Studia Linguistica. Diachronica et Synchronica
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Studia Linguistica. Diachronica et Synchronica

Werner Winter Sexagenario Anno MCMLXXXIII gratis animis ab eius collegis, amicis discipulisque oblata

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Studia Linguistica. Diachronica et Synchronica

Werner Winter Sexagenario Anno MCMLXXXIII gratis animis ab eius collegis, amicis discipulisque oblata

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

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Table des matiĂšres

  1. Vorwort
  2. Bibliography
  3. Commentationes quae in hoc volumine inveniuntur
  4. Der Umfang des Ganzsatzes und des Elementarsatzes im Deutschen
  5. Opposition, complementation, and the dialectic relationship between language and speech
  6. A new Indo-European interpretation among Greek n-stems
  7. Phonetic relations in the perspective of phonetic dimensions
  8. Winter's law and the issue of Balto-Slavic
  9. Zur Grammatik des Vokativs in den Kartwelsprachen
  10. Umgekehrte Anrede im Arabischen
  11. The virtues of illiteracy
  12. Serial verbs and grammaticalisation
  13. Zur Problematik der LehnĂŒbersetzung in der Transferenzlinguistik
  14. Loss of morphophonemic alternation in moribund categories, as exemplified in the Gothic verb
  15. Die archaischen Schichten armenischer Dialektwörter
  16. Vocative and imperative in decline
  17. Language universals — the two approaches
  18. Morphemstrukturbedingungen: Deutsche Beispiele fĂŒr eine Theorie
  19. Î©ÏÎ±ÎŻÎ± Ï€ÎżÏ… ÎźÏÎžÎ”Ï‚ ÎłÎčÎŹ ÎŒÏ€ÎŹÎœÎčÎż - Emotive Komplemente im Griechischen und Deutschen
  20. Coherence and Inference
  21. Pseudoanglicisms in European Languages
  22. Middle English dialectology today: some issues
  23. The Indo-European "Glottalic Theory" and the system of Old Armenian consonantism
  24. Markedness and ordering at various levels
  25. Noun phrase form and cohesive function in Newari
  26. Spatial topics and human body terms: the system of Takelma ('body-part prefixes')
  27. Vergleichende, diachronische und historische Sprachwissenschaft
  28. Deconstruction and analysis of meaning in literature
  29. The prehistory of Yuman *r
  30. Language, meter, and choice in Latin: wordinitial stop and liquid
  31. Ein Mikrocomputerprogramm zur UnterstĂŒtzung morpho-syntaktischer Analysen
  32. Die Typologie des Perfekts in den romanischen Sprachen
  33. Development of adverbial clauses in Loniu
  34. Tocharian and Ugrian
  35. The typological relevance of linguistic devices in historically different settings
  36. Zum Modus Injunktiv und zum Drei-Genus-System im Ur-Indogermanischen (ca. 3000-2500 v. Chr.)
  37. An approach to semantics through comparative linguistics
  38. A parasitological view of non-constructible sets
  39. The so-called "sign theory" as the first method in contrastive linguistics
  40. Did Proto-Yuman Have a Prefix *a:-l
  41. PIE k̂ey — a problem in etymological research
  42. Zur Problematik des Wortbegriffs
  43. La mortalité des langues et le bilinguisme des peuples
  44. On the position of Germanic among Indo-European languages again
  45. The magic of words and translation
  46. Chickasaw Accent and Verb Grades
  47. Oral and literate strategies in American and German television news
  48. What underlies S?
  49. Zur Rekonstruktion des Urgermanischen
  50. [+ANIM, -HUMAN, ...] = ,MENSCH': Tierische Metaphern
  51. The native speaker in linguistic research: an exercise in heresy
  52. How archaic is Old Indie?
  53. Sémantique et représentation visualisée des événements
  54. Sober thoughts on Latin ēbrius
  55. Zur Interdependenz von Leben und ErzÀhlen
  56. Fieldwork data as input to instrumental analysis — a dilemma
  57. Numerals as underlying verbs: the case of Yurok
  58. Funktionelle Parameter der neuhochdeutschen Satzstellung
  59. Langues en contact: évaluation des résultats
  60. Zu einigen der Àltesten iranischen Lehnwörter im Tocharischen
  61. Wie fÀngt man ein GesprÀch an?
  62. A Note on Glottalization in Cahuilla
  63. Armenian between Iran and Greece
  64. Sexpartition versus bipartition
  65. On anaphoric definite descriptions in English
  66. Medium und Reflexiv
  67. John opened the door with the key: Some remarks on case, semantic role and word meaning
  68. The 1929 Praguian "Theses", internal speech, and written language
  69. How does anapher work?
  70. Universals, preferences, typologies: Definitions and delimitations
  71. Why Bench' (Ethiopia) has five level tones today
  72. Paradigmatic typology and its application to verb agreement analysis
  73. Psycholinguistische Aspekte von Markiertheitstheorien
  74. Language contact and special lexical developments
  75. Pragmatik, Wortbildung und Übersetzung