Physical optics of dynamic phenomena and processes in macromolecular systems
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Physical optics of dynamic phenomena and processes in macromolecular systems

Proceedings. 27th Microsymposium on Macromolecules, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 16–19, 1984

  1. 570 Seiten
  2. German
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Physical optics of dynamic phenomena and processes in macromolecular systems

Proceedings. 27th Microsymposium on Macromolecules, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 16–19, 1984

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  3. A. Dilute and Semidilute Solutions
  4. Hydrodynamics of Polymer Chain in Dilute Solution
  5. QELS from Very Long and Semiflexible Filaments in Solution
  6. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Anisotropy in Translational Diffusion with Special Reference to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  7. Molecular Weight and Second Virial Coefficient Influences on the Concentration Dependence of Diffusion Coefficient of Polystyrene Molecules in Dilute Solution
  8. The Concentration Dependence of Dimensions of Flexible Polymer Molecules in Solution
  9. Diffusion and Relaxation in Polymer-Solvent Systems by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
  10. Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering in Semi-Dilute Solutions at the e-Temperature
  11. Light Scattering Observations of the Plateau Modulus in Semi-Dilute Theta Solutions
  12. Dynamic Light Scattering on Semidilute Solutions of Polystyrene as a Function of Solvent Quality
  13. Dynamic Properties of Entangled Polymer Solutions by Forced Rayleigh Light Scattering
  14. Dynamics of Polyelectrolytes in Aqueous Solutions Probed by Electro-Optical Relaxation
  15. Dynamic Light Scattering from a Rod-Like Polymer in Semidilute Solution
  16. Laser Light Scattering of Dilute and Semi-Dilute Hydrosoluble Biopolymer and Synthetic Polyelectrolyte Solutions
  17. B. Concentrated Systems: Gels and Solids
  18. Statistical Theory of Streaming Birefringence in Temporary Polymer Networks
  19. Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering of an Irreversible Sol-Gel Transition
  20. Microphase Separation in Poly(acrylamide- bisacrylamide) Copolymerized Gels
  21. Rayleigh and Brillouin Scattering from Linear Polymer During Gelation
  22. Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering Studies of the Diffusion of Compact Macromolecules through Gels
  23. Slow Diffusion of Labeled Macromolecules Studied by a Holographic Grating Technique
  24. Mechanical Stability of Gels Undergoing Large Swelling
  25. Photon Correlation Spectra of Amorphous Low Molecular Weight Polyethyl Methacrylate above the Glass Transition Temperature
  26. Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering of Amorphous Polymers
  27. Brillouin Scattering Study of Segmental Motions of Polyalkyl Methacrylates (PMMA, PEMA and PnBMA) at Low Temperature
  28. Time Resolved Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Studies on Kinetics and Molecular Dynamics of Order-Disorder Transition of Block Polymers
  29. Thermostimulated Luminescence in the Relaxation Regions of Polymers
  30. C. Intramolecular Phenomena and Process
  31. Dynamic Phenomena, Interactions, Conformational Changes and Chemical Processes in Macromolecular Systems as Studied by Polarized Luminescence
  32. Intramolecular Exciraer Formation and Polymer Dynamics: The Coil-Globule Transition
  33. Excimer Formation in Polystyrene Solutions: Effect of the Coil-Globule Transition
  34. The Influence of Chromophoric Groups Rotation on the Decay of Fluorescence of Polystyrene in Solution
  35. Small-Angle Scattering of Polyelectrolyte Solutions
  36. Light-Induced Conformational Changes of Macromolecules in Solution as Detected by Flash Photolysis in Conjunction with Light-Scattering Measurements
  37. Photon Correlation Spectroscopy of Polymethacrylic Acid
  38. Photon Correlation Spectroscopy of Macromolecular Solutions under High Pressure
  39. Intramolecular Motility in Pig Immunoglobulin G Studied by Neutron Spin Echo Technique
  40. The Conformation of a DNA-Protein Complex
  41. Electro-Optical Kerr Effect Studies of Hemoglobin
  42. Molecular Mobility in Liquid Polymers and Polymerization Process Investigated by Acoustical Methods
  43. D. Intermolecular Phenomena and Processes
  44. Theory of Light Scattering from Systems of Interacting Spherical Macromolecules in Solution
  45. Cooperative Growth of Molecular Aggregation in Semiconcentrated PBLG Solutions Investigated by the Dynamic Electro-Optical Method
  46. Light Scattering Anomaly Observed in Dilute Solutions of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Aged at High Concentration
  47. Light Scattering from Carrageenan Solutions
  48. Studies of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. II. tRNA-BSA Interactions at Intermediate and High Ionic Strength
  49. Solvation of Protein Molecules Studied by Combined QELS and SAXS Investigations
  50. Light Scattering Studies of Bovine Eye Lens a<sub>L</sub> -Crystallin at Higher Concentrations: Short and Lt Long-Range Order
  51. Magneto-Optics of Colloids
  52. Characterization of Inverse Polyacrylamide Latices by Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering
  53. Interaction between Micelles of Poly(styrene-b- hydrogenated butadiene-b-styrene) in 1,4-Dioxane/n-Heptane Mixtures
  54. Properties of Block Copolymer Micelles Near the 405 C.M.C. and C.M.T.
  55. Lateral Diffusion of Micelles Measured by 409 Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching
  56. E. Theoretical and Experimental Methods
  57. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the n-Alkanes Rotator Phase
  58. The Kerr Effect Relaxation in High Electric Fields
  59. Dielectric Relaxation of a Flexible Molecule
  60. Photon Statistics in Light Scattering
  61. Attenuation of a Coherent Field in a Dense Dispersion of Particles
  62. Determination of Polydispersity Index by Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering
  63. Application of Picosecond Laser Pulses in Light Scattering Studies
  64. Application of Experimental Techniques for Obtaining Photon Correlation Functions at High Pressure
  65. Bimodal Analysis of QELS Data
  66. Application of Speckle Techniques in Macromolecular Physics
  67. Light Scattering Speckle Photography: Determination of Slow Correlation Times
  68. Study of Polymer Solution/Solid Interfaces by Evanescent Wave Spectroscopy
  69. Singular Value Decomposition in the Analysis of Spectra
  70. Flow Birefringence of Macromolecular Solutions in Various Elongational Flows
  71. Use of Light Scattering Methods for the Study of Dynamic Processes of Macromolecules Coagulation in Hydrocarbon Medium
  72. Association of Alcohols Investigated by Rayleigh Light Scattering
  73. Refractometric Study of Pressure Effect on Preferential Sorption of Mixed Liquids on Gels under Dynamic Conditions
  74. Compatibilization through Hydrogen Bonding of Pairs of Copolymers
  75. Contributors
  76. Index