Applied tumor immunology
eBook - PDF

Applied tumor immunology

Methods of recognizing immune phenomena specific to tumors. [Proceedings of the 1. Internat. Symposium, Berlin, November 1972]

  1. 367 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Applied tumor immunology

Methods of recognizing immune phenomena specific to tumors. [Proceedings of the 1. Internat. Symposium, Berlin, November 1972]

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  1. Preface
  2. Contents
  3. List of Contributors
  4. List of Invited Active Participants
  5. 1. Methods for Detection of Tumor-Specific Sensitized Lymphocytes
  6. 1.1 Tumor-Specific and Cell-Mediated Immune Reactions Expressed in Pathomorphological Findings
  7. 1.2 Problems in Identifying Tumor-Specific Sensitized Lymphocytes
  8. 1.3 The Mixed Lymphocyte Tumor Cell Culture (MLTC) Test: Review of a Method
  9. 1.4 Lymphocyte Tansformation in Malignant Diseases. Communication I: Méthodologie Problems
  10. 1.5 Microcytotocicity Test for Detection of Cellular Immunity to Nephroblastoma in Man
  11. 1.6 Comparative Tumorimmunological Studies with the Microcytotoxicity Test and the DNA-Synthesis Inhibition Test
  12. 1.7 The Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition Test for Detection of Tumor-Specific Sensitized Lymphocytes and Serum Blocking Factors
  13. 2. Methods for Detection of Molecular Antibodies against Tumor Proteins
  14. 2.1 A Special Aspect of the Complement Fixation Test Applied to the Study of Tumors
  15. 2.2 Principle and Technique of the „Lewis-3 D Test" for the Serological Diagnosis of Malignancy - A Critical Evaluation of the Results
  16. 3. Methods for Detection of Tumor Cell Surface Antigens
  17. 3.1 The Preparation and Application of Hybrid Antibody for the Detection of Tumor-Specific Cell Surface Antigens
  18. 3.2 In vitro Characterization of Avian Oncornavirus Directed Tumor Antigens
  19. 3.3 Tumor-Cell Membrane Antigens Related to Blood Group A Substances
  20. 3.4 Erythrocytic ABH-Receptors in Leukemia - An Immunofluorescence Study
  21. 3.5 Immunological Aspects of Placental Choriocarcioma
  22. 4. Methods for Detection of Non Tumor Antigens and Fetal Proteins
  23. 4.1 Non Tumor Antigens in Human Tumors
  24. 4.2 Detection of Alpha-1 Fetoprotein in Human Serum
  25. 4.3 Demonstration of Carcinoembryonic Antigens in Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  26. 4.4 Radioimmunoassay of CEA: Its Use in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Human Carcinoma
  27. 4.5 A Contribution for the Detection of Fetal Antigens in Serum of Tumor Patients
  28. 5. Methods for Detection of Proteins Excreted by Tumor Cells
  29. 5.1 Experiments to Induce Myeloma Protein-Forming Neoplasma in Rodents
  30. 5.2 Immunological Differentiation of Monoclonal Immunoglobulins
  31. 5.3 Lung Neoplasia and Paraproteinemia
  32. 6. Some Clinical Aspects
  33. 6.1 Lymphocyte Transformation in Malignant Diseases. Communication II: Results in Reticuloand Lymphoproliferative Diseases as well as in Carcinomas
  34. 6.2 Immunosuppressive Therapy with Antiiymphocytic Globulin and Tumor Formation
  35. 6.3 Behaviour of GUARINI Reaction in Children with Hemolymphoblastoses and non Tumoral Diseases
  36. References