for Psychotherapy 2022 the latestdevelopments in NLP of very expe-rienced Master Trainers from all over the world who have a long and rich experience in using NLP. All of the authors, except Hamid Reza Yousefi – he is Psychological Psychotherapist and Psycho-oncologist –, are "NLP Master Trainer, IN" in the International Association of NLP Institutes with 8, 600+ members in 91 countries.Nandana Nielsen from Germany presents how Virginia Satir influenced NLP.When she developed the Parts Party she also established the roots of Constellation, the positive intention of inner psychic parts and NLP Refram-ing.Reza Omraie from Iran explains how to use NLP for Anxiety Disorders.He describes his own personal experiences in psychological-psycho-therapeutic practice and provides a broad perspective insight into current therapeutic and methodological fields that are included in psychological-therapeutic practice. Hamid Reza Yousefi from Germany introduces his systemic concept of Mixurative Psychotherapy where the psychotherapeutic use of NLP is a fundamental part of this approach.The aim of his resource- and solution-oriented method is to restore the psychological balance and to deal with psychological stress in a systemic way.

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  1. Cover
  2. Titelei
  3. Impressum
  4. Inhaltsverzeichnis
  5. Introduction
  6. Nandana Nielsen - How Virginia Satir influenced NLP
  7. Reza Omraei - Anxiety Disorder
  8. Hamid Reza Yousefi - The systemic conceptof Mixurative Psychotherapy
  9. Habiba Zmerli Triki and Sehil Triki - Impact of NLP and Hypnosis Coaching Toolsto Support Medical Staff
  10. Bruce Grimley - The 7C’s of coaching and therapy
  11. Alicja Gałązka - NLP and positive coaching strategies
  12. Christian Hanisch - Solving dysfunctional cognitions (beliefs)by reversing Pavlovian conditioning (anchoring)by NLP & emotionSync®
  13. Brian Cullen - NLP and Magic Moments in Music, in Education, and in Life
  14. Karl Nielsen - Health Happiness & Success
  15. Book reviews
  16. Published issues