Ophthalmology for the Veterinary Practitioner
eBook - PDF

Ophthalmology for the Veterinary Practitioner

  1. 272 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF
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Über dieses Buch

The standard work for ophthalmology in veterinary practise – now completely revised and extended. In its modern layout, the new edition continues a tried and tested concept. The present day developments in ophthalmological diagnostics and therapy are supplemented comprehensively throughout the book. In ophthalmology, the paramount maxim is "Learning by doing". This book provides a concrete guide to diagnostics and therapy of all important eye diseases in small animals especially for those general veterinary practitioners without any specific experience in ophthalmology and to students. It enables the determination of a diagnosis even without specialised instruments, while at the same time it gives answers to the important questions: When should an eye patient be referred to a specialist? Which preparations are necessary for doing this?Specific veterinary features in pet animals, horses, birds and farm animals are compared. A special chapter dedicated to ophthalmological emergencies enables quick and assured actions to be undertaken in emergency situations. The structure of the book follows the steps of a clinical examination making it particularly user–friendly. First–class new colour photographs and instructive drawings illustrate symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods.

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  1. Front Cover
  2. Back Cover
  3. Copyright
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Body
  6. Index