English Linguistics
eBook - PDF

English Linguistics

An Introduction

  1. 362 Seiten
  2. German
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

English Linguistics

An Introduction

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Über dieses Buch

bachelor-wissen "English Linguistics" is a compact and easy-to-use introduction to English linguistics which - is tailored to the needs of students of English at German, Austrian and Swiss universities - contains graded exercises to motivate students to carry out independent research, and - bridges the gap between linguistics and the literary and cultural-studies components of the typical BA in English Studies. bachelor-wissen "English Linguistics" goes beyond the usual introduction in offering accompanying web resources which provide additional material and multi-media illustration.

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  1. Contents
  2. Preface:how to use this book
  3. 1. Introduction – linguistic and other approachesto language
  4. 2. Phonetics and phonology – the sounds of speech
  5. 3. Morphology and word-formation –the structure of the word
  6. 4. Syntax I/general principles –the structure of the clause
  7. 5. Syntax II/the fundamentals of English grammar
  8. 6. Semantics and lexicology – the meaning of words
  9. 7. Pragmatics and discourse analysis
  10. 8. Applied linguistics, language teaching andtranslation studies
  11. 9. A pluricentric language –standard Englishes around the world
  12. 10. Dialectology – regional variation in English
  13. 11. Language in the city –social and ethnic variation, multilingualism
  14. 12. Language change and the history of English
  15. 13. Past masters, current trends –theorising linguistics for students of English
  16. 14. Linguistics and the public –language myths, language politics, languageplanning and language rights
  17. Glossary of linguistic terms
  18. Index