Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 29–September 3, 1982
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Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 29–September 3, 1982

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Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 29–September 3, 1982

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Ja, du hast Zugang zu Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 29–September 3, 1982 von Karel Bláha, Petr Maloň, Karel Bláha, Petr Maloň im PDF- und/oder ePub-Format sowie zu anderen beliebten Büchern aus Ciencias físicas & Química. Aus unserem Katalog stehen dir über 1 Million Bücher zur Verfügung.




  1. Preface
  2. Contents
  3. European Peptide Committee and Programme Committee
  4. Honorary Committee and Organizing Committee
  5. Previous European Peptide Symposia
  6. List of Participants
  7. In Memoriam, Emil Taschner
  8. In Memoriam, Dieter Marquarding
  9. In Memoriam, Erhard Gross
  10. Plenary Lectures
  11. Recent Developments in the Chemistry and Biology of Cyclic Peptides
  12. Conformational Considerations in the Design of Highly Potent and Long-Acting Peptide Hormone Agonists and Antagonists
  13. Semisynthesis of Proteins and Peptides
  14. Further Application of the Aqueous-Organic Two-Phase Approach to Enzyme-Catalyzed Peptide-Synthesis
  15. Interactions of Lipid Bilayers with Corticotropin, Dynorphin, and Enkephalin Peptides
  16. Gramicidin A: From Structure Towards the Molecular Mechanism of Action
  17. Structural Comparisons of Retroenantiomeric Cyclic Hexapeptides
  18. Circular Dichroism and Conformation of Peptides Related to Oxytocin
  19. Synthesis of Peptides
  20. Methods of Protection
  21. Adaptation of Side Reactions for Peptide Synthesis
  22. A New Type of Reagents for the Liberation of free Amino Components
  23. The Application of Recently Developed Amino Protecting Groups in Peptide Synthesis
  24. Preparation of 4-Sulfobenzyl Esters and their Use in Peptide Synthesis
  25. The 2-Chloroethyl Group for Carboxyl Protection in Peptide Synthesis
  26. Some Properties of Amino Acid and Peptide Phenacyl Esters
  27. Temporary Substitution of Asparagine by Aspartic Acid in the Synthesis of Peptide Segments of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)
  28. Methods of Coupling
  29. Recycling of Excess Peptides from Fragment Condensations with Carbonyldiimidazole/1-Hydroxybenzotriazole Activation
  30. Fatty Acids as Additives Suppressing Racemization of Amino Acid Residues in Peptide Synthesis by the DCC Method
  31. HPLC as a Tool for the Investigation of Peptide Bond Formation
  32. Application of Phosphinic Acids to Peptide Synthesis
  33. A Reinvestigation of the Mixed Anhydride Method
  34. Do Acylamino Acid and Peptide Anhydrides Exist?
  35. First Results with New Reagents for Peptide Coupling
  36. Peptide Syntheses without Isolation of Intermediates Using Biphasic Solvent System
  37. Some Applications of the Curtius Rearrangement
  38. Heterodetic Bonds
  39. A New Method for the Selective Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Cystine Peptides
  40. A Controlled Synthesis of Cyclic Unsymmetrical Cystine Peptides Bearing Two S-S Bridges in the Ring
  41. Synthesis of Cysteine and Cystine Containing Peptides through 3-0-[N-Benzyloxycarbony 1-S-Acetamidomethyl- Cysteinyl] -Hydroxy-2-Phenylindenone
  42. Method of Cyclization of Carba Analogues of Oxytocin
  43. Synthesis of Isopeptides of Lysine as Fundamental Structural Units of Clavicepamines
  44. Synthesis of Leucine Enkephalin- and Aspartame Analogs Containing Thioamide Linkages at Specific Positions
  45. Synthesis on Polymeric Supports
  46. Synthetic Studies on the Cecropins
  47. Improved Syntheses of Substance P and Analogues on a Phenolic Resin Support
  48. Peptide Ionophores. Synthesis and Characterization of Cyclic Octa- and Decapeptides Containing Leucine and Proline
  49. Histone Model Peptide Synthetized by Solid Phase Fragment Condensation
  50. The Biomimetic Gel Phase Synthesis of the RNA-Polymerase II Inhibitor Peptide 6'-Deshydroxy-Amanullin
  51. Methodological Studies on Gel Phase Synthesis of the Arginine-Rich Propeptide Extension of Proalbumin
  52. Use of the Nbb-Resin and 4-Hydroxymethylphenoxymethyl- Resin in Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis
  53. Comparative Syntheses of an Octapeptide Using Continuous Flow (Column) and Conventional Polyamide Solid Phase Methods
  54. The Solid Phase Synthesis of Neurotensin and Related Peptides on Polydimethylacrylamide Resins
  55. Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Biologically Active Peptides on Easily Detachable Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Supports
  56. Synthesis of Individual Peptides
  57. Synthesis of Tuftsin under HPLC Control
  58. Synthesis of Tuftsin Analogs with Elongated Peptide Chain and a Possible Anticancer Activity
  59. Synthesis of an IgG Fragment Decapeptide and Preliminary Evaluation of its Role on Phagocytosis Stimulation of Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
  60. Synthesis and Pharmacologic Characterization of Glucagon (1-21)-Peptide
  61. The Synthesis of Peptides Related to Prothrombin
  62. Total Synthesis of Neurotoxin II from the Central Asian Cobra (Naja naja oxiana) venom
  63. Synthesis of Labelled Peptides
  64. Catalytic Exchange Labelling of Peptides
  65. Solid Phase Synthesis of Neurotensin Analogues Susceptible to Radiolabelling
  66. Tritium Incorporation into Histidine by Direct Catalytic Exchange: Labelling of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and Analogs
  67. The <sup>3</sup>H-Labelling of Peptides by Reduction of Dehydroleucine
  68. Analogues of [8-ArginineJ Vasopressin for Hormone Receptor Research
  69. Synthesis of Peptides Containing Non-Coded Amino Acids
  70. Synthetic Fragments of Bacterial Cell Walls. Physicochemical and Biological Properties
  71. Synthesis of Analogues of Precursors of Bacterial Peptidoglycan
  72. Synthesis of Peptides with α, β-Dehydroaminoacid Residue
  73. Synthesis of Dehydro Amino Acids and Peptides
  74. α-Hydroxymethylation of Peptides: A Synthetic Route to Peptides Containing α-Hydroxymethy1-Amino Acids
  75. L- α-Aminoadipic Acid δ-N-Benzyloxycarbonylamide and its Use in Peptide Synthesis
  76. Synthesis of ß-Homo-L-Proline Analogues of Peptide Hormones
  77. Optically Active Neopentylglycine and its Applications in Peptide Chemistry
  78. Monodisperse Conjugates of Catecholamines
  79. Total Synthesis of Althiomycin
  80. Peptide Tricyclic Thia-Cyclols from Linear Precursors
  81. Semi-Synthesis
  82. Synthesis of Cytochrome C-(66-104) Nonatriacontapeptide and Analogues
  83. Cytochrome c̱ Semisynthesis Using Enzymic Resynthesis Techniques
  84. Semisynthetic Analogs of Globomycin
  85. Semisynthetic Studies on the Bovine Trypsin-Kallikrein Inhibitor
  86. Synthesis of a Hybrid Chicken/Human Insulin
  87. Semisyntheses of Insulin Analogues by Replacement of the Sequence Al-4
  88. Synthesis of Peptides Using Enzymes
  89. Enzymatic Peptide Synthesis
  90. Amidation of Synthetic Peptides by Pituitary Enzyme: Specificity and Mechanism of the Reaction
  91. Reaction Mechanism in Trypsin Catalyzed Synthesis of Human Insulin Studied by <sup>17</sup>O-NMR Spectroscopy
  92. Trypsin-Catalyzed Oligomerization of the Ala-Ala-Arg Tripeptide
  93. Thermitase-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of the C-Terminal Ester Group of Protected Peptide Ester Derivatives
  94. Reversibility of Tryptic Hydrolysis in a Model Nonapeptide Sequence
  95. Synthesis and Characterization of α- and/or ε-Substituted Lysine Peptides
  96. Purification, Characterization and Analytics
  97. Isolation by Preparative HPLC and Characterization of Major Components after Cyclization of a Decapeptide
  98. Separation of Basic, Hydrophilic Peptides by Reversed- Phase Ion-Pair Chromatography. III. A Progress Report
  99. Pre-Column Derivatization in HPLC of Peptides
  100. Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry - a New Tool for Peptide Sequence Analysis
  101. Progress Towards a Post-Synthetic Chiral Analysis of Peptides
  102. Direct Peptide Sequencing after TLC on Silica Gel without Substance Elution
  103. Structure-Activity Relations
  104. Neurohypophyseal Hormones
  105. Two Analogues of Oxytocin with Modified Proline Cyclic Structure
  106. Synthesis of new Active and Highly Selective Analogues of Oxytocin and Arginine-Vasopressin
  107. CNS - Active Vasopressin Analogues
  108. Investigation of Position 2 and 3 of Vasopressins
  109. Analogues of Neurohypophysial Hormones Containing a D-Amino Acid in Position 2
  110. Penicillamine-Containing Analogues of Neurohypophysial Hormones
  111. 9-Substituted Vasopressin Analogs with Substantial Antidiuretic Activity
  112. Interactions of Deamino-6-Carba-0xytocin Analogues in Rat Kidney and Liver Membrane Systems
  113. Opioid Peptides
  114. Synthesis and Biological Activity of New Enkephalin Analogues
  115. Biochemical and Pharmacological Investigations of Peripheral and Brain δ-Opiate Receptors Using Tyr-D-Thr-Gly- Phe-Leu-Thr, a New Fully Specific 6-Ligand
  116. Double Opiate Peptides. A Hypothesis of Two Different Mechanisms of Opiate Actions
  117. Synthesis and Activity of Kyotorphin and its Analogs
  118. Opioid Activity of Synthetic "Small Demorphins"
  119. Structure-Activity Relationship of Dermorphin
  120. Structural Modifications of β-Casomorphin-5: Synthesis and Pharmacology
  121. Substance P
  122. Substance P: The "Yin-Yang" of Behavior?
  123. Hydrophilic Analogs of Substance P: Introduction of Sugar Acids and Sulfonium Groups
  124. Influence of the Methionine Sidechain on the Biological Activity of Substance P
  125. Substance P Analogues Containing Para-Substituted Phenylalanine: Synthesis and Pharmacological Properties
  126. Synthesis of Potent and Specific Antagonists of Substance P
  127. Substance P: Inactivation in CNS, Enzymatically Resistant Analogue and Development of "Brain Selective" Agonist
  128. Other Biologically Active Peptides
  129. Some Pharmaceutical Aspects of Peptide Research
  130. The Synthesis and Gonadotropic Activity of [D-Tle<sup>6</sup>, Pro-NH-Et<sup>9</sup>]LRF
  131. The Role of N-Acyl Groups in the Inhibitory Activity of LH-RH Analogues
  132. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and its Analogs Desensitize Pituitary GnRH Action
  133. DSIP: Novel Developments in Structure-Functional Studies
  134. The Active Centres of Gastrin and Cholecystokynin: Syntheses, Conformational Problems, Correlation between Chemical Structure and Biological Activity
  135. What is the Minimum Active Centre of Gastrin?
  136. Structure-Activity Relationships of Highly Potent and Specific Gctapeptide Analogues of Somatostatin
  137. Photoreactive [Leu<sup>9</sup>]-a-MSH Derivatives for Receptor Labelling
  138. Degradation of α-Melanotropin by the Enzymes of the Soluble Fraction of Rat Brain Homogenate
  139. Solid Phase Synthesis of Amunine (CRF), Sauvagine and Two Urotensin I
  140. Proctolin: Synthesis, Enzymatic Degradation and Effect on the Cyclic Nucleotide System
  141. Phosphonopeptides, Novel Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Biosynthesis
  142. Urinary Excretion of Biologically Active Peptides and/or Peptide-Like Material in Various Disorders
  143. Inhibitors and Binding Studies
  144. Synthesis and Properties of Peptide Ketones
  145. Enkephalin Diazomethyl and Chloromethyl Ketones: Synthesis and Biological Activity
  146. Use of Quantitative Lipophilicity Relationships for the Design of Renin Inhibitors
  147. Specific Inhibitors of Renin
  148. Anionic Inhibitors of Elastase
  149. Inhibition of Thrombin with H- and Boc-D-Phe-Pro-Agm
  150. Analogues of Chymostatin
  151. Binding Studies of Glucagon Antagonists
  152. Determination of the Toxic and Antigenic Sites of Peptide Snake Venom Short Neurotoxins
  153. Design and Synthesis of Two Peptides as Models for the Antigenic Sites of the Toxin II of the Scorpion Androctonus australis Hector
  154. Immunology Related Peptides
  155. Chemical Approaches to Improve Immunoassays of Peptide Hormones
  156. Antineoplastic and Immunogenic Effects of Tuftsin (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg) and its Analogs
  157. Synthesis and Biological Assays of Peptides from a Tuberculin-Active Protein
  158. Synthesis and Immunoreactivity of Escherichia Coli Heat Stable Enterotoxins Analogs
  159. Preparation and Antigenicity of the C-Terminal Fragments of Human Leukocyte Interferons α2 and α1
  160. Immunological Properties of Hapten-Peptide Conjugates: The Effect of Size, Lipophilic Substituents and Haptenic Distance on Tolerogenicity and Anaphylactogenicity
  161. Conformational Studies
  162. Conformation: Model Peptides
  163. Conformational Features of Alternating L, D Peptides
  164. Conformation of Cyclic Hexapeptides Studied by the Modified Factor Analysis of Circular Dichroism Spectra
  165. Conformational Energy Calculations of Heterodetic Cyclic Hexapeptides Related to Oxytocin Ring Moiety
  166. Conformational Energy Analysis of Oxytocin Molecule
  167. Conformational Analysis of Peptides Substrate of N-Glycosylation
  168. Serine and ß-Folding
  169. X-Ray Structure and Conformation in Solution of Peptides Containing α-Aminoisobutyric Acid Residues
  170. Preferred Conformations of Host-Guest Peptides
  171. Conformation: Biologically Active Peptides
  172. Conformation Calculations and Biologically Active Conformations of Cyclopeptides
  173. Peptaibol Antibiotics: A Study on the Helical Structure of Emerimicins
  174. Conformational and Ionophoric Properties of Prolyl Containing Analogs of Valinomycin
  175. Synthesis of the Postulated Calcium Binding Site I of Calmodulin and Binding Studies
  176. X-Ray Structural Study of Ionophores of a Valinomycin Group
  177. Conformational Studies on Gaba-Enkephalinamides
  178. Conformational Studies of the "in vitro" Potent Opiate [D-Met<sup>2</sup>, Trp<sup>4</sup>, Pro<sup>5</sup>] Enkephalinamide by Fluorescence and Theoretical Calculations
  179. Configuration of the Azo Bridge in Azo-Enkephalin
  180. Self-Association of Substance P and its C-Terminal Sequences
  181. Spatial Structure of Bradykinin Potentiating Peptide BPP<sub>9α</sub>
  182. Guest-Host Relationship in Bradykinin Peptides
  183. Importance of Residue 5 in Antiotensin II
  184. Circular Dichroism Aids Interpretation of Structure- Activity Relationship of Somatostatin Analogs
  185. The Conformational Equilibrium of the Peptide Hormone Somatostatin and some Analogues in Aqueous Solution
  186. Application of Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy to Cyclolinopeptide A (1)
  187. Role of the N-Terminal Fragment on the Stability of the Porcine Pancreatic Secretory Tryps in Inhibitors (KAZAL)
  188. Relationship between the Steric Structure of Insulin Derivatives and their Biological Activity
  189. Studies of Hydrogen Bonding in Relation to Oxytocin Activity
  190. Synthesis, Conformation and Interaction with a Decanucleotide of the Fragment (26-39) of the "Cro" Protein from Bacteriophage λ
  191. Abbreviations
  192. Subject Index
  193. Authors' Index