The Manifestation Code
eBook - ePub

The Manifestation Code

12 powers to make your wishes come true

  1. 236 páginas
  2. Spanish
  3. ePUB (apto para móviles)
  4. Disponible en iOS y Android
eBook - ePub

The Manifestation Code

12 powers to make your wishes come true

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Unlock the Power of Manifestation: Discover the 12 Steps to Fulfill Your DesiresHave you ever wondered why some people effortlessly achieve their dreams while others continually struggle? What if we told you there are 12 hidden reasons that separate the successful from the rest?Introducing "The Manifestation Code, " a revolutionary set of principles that serve as a spiritual technology to transform the invisible into the tangible. These powerful concepts may seem familiar, but prepare to be amazed as we provide a fresh, life-changing perspective on each of them.This ancient wisdom, long forgotten, is destined to become common knowledge in the future. Imagine a world where the majority can intentionally design their lives, while only a minority suffer unchosen destinies due to their lack of spiritual growth."The Manifestation Code" offers you the chance to learn these 12 transformative steps, guiding you towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. As you read, you'll uncover the conscious force that creates desires and learn to harness it for your own benefit.Don't let your dreams slip away. Embrace "The Manifestation Code" and unlock the power within, allowing you to manifest the life you've always wanted.It's time to step into a world where anything is possible, and you hold the key.

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The power of the unique reality

Inner action and outer action

In my seminars, I like to announce the audience that the outer action is the easy part of the plan. I do not know if you think it is easy to act until you modify your external circumstances, but I warn you that that’s the easiest thing to do (and yet 99% of the people fail in the outer game…) and it’s the easy part! (Imagine how things are going to get when we get to the hard part.)
What is outer action? Basically, on doing things in the world of things. What is known as agenda, plan of action, tasks… for example, most of what is examined in a coaching process is almost the external game. The behaviors, the habits, the attitudes, the plan of action with dates, the results… Ultimately, all that is outer external game, which is expressed in the world of things.
Let’s go for the difficult part. Are you ready? Here we go:
What is internal action? In a single word: being. (Explaining it is beyond words). But don’t worry, because throughout this book you will understand what it means to let the creative things express through your conscience.
Inner action is essential, external action is optional.
And at a certain level, the latter is totally unnecessary. What I want to say is that a higher level of conscience, there is less need to act in order to be able to manifest the intention. On the contrary, at a lower level of consciousness, the greater the effort necessary to manifest the desires. I know the world hasn't taught you a word to help you create an ideal of realized life, but it's just so you don't regain your unlimited power. Remember, you live in the matrix of the great deception.
I know that this speech is still difficult for some people to accept; but I would not have thrown away a "successful conventional life" to get into the extraordinary, and to play it all for myself, if I did not live it by myself. I believe in what I do, I see what I write, right in the place I love and respect most: my own life.
"Conscience is the unique reality. The world and all there is in it are states of conscience." NEVILLE
At some point I concluded that conventional coaching focuses on "making do"; and that is good but not extraordinary.
I enjoy doing a lot of things myself, people who know me know it very well. But, although we live in a seemingly material dimension, we must not forget that everything originates in a more gently plane, not visible, to which we must set a course to manifest.
I realize that many people enter the coaching profession from the materialistic Paradigm where the spirit factor is ignored. Okay, it's better than nothing, and I think you need to start there, but their approach is very mental. Too, I would say.
Future coaches attend a coaching school where they are formed as professionals and give them the guidelines of that technology of change... but, in the end, the coach will not necessarily be a person who has made an inner journey, is not selfrealized, perhaps not even satisfied with his life, does not know how to manifest his own desires, and is not remotely a successful person... and that makes coaching not entirely efficient. Most do not apply what they preach (although this occurs in all disciplines).
And I'm not saying they're bad coaches, I'm saying that as people maybe they don't have an experiential background, or the level of conscience that allows them to help others make the journey to realization.
To help others we should first be able to help ourselves... to be an example of personal and professional excellence. And that's why I wrote the book SuperCoaching, to raise the standards of those who offer coaching, and not because I want to create a new coaching school, but because I think coaching lacks more heart, or, being more clearly, to focus it from a spiritual perspective.
I call SuperCoaching the inner action to differentiate it from conventional coaching more focused on the outer action. I could have also called it GoalCoaching or SupraCoaching to differentiate it from conventional coaching. Thus, SuperCoaching is coaching from the heart, from consciousness. That's the difference from conventional coaching.
I have written a trilogy about manifestation:
1. “Appointment on the top”, which is coaching 1.0 (The outer game of success).
2. “SuperCoaching”, which is coaching 2.0 (The inner game of success)
3. “The Manifestation Code”, which is coaching 3.0 (The spiritual game of success).
These are three approaches that I believe they need to be addressed in this order.
In the first approach you get everything, in the third one you do nothing. In the first step, you want to change the world or make changes in it. In the second step, you want to change yourself. In the third step, you understand that there is nothing to change or enhance, you can only know yourself (waking up). In the third step you deliver, but you are only willing to deliver your goals when you have previously entrusted them to your ego, regardless of whether you have achieved them or not.
If you ever thought you had great power, you're right. You've been given great power but it doesn't work as you might suppose. Power consists in manifesting changes in the world. Before exploding of joy, consider the condition: the way to get it is by changing yourself first. But let us continue with the two glances: mental and spiritual. You can understand mentally from perception, but only from the knowledge of introspection can you understand spiritually. One thing is what you know and another what you are. Perceiving is fine, but knowing is better. Perceiving is interpreting the world (reading it), but knowing is shaping reality (creating it).
The second glance is ‘knowing’ from the Spirit, that is not interpretation nor perception, it is pure knowledge.
"Man's ruling illusion is his conviction that there are other causes and not the state of his own conscience." NEVILLE
From the first glance, the world is independent from one’s self, from the second glance the world is dependent on one’s self.
The Spirit does not make mistakes; he always gives the human being what he gave to himself first in his mind. Only the lower self makes mistakes by dispensing of the support of the creative Presence (the wisdom that makes situations mature). Instead of asking yourself how you got into a situation or when you'll get out of it, it’s better that you devote your energy to relating to that situation to unravel yourself so it doesn't happen again. To have a "why" or reason of how it happened what happened will be useless, it is better to know the "why" it happened what happened.
Ego makes mistakes. Although making mistakes is not the problem, it is the attachment to them, and not withdrawing from the mental position that creates and maintains them. It is not necessary not to make mistakes; rather it is necessary not to want to keep them. Withdrawing from wrong perception is the wisest thing.

First the spirit, then the matter

This book wants to take you from the conventional paradigm where suffering and impotence abound, to the paradigm o unlimited realization and power which constitutes your natural heritage. To move from one to the other one, we will have to redefine self-concept, without that perceptive change about identity there is no real progress possible. In a world where self-concept was different, we would have a totally different life experience. Also on your computer when you update the operating system the options increase. When you finish this reading you will have learned how to enter the cosmos’ operating system to change its code; and from there, you will be able to program a new reality for yourself.
In this section I would like to draw attention to the importance of unidentifying with the matter to identify yourself with the spirit. And establish a cause and effect relationship between the two. This is the secret of secrets to move from a state of survival to one of deliberate manifestation. Because any change in form will be superficial and not lasting.
"You must be convinced that there is a continuous connection between the invisible reality and its visible manifestation." NEVILLE
You and I have been led to believe that power is outer. Humanity has magic that it has forgotten to practice and therefore feels incapable of achieving a better life. It believes in bad luck, fate, chance and karma at best... an average person expresses himself like this: "look what happened to me!", without understanding that there is one or many active causes for any effect and that it is in its power to modify them. They feel like victims of a world they don't understand. Do you understand why there is so much useless suffering in the world?
In order to regain personal power, we must first give up victimhood, because they are incompatible. Everything that happens comes from the responsibility without question of fault. There is no guilt in any point of the universe, it is a concept invented by ego that strives to find guilty people and throw balls out. For your peace of mind, there's only responsibility without guilt.
We inhabit a benevolent universe
Consciousness is the only reality, the cause that creates all the effects on the world of things. But the ego thinks it's too pretty...


  1. Cubierta
  2. Dedicatoria
  3. Portadilla
  4. Index
  5. Introduction to the Manifestation Code
  6. Neville Goddard and the science of realizing your desires
  7. 1. The power of the unique reality
  8. 2. The power of conscience
  9. 3. The power of the decree
  10. 4. The power of the "I Am"
  11. 5. The Power of Asssumption
  12. 6. The power of abundant supply
  13. 7. The power of imagination
  14. 8. The power of imagination
  15. 9. The power of gratitude
  16. 10. The power of prayer
  17. 11. The power of detachment
  18. 12. The power of the «Miracle Process»
  19. The 12 powers of the Manifestation
  20. About the author
  21. From the same author
  22. From the same author
  23. From the same author
  24. From the same author
  25. Copyright
  26. Dedicatoria