Responsabilidad social, ética e inclusión en los procesos de formación
eBook - ePub

Responsabilidad social, ética e inclusión en los procesos de formación

  1. 256 páginas
  2. Spanish
  3. ePUB (apto para móviles)
  4. Disponible en iOS y Android
eBook - ePub

Responsabilidad social, ética e inclusión en los procesos de formación

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El presente texto permite abordar, a través de la pluma de 18 investigadores de Iberoamérica, la conjunción problemática y enriquecedora entre la responsabilidad social, la ética y la inclusión social en el interior de los procesos de formación.Los textos ubican el análisis de los procesos de formación de estudiantes de todos los niveles educativos. Algunos de ellos se ocupan de los tiempos de incertidumbre y confusión, no solo por las condiciones sanitarias que demanda la actual pandemia, sino también por las situaciones sociales que muestran claramente un significativo deterioro de nuestras condiciones de existencia.De igual modo, otros autores sitúan su estudio en pueblos originarios, en organizaciones y corporaciones, y en la sociedad en general, pero, lejos de optar por una visión apocalíptica, los textos mantienen una seriedad y un mensaje alentador y educativo.La obra nos propone un variado menú de propuestas teóricas, que van desde las teorías sobre el reconocimiento, el papel de la memoria en la construcción de narrativas, de subjetividades e intersubjetividades, la hermenéutica fenomenológica, la antropología fenomenológica, la deontología, la ontología de las relaciones sociales, las teorías sobre la cultura, el giro decolonial, las epistemologías del sur y las epistemologías meridionales, la hospitalidad y la equidad epistémicas, la legitimidad social o los derechos humanos, hasta la pedagogía crítica, la ecopedagogía, la ecología de saberes o la formación ética ciudadana, orientados todos estos temas hacia la responsabilidad social, la ética y el reconocimiento social en espacios formativos.Es nuestro interés, a través de este texto, apoyar la docencia mediante una reflexión crítica acerca de la importancia de conjuntar en un debate serio y en unas prácticas significativas la necesidad inminente de integrar la responsabilidad social, la ética y la inclusión de los sujetos en los procesos de formación en instituciones justas, autónomas y democráticas.

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Preparing students to face the ethical challenges of a globalized world: Student experiences from a virtual exchange project on business ethics
1. Introduction
International student exchange provides students with an extremely valuable learning opportunity and enables them to immerse themselves into a new culture, increase their professional network, and make lifelong friends. The positive effects of studying abroad on academic achievement, personal growth, cognitive development, and career advancement have been well documented (e.g., Cebolla-Boado, Hu, & Soysal, 2018; Dwyer, 2004a; 2004b; Georgiev, 2014; Lee, Therriault, & Linderholm, 2012; McMillan & Opem, 2004; Mohajeri Norris & Gillespie, 2009; Shenker, 2013). It is, therefore, not surprising that in 2019, over 1 million international students take courses in educational institutions in the United States (Open Doors Report, 2019), nearly 700,000 in Australia, and nearly 650,000 in Canada (CIC News, 2020). At the same time, 11% of Canadian students, 16% of Americans, and 19% of Australian students studied abroad (Government of Canada, 2020). However, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the student exchange world upside down. With almost no notice, millions of students around the globe had to change their plans and faced an uncertain future. The pandemic ripped an enormous void, and while some students may be able to postpone their exchange, others may never get to experience this opportunity. Consequently, university administrators and educators are trying to find alternative ways to add an international experience to the curriculum.
The horrendous effects of the pandemic were not limited to international exchange programs, but they affected all academia. With little to no notice, many educators had to find ways to deliver their material online. The switch to the virtual classroom came with many challenges (Arbaugh, 2000; Palloff & Pratt, 2013). However, it also provided educators with great opportunities as it advanced technology such as Zoom, MS-Teams, Google Meet, enabling students to work together and exchange ideas in the virtual space (Hiltz, 1994; Porter, 1997). Moreover, because students’ physical location is irrelevant, this software can also connect students from around the globe and foster a virtual student exchange. De Wit (2016) signals that virtual exchange benefits students with access to global education generates interest to study abroad, exposes them to new cultural and pedagogical practices, strengthens collaboration among academic institutions, and has a cost-saving nature. In addition, a virtual exchange may teach global competence through meaningful hands-on contact among students with international peers (Li, 2012). The virtual exchange may also benefit student teachers by enhancing the ability of the participants to engage with peers from other cultures, advance their knowledge in the usage of technological tools, and increase their problem solving-skills (The Evaluate Group, 2019).
We realized this opportunity in August of 2020 and integrated a 13-week virtual cross-cultural service-learning project into our business ethics curriculum. The project was focused on Business Ethics, incorporating ideas from the courses taught at the University of Guadalajara and Brock University to deliver a real hands-­on experience with a non-profit organization in Canada and Mexico. During the project, students from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and Brock University in Canada worked together to consult one Mexican and one Canadian Non-Profit organization to use different ethical and theoretical tools to improve a specific area of the organization (volunteer recruiting, revenue, donations, social media presence, among others). Based on our experience, we believe that virtual exchange (service-­learning project) benefitted service-learning partners and students alike and can be used in all management and organizational behavior classes at undergrad and graduate studies. While we initially started this collaboration to enhance student experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that it can enrich student experience beyond that.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many employees to work from home and attend virtual meetings daily (Bick, Blandin, & Mertens, 2020). While the rapid change was challenging, working from home allows employees to spend less time in traffic and more time with family (Dubey & Tripathi, 2020). The pandemic demonstrated that many employees do not need to be physically present at work. Hence, we anticipate that many employees will want to work remotely even after the pandemic is over. On the other hand, remote work also allows organizations to access a global talent pool –which will likely lead to more multicultural teams in the future. We...


  1. Portada
  2. Créditos
  3. Dedicatoria
  4. Sumario
  5. Agradecimientos
  6. Introducción
  10. Biodata de los autores
  11. Índice