Protein-Ligand Interactions
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Protein-Ligand Interactions

Proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of Konstanz, Germany, September 1974

  1. 502 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Protein-Ligand Interactions

Proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of Konstanz, Germany, September 1974

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  1. Preface
  2. Section I. General
  3. Letter from J. Wyman to the Members of the Symposium
  4. Concerted Changes in an Allosteric Macromolecule
  5. Ligand Interactions in Globular Proteins
  6. Discussion
  7. Ligand Binding to Enzyme Complexes
  8. Discussion
  9. Properties of Polymeric Proteins Bound to Solid Matrices: Subunit Exchange Chromatography
  10. Discussion
  11. Contributions of Aromatic Amino Acid Residues to the Optical Activity of Protein-Ligand Complexes
  12. Discussion
  13. Section II. Enzymes
  14. The Architecture of the Coenzyme Binding Domain in Dehydrogenases as Revealed by X-Ray Structure Analysis
  15. Discussion
  16. The Interaction of Glutamate Dehydrogenase with a Coenzyme Analog
  17. Discussion
  18. The Interaction of Adenosine Triphosphate and its Analogs with Myosin and the Modification by Actin
  19. Discussion
  20. Isolation of a Guanylnucleotide Binding Protein from Pigeon Erythrocyte Membranes
  21. Discussion
  22. On the Binding of Isoleucine and Related Amino Acids to Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase from Escherichia Coli MRE 600
  23. Discussion
  24. The Effect of Small Molecules on the Affinity of Individual Chains in Hemoglobin and on its Cooperativity
  25. Discussion
  26. Cooperative Interactions without Symmetry or Subunits
  27. Discussion
  28. A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Activator Binding by Carboxypeptidase A
  29. Discussion
  30. Section III. Repressors
  31. Lactose Operator Sequences and the Action of Lac Repressor
  32. Discussion
  33. The Active Sites of Lac Repressor
  34. Discussion
  35. Lac Repressor
  36. Discussion
  37. The Use of Suppressed Nonsense Mutations to Generate Altered Lac Repressor Molecules
  38. Discussion
  39. Effect of Alterations in Lac Operator DNA on Repressor Binding
  40. Discussion
  41. Interaction of Lac Repressor with Non-Specific DNA Binding Sites
  42. Discussion
  43. Section IV. Receptors
  44. Binding and Functional States of the Cholinergic Receptor Protein from Torpedo Marmorata
  45. Discussion
  46. Subunit Structure and Binding Sites of the Acetylcholine Receptor
  47. Discussion
  48. Further Characterization of Purified Acetylcholine Receptor and its Incorporation into Phospholipid Vesicles
  49. Discussion
  50. Structural and Functional Studies of an Acetylcholine Receptor
  51. Discussion
  52. Section V. Antibodies, Drugs and Metabolites
  53. Antibody Combining Sites as a Model for Molecular Recognition
  54. Discussion
  55. Antibiotic Action on Enzymes Involved in Peptidoglycan Synthesis
  56. Discussion
  57. Problems in Studying Protein Binding with Regard to the Interaction of Steroids with a Specific Binding Globulin
  58. Discussion
  59. The Interaction of Low-Molecular Compounds with Serum Albumin as Measured by Optical Methods. Circular Dichroism of Bilirubin-Human Serum Albumin Complexes in the Presence of Alcohols in Aqueous Solution
  60. Discussion
  61. Section VI. Detergents and Electrolytes
  62. The Nature of Specific and Non-Specific Interactions of Detergents with Proteins: Complexing and Unfolding
  63. Discussion
  64. Interaction of Detergents with Proteins: Effect of Counter Ions on the System Ferrimyoglobin- Laurylpyridinium Halides in Aqueous Medium
  65. Discussion
  66. Influence of Ions on the Kinetics of Cooperative Conformational Changes in Globular Proteins
  67. Discussion
  68. Neutral Salt Effects on the Conformational Stability of Biological Macromolecules
  69. Discussion
  70. Concluding Remarks
  71. Index of Contributors
  72. Subject Index