Electronic phenomena in chemisorption and catalysis on semiconductors. Symposium on Electronic Phenomena in Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors held in Moscow, July 2-4, 1968
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Electronic phenomena in chemisorption and catalysis on semiconductors. Symposium on Electronic Phenomena in Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors held in Moscow, July 2-4, 1968

  1. 273 Seiten
  2. German
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Electronic phenomena in chemisorption and catalysis on semiconductors. Symposium on Electronic Phenomena in Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors held in Moscow, July 2-4, 1968

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Ja, du hast Zugang zu Electronic phenomena in chemisorption and catalysis on semiconductors. Symposium on Electronic Phenomena in Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors held in Moscow, July 2-4, 1968 von Karl Hauffe, Th. Wolkenstein, Symposium on Electronic Phenomena in Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors, Karl Hauffe, Th. Wolkenstein, Symposium on Electronic Phenomena in Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors im PDF- und/oder ePub-Format sowie zu anderen beliebten Büchern aus Biological Sciences & Science General. Aus unserem Katalog stehen dir über 1 Million Bücher zur Verfügung.




  1. Vorwort - Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Contents
  4. I. Theory of Semiconductor Catalysis
  5. 1. Zur Randschicht-Theorie der Adsorption und Katalyse an Halbleiter-Katalysatoren
  6. 2. Some Basic Concepts of the Electron Theory of Chemisorption and Catalysis on Semiconductors
  7. II. Mechanism of the Chemisorption Act
  8. 3. Nature of the Chemisorption Bond on Semiconductor Surfaces
  9. 4. Various Forms of Chemisorption on Semiconductors
  10. 5. Electronic Phenomena in the Process of Chemisorption of free Atoms and Radicals on Semiconductor Adsorbents
  11. III. Mechanism of the Catalytic Act
  12. 6. Charge Transfer and Surface Oxidation-Reduction Processes during Chemisorption and Catalysis
  13. 7. Activation of Hydrogen at 79 °K by Supported Copper
  14. 8. Electronic Processes on the Surface of Solids and Reactivity of Chemisorbed Molecules
  15. IV. Influence of Impurities on Catalytic and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors
  16. 9. Election and Ion Defects in Oxidation Catalysis
  17. 10. Mechanisms of Doping of Nickel Oxide and Their Relation to the Surface Structure of the Solid
  18. 11. The Use of Lithium as an Altervalent Additive in Oxide Catalyst Research
  19. 12. Relations between the Electronic and Catalytic Properties of the Semiconducting Oxide Catalysts
  20. V. Photoeffects in Chemisorption and Catalysis
  21. 13. Processes of Photoadsorption on Semiconductors and their Relevance to the Electronic Theory of Chemisorption
  22. 14. Photoadsorption and Photodesorption of Oxygen on Inorganic Semiconductors and Related Photocatalysis
  23. 15. Photocatalytic Effect of Semiconductors
  24. 16. Adsorboluminescence on Solids
  25. VI. Action of Ionizing Radiation on Catalytic and Electronic Properties on Semiconductors and Insulators
  26. 17. Connexion between Electronic Characteristics and Catalytic Properties of Semiconductors under Irradation
  27. 18. Electronic Mechanisms of Catalytic and Chemisorption Processes Induced by Ionizing Radiation
  28. 19. Adsorption et catalyse sous irradiation
  29. Literature