Access French: Student Book
eBook - ePub

Access French: Student Book

  1. 224 pages
  2. French
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Access French: Student Book

DĂ©tails du livre
Aperçu du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Access is the major new language series designed with the needs of today's generation of students firmly in mind. Whether learning for leisure or business purposes or working towards a curriculum qualification, Access French is specially designed for adults of all ages and gives students a thorough grounding in all the skills required to understand, speak, read and write contemporary French from scratch.The coursebook consists of 10 units covering different topic areas, each of which includes Language Focus panels explaining the structures covered and a comprehensive glossary. Learning tips and assessment checklists help students to achieve a sense of autonomy while at the end of each unit, a DĂ©couverte de la Francophonie section presents short texts of cultural interest. Numerous references to web-based activities, which will be an invaluable support to students' learning, add significantly to the course. The accompanying free Website gives direct access to additional internet-based activities for students, plus teacher support and guidance.

Foire aux questions

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Oui, vous pouvez accĂ©der Ă  Access French: Student Book par Bernard Grosz, Henriette Harnisch en format PDF et/ou ePUB ainsi qu’à d’autres livres populaires dans Langues et linguistique et Langues. Nous disposons de plus d’un million d’ouvrages Ă  dĂ©couvrir dans notre catalogue.


Unit 1
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
‱ Say hello
‱ Introduce yourself
‱ Understand different ways of greeting and react accordingly
‱ Ask and understand simple questions
‱ Say where you live and where you are from
‱ Learn the French alphabet and numbers
Recognising words or phrases in French is not always as difficult as it seems. The Internet age has hugely accelerated the immigration of English and American into the French language.
You only need a few words to begin with in order to find your way around. Prove this to yourself by starting off straight away listening to a natural French dialogue.
1 On commence? (Shall we start?)
Listen to the dialogue and pick from the list below the information asked for. Don’t worry about understanding every word. Just see if you can get the gist.
Listen to the same dialogue and put the following questions in the right order:
Did you pick out the answers to the questions in ...

Table des matiĂšres

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. Introduction
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Unit 1. Bonjour
  8. Unit 2. Les autres et moi
  9. Unit 3. Le cybermarché
  10. Unit 4. La vie de famille
  11. Unit 5. A table!
  12. Unit 6. Ici et lĂ 
  13. Unit 7. Voyages, voyages

  14. Unit 8. Hîtel du Lion d’Or
  15. Unit 9. A votre santé!
  16. Unit 10. Les goûts et les couleurs
  17. Language Summary
  18. French–English Wordlist
  19. English–French Wordlist