Captured Voices
eBook - PDF

Captured Voices

Sound Recordings of Prisoners of War from the Sound Archive 1915 - 1918

  1. 400 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Captured Voices

Sound Recordings of Prisoners of War from the Sound Archive 1915 - 1918

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Über dieses Buch

»In the land of Germany, they don't understand a word, and I don't speak in shame.« These words were sung by Jasbahadur Rai on 6th June 1916 into the funnel of a gramophone. As an Indian colonial soldier of the British Army, he was located in a prisoner of war camp in Wünsdorf, not far from Berlin in Germany, at the time of his sound recording. He sang in his language about how he perceived Germany, and at the same time that he hardly dared to speak. To whom did he speak when he raised his voice nonetheless?The cultural studies scholar Britta Lange researched sound recordings of male prisoners of war from the Sound Archive of the Humboldt University of Berlin produced in German camps during the First World War by scientists of the Royal Prussian Phonographic Commission. In this book, she traces the voices that are preserved today on shellac records. Each chapter constitutes a new encounter and raises complex questions: How can the historical testimonies not only be heard but also be listened to today? And what forms of translation do they demand? Captured in multiple ways, the voices in this comprehensive study not only reveal their historical making as sound recordings, but also reflect contemporary interpretations of archival and scholarly practice.The English e-book includes a streaming feature for the sound recordings co-produced by Britta Lange and Sebastian Schwesinger.It is translated from German by Dr. Rubaica Jaliwala as part of a grant from the Deutscher Übersetzerfonds.

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  1. Title
  2. Imprint
  3. Content
  4. Note of the translator, by Rubaica Jaliwala
  5. Making listening audible, by Schwesinger
  6. Listening to the sound files
  7. 00 Translations
  8. 01 Jasbahadur Rai – O listen, listen
  9. 02 In the archive
  10. 03 Phonography
  11. 04 Ibrahim Halimoff – Earth, sun, moon
  12. 05 John Eggers – A story of the prodigal son
  13. 06 Jean Beauseigneur – In the trenches
  14. 07 I would have to listen to it a few more times
  15. 08 Pjotr Kurijz – On 4th August
  16. 09 Ramadan Salibota – Red water
  17. 10 When I translated this
  18. 11 Jámafáda – The war is horrifying
  19. 12 Call to prayer by Nur Muhammed Hisameddin
  20. 13 Sãdåk Berrěʃid – My bloodflowed in streams
  21. 14 Seoraj Singh – What has never been seen and never been heard
  22. 15 Story of the seagull
  23. 16 A story that makes you happy
  24. 17 Chote Singh – I am a prisoner of war
  25. 18 Bhawan Singh – Ghosts
  26. 19 Jasbahadur Rai – Green peepal, grass, leaves and the cuckoo
  27. Captured Voices: An epilogue, by Thomas Macho
  28. List of German institutions
  29. List of sources
  30. Bibliography
  31. Index of historical persons
  32. Thanks