Electrified Voices
eBook - PDF

Electrified Voices

Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer

  1. 416 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Electrified Voices

Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer

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Über dieses Buch

The aim of this book is to explore the phenomenon of the electrified voice through interdisciplinary approaches such as media and technology studies, social history, and comparative cultural studies. The book focuses on three problem clusters: reflections on the societal level about the task of electronic voice transmission; the mediation of gender- and occupation-specific vocal stereotypes in audio and audio-visual formats; and the genesis of such vocal stereotypes in national radio and film cultures. Such a historicizing approach to societal experience in the field of voice mediation, including the use and interpretation of voice media, is today of great relevance in light of the collective learning processes currently triggered by rapid advances in technology.

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  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Body
  5. Dmitri Zakharine: Preface: Electrified Voices. Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer
  6. Walter Sendlmeier: Introduction: Voice—Emotion—Personality
  7. E-Voices: From Soundscape to Sound-Design
  8. David Sonnenschein: Sound Spheres and the Human Voice
  9. Barry Truax: Voices in the Soundscape: From Cellphones to Soundscape Composition
  10. 3 The Alternative Voice
  11. 4 Conclusion
  12. References
  13. Friederike Wissmann: About the Generation of Affects in Serial Music: On Luciano Berio's Composition “Thema. Omaggio a Joyce” (1958)
  14. Gendered E-Voices and Listening Community
  15. Philip Brophy: Evaporate Music 1: Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization
  16. Nicola Dibben: The Intimate Singing Voice: Auditory Spatial Perception and Emotion in Pop Recordings
  17. Kate Lacey: Speaking Up and Listening Out: Media Technologies and the Re-Sounding of the Public Sphere
  18. Jason Loviglio: U.S. Public Radio, Social Change, and the Gendered Voice
  19. E-Voice Synthesis and E-Voice Montage. Techniques and Social Meaning
  20. Liubov Pchelkina: The Biomechanics of Voice and Movement in the Solomon Nikritin's Projection Theatre (1920s)
  21. Andrey Smirnov: Synthesized Voices of the Revolutionary Utopia: Early Attempts to Synthesize Speaking and Singing Voice in Post-Revolutionary Russia (1920s)
  22. Lydia Kavina: Thereminvox
  23. Dmitri Zakharine: Voice—E-Voice-Design—E-Voice-Community: Early Public Debates about the Emotional Quality of Radio and TV Announcers' Voices in Germany, the Soviet Union and the USA (1920–1940)
  24. Folke Müller: Die Tonhöhe historischer Filmstimmen als soziolinguistische Variable
  25. Natascha Drubek: The Exploited Recordings: Czech and German Voices in the Film “Theresienstadt: Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet” (1944–5)
  26. Konstantin Kaminskij: The Voices of the Cosmos. Electronic Synthesis of Special Sound Effects in Soviet vs. American Science Fiction Movies from Sputnik 1 to Apollo 8
  27. Hans-Ulrich Wagner: Sounds like the Sixties: Approaches to Analyze Radio Aesthetic in the Past
  28. Susan Smith: `The shock of each moment, of still being alive'. Vocal Sensations in Boom! (Losey, 1968)
  29. Nils Meise: “Seven-six-two millimeter. Full, metal, jacket”. Voice and Sound in Popular Late 20th Century War Movies
  30. Golo Föllmer: Theoretical-methodical Approaches to Radio Aesthetics: Qualitative Characteristics of Channel-Identity
  31. Philip Preuß and Steffen Lepa: Alien Voices: The Sonic Construction of Foreignness in Science Fiction
  32. Christofer Jost: Computer-Based Analysis of Audiovisual Material
  33. Human Voice Cultures, which Resisted Electrification
  34. Bernd Brabec de Mori: A Medium of Magical Power: How to do Things with Voices in the Western Amazon
  35. Tanja Zimmermann: The Voice of Gusle and its Resistance Against Electrification
  36. Authors