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Chiron, which hasbeen publishedsince 1971, is one of the most widely disseminated periodicals for ancient history. It publishes academic studies in the field of ancient history in its widest sense, i.e. from the Mycenaean to the Early Byzantine epochs and from the publication of important new discoveries from the area of the basic disciplines to studies on the history and theories of the relevant disciplines. The papers are peer-reviewed.

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Letzter Einsendetermin für druckfertige Manuskripte zu Chiron 49, 2019:
1. April 2019
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1 Cf. M. P. NILSSON, Die Entstehung und religiöse Bedeutung des griechischen Kalenders, 21962, 46–48.
2 K. O. MÜLLER’s Kleine deutsche Schriften über Religion, Kunst, Sprache und Literatur, II, 1848, 54–69, from GGA 13, 1830. On MÜLLER and the whole intellectual context see now M. D. KONARIS, The Greek Gods in Modern Scholarship. Interpretation and Belief in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Germany and Britain, 2016.
3 In the section ‹Was ich den Alten verdanke› of Götzen-Dämmerung oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophirt.
4 What are now I.Eleusis 19 (IG I3 6) and IG XIV 1389 (IGUR III 1155). Of the former, only B 5–47 and (not supplemented) A 24–41 were then available, but it was still described by MÜLLER as a ‹Haupturkunde›. The latter, referred to familiarly by MÜLLER as the ‹Triopian inscription›, was first edited by Casaubon and attests Herodes Atticus’ membership of the genos Kerykes (32–33).
5 MÜLLER, Kleine deutsche Schriften, I, 1847, 247–286, consists of reviews of various epigraphic publications, including CIG I fasc. 1 (from GGA, 1826).
6 Sylloge epigrammatum Graecorum, ex marmoribus et libris collegit et illustr. F. G. WELCKER, ed. 2, 1828. I have not managed to locate a copy of the first edition.
7 His Kleine Schriften, III, 1850, 236–326, treat inscriptions, e. g. (260–280) Inschrift in Andros (from RhM 1843 and addenda in later numbers), on the Isis aretalogy published by L. Ross, Inscriptiones Graecae Ineditae, II, 1842 (non vidi).
8 On the meaning of Götterlehre see A. Henrichs, WELCKER’s Götterlehre, in W. M. CALDER III et al. (ed.), FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB WELCKER: Werk und Wirkung, 1986, 179–229, at 187–190. For WELCKER’s view that ‹Homer ist sehr jung›, ib. 196. K. F. Hermann’s Lehrbuch der gottesdienstlichen Alterthümer der Griechen, 1846, is explicitly not a Götterlehre (p. viii), but the contribution of inscriptions remains modest.
9 F. SOKOLOWSKI, Lois sacrées des cités grecques, supplément, 1962 (LSS); E. Lupu, Greek Sacred Law. A Collection of New Documents, 2005. Special cases: a text present in CIG might appear in SOKOLOWSKI’s Supplément if it had acquired new fragments in the interim, as in the case of CIG I 71 = SOKOLOWSKI, LSS 3 (IG I3 6: cf. n. 4 above).
10 E. KEARNS, Ancient Greek Religion. A Sourcebook, 2010. CIG I 459 (KEARNS p. 251: oracle recommending the consecration of the house of Demon) and II 3044 (p. 182 f.: Teian curses) were printed then much as now, but I 436 (p. 123 f., Archedemos of Thera’s cult of the Nymphs) was much less well read.
11 Ph. LE BAS – W. H. WADDINGTON, Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure (LE BAS, Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure III).
12 H. TH. A. VON PROTT – L. ZIEHEN, Leges Graecorum sacrae e titulis collectae.
13 U. VON WILAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF, Isyllos VON Epidauros, 1886, vi. Similar enthusiasm in his Lectiones Epigraphicae of the same year, Kleine Schriften, V. I, 1937, 256: ‹Atticos lapides plures possidemus quam Graecos colligere poterat BOECKHius›.
14 CIG II 2448, now IG XII 3. 330. BOECKH cites it as ‹primum edita apud Franc. de Zuliani, dein apud Gruter CCXVI–CCXIX ex priore editione›. The first edition of J. GRUTER’s Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani was c. 1603; GRUTER cites it as ‹ex edito schedio Venetiis apud. Franc. de Zuliani›, a source I have not traced.
15 L. Ross, Inscriptiones Graecae ineditae, III, 1845 (non vidi), now IG XII 4. 348.
16 De Graecorum sacerdotiis, Prooemium indicis lectionum aestivarum a. MDCCCXXX, now in Gesammelte Kleine Schriften, IV, 1874, 331–339: the text became CIG II 2656 (Syll.3 1015, LSAM 73).
17 Cf. H. HERBRECHT, De sacerdoti apud Graecos emptione, venditione, diss. Argentoratum, 1885.
18 For the latest additions see H. U. WIEMER – D. Kah, Die Phrygische Mutter im hellenistischen Priene, EA 44, 2011, 1–54 (now I.Priene [2014], no. 145); G. Maddoli, Vendita del sacerdozio della Madre degli Dei, SCO 61.2, 2015, 101–118 (Iasos).
19 SEG 56, 996.
20 Athens: S. LAMBERT, The Sacrificial Calendar of Athens, ABSA 97, 2002, 353–399. Cos: IG XII 4. 274–278. Mykonos: Syll.3 1024 (LSCG 96).
21 CIG I 523, subsequently IG II2 1367, LSCG 52.
22 Treasurers: IG I3 383 and 369. 55–97 (the latter now R. OSBORNE – P. J. RHODES, Greek Historical Inscriptions 478–404 BC, 2017, 160). Dermatikon: IG II2 1496 (cf. R. PARKER, Athenian Religion, 1996, 227 f.), just col. IV 65–101 of which appeared as CIG I 157. Theatre Seats: IG II2 5022–5164; M. Maass, Die Prohedrie des Dionysostheaters in Athen, 1972.
23 Inscriptions of religious import did of course occur under other sub-headings too. Thus the increase to 673 items in the text volume of LE BAS, Voyage archéologique (n. 11 above), pars I, Attica, section 1, Actes religieux, is due only in part to new discoveries made since CIG I of 1828. The Bodleian copy of this work is undated, but pars II, Peloponnese, is 1851.
24 By L. Ross, Inscriptiones Graecae ineditae, II, 1842 and immediately re-edited more fully by WELCKER (n. 7) and studied by SAUPPE (n. 26); for other early contributions see the lemma in IG XII 5. 739.
25 S. KOUMANOUDIS published the stone three times in the Athenian journal Philopatris, as more of it was successively laid free (29/11/1858, 5/1/1859, 28/3/1859); it was immediately studied by SAUPPE (n. 26) and re-edited after autopsy with commentary by FOUCART (n. 27 below, no. 326a).
26 H. SAUPPE, Ausgewählte Schriften, 1896, 178–193, ‹Hymnus in Isim› (originally a pamphlet published at Zürich in 1842: it treats the Andros aretalogy); 215–224, ‹De inscriptione panathenaica› (Index scholarum aestivarum Götting. 1858, on what is now IG II2 2311); 261–306, ‹Die Mysterienschrift aus Andania› (Abhandlungen der königl. Ges. der Wiss. Gött. 7, 1859, 217–274).
27 P. FOUCART, commentary (1876?) on part 2 (Megara and Peloponnese), in LE BAS, Voyage archéologique (n. 11 above). For praise of FOUCART’s work see L. ROBERT, Opera Minora Selecta, III, 1969, 1683.
28 W. DITTENBERGER, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Res Sacrae, ed. 1, 1883, nos. 355–432, ed. 2, 1898–1901, nos. 550–816. The huge expansion between the two editions itself tells a story: some of those added in ed. 2 could have been included in ed. 1, but the majority were new finds, e. g. the great major...


  1. Cover
  2. Titelseite
  3. Impressum
  4. Inhaltsverzeichnis
  5. Charikleia Armoni – Andrea Jördens, Der König und die Rebellen. Vom Umgang der Ptolemäer mit strittigen Eigentumsfragen im Gefolge von Bürgerkriegen
  6. Patrick Baker – Gaétan Thériault, Xanthos et la Lycie à la basse époque hellénistique: Nouvelle inscription honorifique xanthienne
  7. Amin Benaissa, Two Petitions Concerning Civic Magistracies by a Gymnasiarch and Son of a Veteran
  8. Sophia Bönisch-Meyer, Neue Inschriften aus Patara IV: Liktoren und ihr legatus Augusti. Eine bilingue Ehrung für L. Luscius Ocra und seine Familie
  9. Dimitris Bosnakis – Klaus Hallof, Alte und neue Inschriften aus Kos V
  10. Dimitris Bosnakis – Klaus Hallof, Alte und neue Inschriften aus Kalymna
  11. Ari Bryen, Labeo’ s iniuria: violence and politics in the age of Augustus
  12. Hélène Cuvigny, Les ostraca sont-ils solubles dans l’ histoire?
  13. Anastasia Dreliossi-Herakleidou – Klaus Hallof, Eine neue Grenzziehungsurkunde aus Lepsia
  14. Patrice Hamon, Tout l’ or et l’ argent de Téos: au sujet d’ une nouvelle édition des décrets sur les pirates et l’ emprunt pour la libération des otages
  15. Helmut Lotz, Studien zu den kaiserzeitlichen Grabinschriften aus Termessos (Pisidien): Zur Höhe der Grabbußen
  16. Robert Parker, Greek Religion 1828–2017: the Contribution of Epigraphy
  17. Emilio Rosamilia, From Magas to Glaukon. The Long Life of Glaukon of Aithalidai and the Chronology of Ptolemaic Re-Annexation of Cyrene (ca. 250 BCE)
  18. Winfried Schmitz, Lykurgs Gesetz über die Kinderzeugung und seine zweite und dritte Rhetra
  19. Christof Schuler, Zum Geleit: 50 Jahre Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 1967–2017
  20. Zusammenfassungen – Abstracts – Résumés
  21. Althistorische Dissertationen
  22. Redaktionelle Hinweise