Théorie des nombres / Number Theory
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Théorie des nombres / Number Theory

Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference held at Université Laval, July 5-18, 1987

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  2. French
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eBook - PDF

Théorie des nombres / Number Theory

Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference held at Université Laval, July 5-18, 1987

Détails du livre
Table des matières

À propos de ce livre

The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or workshop. These events cover various topics within pure and applied mathematics and provide up-to-date coverage of new developments, methods and applications.

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De Gruyter

Table des matières

  1. Introduction
  2. Remerciements / Acknowledgements
  3. Liste des participants / List of participants
  4. Table des matières / Table of contents
  5. Exponential Diophantine equations
  6. Quantitative aspects of the representations of integers by quadratic forms
  7. Diagonal cubic equations, I
  8. Irrational dilations of approximate multiplicative semigroups of integers
  9. Some special features of the Jacobi group
  10. Généralisation de suites de Pisot et de suites de Boyd
  11. Salem numbers of degree four have periodic expansions
  12. Applications of partition theory to groups: Covering the alternating group by products of conjugacy classes
  13. Variation of local heights on an algebraic family of abelian varieties
  14. Sur une fausse forme modulaire liée à des identités de Ramanujan et Andrews
  15. Global orders in definite quaternion algebras as endomorphism rings for reduced CM-elliptic curves
  16. Distribution properties of continuous curves
  17. On the torsion in quotients of the multiplicative groups in abelian extensions
  18. Binary quadratic forms over rings of algebraic integers: a survey of recent results
  19. Places totalement décomposées dans des Zp-extensions d’un corps de nombres
  20. Grandes valeurs de fonctions liées aux diviseurs premiers
  21. The maximal order and the average order of multiplicative function σ (e)(n)
  22. Discrépance quadratique de suites infinies en dimension un
  23. Integral solutions of linear systems
  24. Fractional parts of sequences
  25. On the distribution of divisor class groups of curves over a finite field
  26. Diophantine approximation, Krontcker’s limit formula and the Riemann Hypothesis
  27. Le théorème de Riemann-Roch et Ies corps de nombres algébriques
  28. Functional equations and periodic sequences
  29. Zp-extensions of function fields
  30. Pseudoprimes on elliptic curves
  31. Least primes in arithmetic progressions
  32. Cyclic Galois extensions and normal bases
  33. Cubic and biquadratic pseudoprimes of Lucas type
  34. On some mean value results for the Riemann zeta-function
  35. Classical explicit reciprocity
  36. The distribution of badly approximable numbers and continuants with bounded digits
  37. Approximation de périodes de fonctions méromorphes
  38. L-series of automorphic forms on GL(3,R)
  39. Equations différentielles Fuchsiennes et approximations diophantiennes
  40. Exponential sums and the Riemann zeta function
  41. Some recent results on the Riemann zeta-function
  42. On the representations of a group as a Galois group over an arbitrary field
  43. On evaluation of certain limits in closed form
  44. Potential theory on curves
  45. Characterization of arithmetical functions, problems and results
  46. On a sufficient condition for the p-class tower of a CM-field to be infinite
  47. Calculation of general Gauss sums and quadratic Gauss sums in finite rings
  48. Transfinite diameter and Favard’s problems on diameters of algebraic integers
  49. Poles of Dirichlet series and D-modules
  50. Small prime solutions of linear equations
  51. Unusually large gaps between consecutive primes
  52. On the congruence for Gauss sums and its applications
  53. On central extensions
  54. Prime producing quadratic polynomials and real quadratic fields of class number one
  55. Disjoint systems of rational Beatty sequences
  56. Complete determination of all torsion groups of elliptic curves with integral absolute invariant over quadratic and pure cubic fields
  57. On generalized zeta-functions
  58. Bounds for solutions of simultaneous diagonal equations of odd degree
  59. Long arithmetic progressions and powers of 2
  60. Sur la cohomologie de certains modules galoisiens p-ramifiés
  61. On Euler’s φ -function in quadratic number fields
  62. Ternary code construction of even unimodular lattices
  63. On the distribution of values of an error term related to the Euler function
  64. Formes linéaires de logarithmes elliptiques et mesures de transcendance
  65. On a question of Tverberg
  66. Titchmarsh series
  67. Galois representations associated to generic formal groups
  68. A local construction of the local root numbers
  69. On Fermat d-pseudoprimes
  70. Exponential sums of digit counting functions
  71. Some computational results on a problem of Eisenstein
  72. The Eisenstein measure and real quadratic fields
  73. Carmichael’s conjecture and some analogues
  74. The algebraic independence of three numbers: Schneider’s method
  75. The number of solutions of certain equations of the form f(xm) = g(yn) over a finite field
  76. On entire functions assuming integer values in a geometric sequence
  77. Stickelberg’s theorem for cyclotomic fields, in the spirit of Kummer and Thaine
  78. A propos d’un lemme de K . Kato sur le groupe de Brauer en caractéristique p