The Arab World and Asia between Development and Change
eBook - PDF

The Arab World and Asia between Development and Change

Dedicated to the XXXIst International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa

  1. 306 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

The Arab World and Asia between Development and Change

Dedicated to the XXXIst International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa

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  1. Contents
  2. Foreword
  3. History and Tradition
  4. The Significance of the Philosophical Ideas of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1873—1938)
  5. Some Remarks on the Relation between Islam and the Cities in the Middle Ages
  6. The Syrian/Lebanese Independence Movement and the Young-Turkish Revolution of 1908/09
  7. The Effects of British Colonial Rule on the Social Structure, Economic Development and Social Situation of the Arab Population of Palestine with Special Regard for the Peasantry and the Emerging Class of Wage Labourers
  8. Aspects of the British Military Policy in Egypt (1919—1939)
  9. Italy's Colonial Conquest of Libya in 1911/12 in the Light of Eye-Witness Reports by the German Africa Expert, Gottlob Adolf Krause
  10. Political and Social Problems
  11. The Significance at International Law, of the USSR's Bilateral Treaties for Peace, Security and Cooperation in Asia
  12. The Movement of Non-Alignment — an Essential Factor of Present International Relations
  13. General Laws and Specific Characteristics Governing the Development of Scientific Modes of Reasoning in East Asia (Does the Far East Really Think in a Different Way?)
  14. The Establishment of Indian Foreign Policy by Jawaharlal Nehru
  15. On the Situation of the Turkish Trade Union Movement: Historical Survey and Political Background
  16. The Rebirth of Palestinian Resistance
  17. Economic Aspects
  18. Industrialization and the Emergence of a New Type of Regional Structure in India
  19. Informations Given by Arab Geographers about the Economic Situation in the Gazïra (Northern Mesopotamia) in the 4th/10th Century
  20. The Present and Future Importance of the Agricultural Raw Materials Processing Industries in the Arab Countries
  21. The Arab Oil Countries and Iran in the Post-Nationalization Era
  22. The Arab Economic Unity Agreement: Objects and Reality
  23. Language
  24. The Main Stages in the Process of Formation of the Bahasa Indonesi
  25. The Participle in the Arabic Scientific and Technical Terminology
  26. Arabic Verbs with a Two-Phase Meaning
  27. Culture and Literature
  28. The „Movement for Freedom and Rights of the People" and „Political Prose" in the Japan of the 1880s. — Some Theoretical Problems of the Study and Depiction of Modem Japanese Literature in its Initial Stage
  29. Aspects and Results of Investigating Tuvinian Folklore
  30. Contributions to the Iconography of Some Picture-Motifs of Central Asia
  31. An Early Illustrated „Khamsa" of Nfyämi
  32. Contemporary Arab Opinion on Creative Art and Literary Activity
  33. List of Authors