Teratology of the limbs
eBook - PDF

Teratology of the limbs

Fourth Symposium on Prenatal Development, September 1980, Berlin

  1. 468 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Teratology of the limbs

Fourth Symposium on Prenatal Development, September 1980, Berlin

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  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Table of Contents
  4. I. Basic Problems of Normal Limb Development
  5. Developmental Control of Spatial Sequences of Structures
  6. Antero-Posterior Positional Signalling in the Developing Chick Limb
  7. Morphological and Histochemical Aspects of the Subridge Mesoderm in Avian and Mammalian Limb Buds
  8. Control by the Posterior Border of Cell Death Patterns in Limb Bud Development of Amniotes: Evidence from Experimental Amputations and from Mutants
  9. Characterization of Embryonic Cholinesterase in the Chondrogenic Core of the Chick Limb Bud and Demonstration of a Specific Acetylcholine Receptor
  10. Limb Chondrogenesis: Interactions between Ectoderm and Mesoderm
  11. Role of the Ectoderm in Limb Development of Normal and Mutant Mouse (Disorganization, Pupoid Foetus) and Fowl (Talpid<sup>3</sup>) Embryos
  12. Origin, Distribution and Determination of Chick Limb Mesenchymal Cells
  13. The Concept of a Myogenic Cell Line in Developing Avian Limb Buds
  14. On the Formation of Muscular Pattern in the Chick Limb
  15. Muscle Development during Normal and Disturbed Skelettogenesis
  16. Developmental Properties of the Foot Integument in Avian Embryos
  17. The Contrast between Mouse and Ferret Limb Buds in Culture - Possible Advantages of Comparing Results from a Limb Culture System with Whole Embryo Explantation
  18. Transfilter Interaction of the Zone of Polarizing Activity with the Apical Ectodermal Ridge and the Distal Mesenchyme in the Chick Embryo Wing Bud in Ovo
  19. Simulation of Steps of Limb Skelettogenesis in Vitro
  20. Effects of Surface Coat Influencing Substances on the Limb Bud Blastema in Vitro
  21. Effects of Surface Coat Influencing Substances on the Limb Bud Blastema in Vitro Bernd Zimmermann
  22. The Occurrence of Unilateral Abnormality of the Limb Induced by the Teratogen 6-Aminonicotinamide
  23. Ascorbic Acid Content of Limb Buds at Different Stages of Mammalian Embryonic Development
  25. A. Experimental Embryology
  26. Abnormalities along the Proximo-Distal Axis of the Chick Wing Bud: The Effect of Surgical Intervention
  27. The Effects of X-lrradiation on Limb Development
  28. Effects of Matrix Influencing Substances on Chondrocyte in Monolayer Culture
  29. The Influence of Nerve Supply in Limb Development
  30. Defective Innervation and Defective Limbs: Causes and Effects in the Developing Chick Wing
  31. B. General Aspects of Teratology
  32. On the Problem of Phase Specificity in Limb Teratogenesis
  33. The Problem of Growth Retardation
  34. Bilaterally Symmetric and Asymmetric Realization of Limb Malformations
  35. Immunofluorescent Microscopic Investigations of Intercellular Substances during Limb Development
  36. An Analysis of the Asymmetric Response of the Developing Limb to Embryotoxic Agents
  37. Resistance of the Rat to Certain Specific Limb Teratogens
  38. Observations on Human Digits 'In Vitro' and its Possible Role in Evaluating Teratogens
  39. The Effects of Sodium Salicylate, Cytosine Arabinoside, and Eserine Sulphate on Rat Limb Buds in Culture
  40. C. Effects of Teratogenic Agents
  41. The Transplacental Effects of Vitamin D Metabolites and Corticosteroids on the Long Bones of Rat and Mice Fetuses
  42. The Effect of Cytosine-Arabinoside on Limb Morphogenesis in the Mouse
  43. Mechanisms of Limb Development Revealed by the Teratogenic Activity of Nicotinamide Analogues
  44. Analysis of Radiographs in Reproduction Toxicology by Means of Densitometry and Planimetry
  45. Limb Malformations Induced in the Rat by Amniotic Puncture
  46. The Effect of Sodium Salicylate on Limb Development
  47. a,a'-Dipyridyl Teratogenicity in the Rat
  48. D. Limb Defects in Man
  49. Approaches to Classification of Limb Defects
  50. Formal Genesis of Syndactyly
  51. Thalidomide and the Neural Crest
  52. List of Participants
  53. Index