Biologic Effects of Light
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Biologic Effects of Light

Proceedings of the Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October 13–15, 1991

  1. 479 Seiten
  2. German
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  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Biologic Effects of Light

Proceedings of the Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October 13–15, 1991

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  1. Preface
  2. Contents
  3. Biologic Effects of Light
  4. Acute Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Skin
  5. Vitamin D<sub>3</sub> and Sunlight: An Intimate Beneficial Relationship
  6. The Positive Association of Breast Cancer Mortality with Low Sunlight Levels and High Air Pollution Levels in Major U. S. Cities
  7. Sunlight, Vitamin D, and Mortality from Breast and Colorectal Cancer in Italy
  8. Systemic Effects of Serial Ultraviolet Light Irradiations
  9. Photosynthesis of Previtamin D<sub>3</sub>, in Cities Around the World
  10. Influence of Season and Time of Day on the Synthesis of Vitamin D<sub>3</sub>
  11. Evaluation of the Effect of Sun-Tanning Bed Radiation on the Synthesis of Previtamin D<sub>3</sub> and the Degradation of Vitamin D<sub>3</sub> in an on Vitro Model
  12. Son-Tanning Bed Radiation Increases Vitamin D Synthesis in Human Skin in Vivo
  13. Eurosun S3 and Medisun - A New Generation of Sunlamps for Vitamin D3 Formation and Light Protection
  14. Geographie Variation in Breast Cancer Incidence and Sunlight in the USSR: The Possible Protective Effects of Vitamin D<sub>3</sub> and 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3</sub>
  15. Spectroscopic Probe of the Distribution of Drugs or Dyes between different Biopolymers
  16. Photoimmunology
  17. Effects of UV Radiation on Infectious Diseases
  18. Effects of Ultraviolet B (UVB) Radiation on Induction of Cutaneous Immune Responses
  19. Photosensitivity
  20. Effects of Ultraviolet (UV) Light on Inflammatory Skin Disease
  21. CD4+ Cells after Serial Irradiation with Different Spectra of Ultraviolet Light
  22. Immune Response to Visible Light Treatment of SAD Patients
  23. Effects of Light on Circadian Rhythms
  24. Biological Effects of Light in Humans: The Regulation of Physiology, Mood and Behavior
  25. Effects of Light and Melatoninon Human Circadian Rhythms
  26. Light Therapy for Winter Depression
  27. Bright Light Effects on Human Sleep and Alertness During Simulated Night Shift Work
  28. Possible Retinal spatial Summation in Melatonin Suppression
  29. Twilight Zeitgebers for Daily Resetting of Circadian Pacemakers
  30. Circannual Changes in Serotonin Function and Suicidality
  31. Influence of UV Light on the Frame of Mind
  32. Effects on Eyes
  33. Photopic and Scotopic Contributions to Steady-State Pupil Size with Full Field of View and Light Levels Typical of Interior Environments
  34. The Potential Ocular Hazards of Viewing Bright Light Sources
  35. New Mechanisms for UV-induced Cataract
  36. Dose-dependent effects of UV-A on visual evoked potentials in humans
  37. Regulation of Light Absorption And Retinal Responses To Light
  38. Image Enhancement by Short Wavelength Light Filtration
  39. The Potential Ocular Phototoxicity of Antidepressant Drugs
  40. Photomedicine
  41. Topical Retinoic Acid Partially Reverses the Structural Damage in Photoaged Skin
  42. Effects of UVB Radiation on Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  43. Fluorescent Light: Does It Exacerbate Disease In Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?
  44. Heart Rate Variability after Serial UV-Irradiation
  45. Histologic Aspects in Treatment of Epithelial Tumors by Photodynamic Procedures
  46. UV-Therapy in Spa medicine
  47. Treatment of Psoriasis with Visible Spectrum Light
  48. Effects of PUVA Treatment on Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  49. Photochemical Origins of Griseofulvin Photosensitivity
  50. Regulations of Melatonin Secretion in Humans by 5-Methoxypsoralen: Possible Antidepressive Effect
  51. Studies on the Mechanism of UVA1-Induced Hemolysis
  52. Application of Chlorophyll and Bacteriochlorophyll derivatives to PDT of Malignant Melanoma
  53. Ozone
  54. From Stratosphere to Biosphere: Ultraviolet-B Radiation
  55. Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion on Man
  56. Urocanic Acid, Photoimmunology and Ozone Depletion: Human Health Implications
  57. UV and Skin
  58. Melanoma Risk: Unaffected by Sun Exposure?
  59. A Model for Epidermal Influence on UV Induced Dermal Atrophy
  60. Disruption of the Cytoskeleton in Human Epidermal Keratinocytes by Ultraviolet Radiation
  61. Effects of Solar Ultraviolet Photons on Mammalian Cell DNA
  62. A Novel Eukaryotic DNA Repair Enzyme Recognizes UV Light-Induced Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers
  63. Systemic Influences of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Subsequent Chemical Carcinogenesis
  64. Hormonal Effects on DNA Repair Capacity in Humans
  65. The Effect of DNA Topology on the Repair Efficiency of Ultraviolet Light Induced DNA Damage
  66. Melanin as a Photoprotective Agent in the UV Photolysis
  67. Photoprotection by Serotonin
  68. Author Index
  69. Subject Index