Gentrification in Neighbourhood Development
eBook - PDF

Gentrification in Neighbourhood Development

Case Studies from New York City, Berlin and Vienna

  1. 289 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Gentrification in Neighbourhood Development

Case Studies from New York City, Berlin and Vienna

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Über dieses Buch

This book aims at a comprehensive understanding of diverging urban rejuvenation practices and gentrification processes in New York City, Berlin and Vienna. Regulative and supportive mechanisms at policy and planning level have been identified through a comparative analysis of urban rejuvenation policies and actors' embeddedness. Those mechanisms enable the development of contextualised parameters that support projection attempts of future gentrification processes at the neighbourhood level. As a result, a reflective understanding of gentrification and policy recommendations are drawn at a general level. The recommendations refer to the political understanding of gentrification and its role in urban development. This analysis argues that cities should include gentrification as a driving force in urban policies. However, processes of gentrification require mediation and monitoring by public authorities who should be aware of the risk of social fragmentation. As a consequence, cities should move towards a social entrepreneurial city that moves beyond the simple distribution of financial resources and responsibilities and ensures social responsibility within the force field of ongoing neoliberal forces.

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  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Body
  5. A. Introduction: Urban Regeneration as the Key Driver of Competitive Cities
  6. Body
  7. Body
  8. Body
  9. Body
  10. Body
  11. B. Assorted Theories, Terms and Concepts with Regard to Urban Rejuvenation Practices
  12. C. From Urban Rejuvenation to Gentrification: Urban Planning Practices in New York, Vienna and Berlin
  13. D. Findings and Policy Recommendations
  14. E. Bibliography
  15. F. List of Tables
  16. G. List of Figures
  17. H. List of Maps