Actes du colloque Sites du patrimoine et tourisme
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Actes du colloque Sites du patrimoine et tourisme

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Actes du colloque Sites du patrimoine et tourisme

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Table des matiĂšres

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Table des matiĂšres

  1. Page titre / Title Page
  2. Copyright
  3. Remerciements / Thanks
  4. Avant-propos / Foreword
  5. Préambule
  6. ConfĂ©rence d’ouverture 1 / Keynote Address 1 - Introduction - Patrimoine mondial et tourisme : une co‐production?
  7. ConfĂ©rence d’ouverture 2 / Keynote Address 2 - The Value of Value: World Heritage, Tourism and Building Futures
  8. Abdel-Kader / Elgazzar - Economic Impact of Traditional vs. Environmentally Sustainable Resorts: A Comparative Study Focusingon the South Red Sea Region in Egypt
  9. Amat / Fraile - Les labels et rĂ©seaux internationaux en Île‐de‐France, quels atouts ?
  10. Amendoeira - Patrimoine mondial et tourisme : autre praxis, autre paradigme
  11. Andrade - Labellisation UNESCO en Amazonie Centrale BrĂ©silienne : ÉlĂ©ments pour une mise en tourisme des zones protĂ©gĂ©es?
  12. Anvekar / Mohite - World Heritage Site of Pattadakal in Karnataka: Some Concerns for Promoting Tourism
  13. Aquilina / Maheo - La mise en communication touristique du «Réseau des sites majeurs Vauban» par les collectivités territoria
  14. Arellano - Tourism in Poor Regions and Social Exclusion: The Porters of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
  15. Bauer / Sinha / Trimarchi / Zappino - Tourism Community Involvement Strategy for the Living World Heritage Site of Hampi, India: A Case Study
  16. Belaidi - Le Patrimoine mondial pour crĂ©er une identitĂ© communedans l’Afrique du Sud post‐apartheid? Exemple de la ville du Cap
  17. Berti - Itinéraires culturels du Conseil de l'Europe et Liste du patrimoine mondial : collaborations possibles
  18. Bibeau / Dorval / Marcotte - CrĂ©ation d’un circuit touristique patrimonial virtuel
  19. Brantom - World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: Shared Values?
  20. Brantom - Aspiration and reality: world heritage and sustainable tourism at the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway World Heritage Site
  21. Brewer / Arseneault - Market Segmentation and Meaningful Visitor Experiences: Strengthening Connections in Gros Morne National Park/WorldHeritage Site (Canada)
  22. Brouder - Post‐inscription challenges: renegotiating World Heritage Management in the Laponia Area in Northern Sweden
  23. Brown / Oliver - From Terrorism to Tourism Shaping Future Identity through Whs Site Inscription
  24. Brulotte - Monte Alban as World Heritage: Archaeological Replicas and the Struggle over Mexico’s Ancient Past
  25. Buccianti-Barakat - Fréquentation et gestion des sites label UNESCO : Le cas du Liban
  26. Camus / Sahut - La perception d’authenticitĂ© d’un site touristique classĂ© au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco
  27. Cardeira da Silva - Old Maps New Traffics: Political Itineraries around Scattered Heritage of Portuguese Origin
  28. Carleton - Interpretation of Objects and Landscapeat Head‐Smashed‐In Buffalo Jump
  29. Cayrel / Saulignac - La grotte Chauvet‐Pont‐d’Arc, vecteur de dĂ©veloppement territorial
  30. Ciric - World Heritage in the Collective Memory of Societies
  31. Comelli / Kociemba - Bordeaux : les lumiĂšres de la ville
  32. Conti - The Impact of Tourism on Latin American World Heritage Towns
  33. Cook / Bardecki - Valuing Protected Areas: A Contingent Valuation of Tourismin Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  34. Cox Hall - Machu Picchu: An Andean Utopia for the 21st Century?
  35. Crawford - Expectations and Experiences of Visitors at the Giant’s Causeway World Heritage Site, Northern Ireland
  36. Di Giovine - Defining Angkor, Producing the Heritage‐scape: The Importance of Narratives in the Global and Local Management of World Heritage Sites
  37. Di Giovine - World Heritage as a Revitalization Movement: Managing Local and Global Tourism in UNESCO’s Heritage‐scape
  38. Djament-Tran / Fagnoni / Jacquot - La construction de la valeur universelle exceptionnelle dans la valorisation des sites Patrimoine Mondial, entre local et mondial
  39. Dormaels - Entre l’expĂ©rience du touriste et le quotidien de l’habitant : les enjeux locaux du patrimoine mondial
  40. Dupret - Apporter le patrimoine mondial aux visiteurs
  41. Forristal - Societal Reproduction in the Public Record and Visitation Levels at World Heritage Sites: Lessons from the United States
  42. Freeman / Sun - Promoting the Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites in the Shandong Province, China
  43. Fukushima - Demolition of Tangible Properties As an Intangible Practice
  44. Ged - Sites chinois classés au Patrimoine Mondial, essor et enjeux
  45. Giraudo - Community‐Based Heritage Tourism: Examining Ethnic and Gender Identity Politics at the Tsodilo World Heritage Site
  46. Gravari-Barvas / Renard - Un classement UNESCO rend‐il « belle » l’architecture moderne? RĂ©ception et impacts touristiques d’u e labellisation patrimoniale Le centre‐ville du Havre d’Auguste Perret
  47. Guinand - Porto : raisons, motivations et relecture d'une inscription au Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco
  48. Halpenny / Arellano - The Use and Impact of World Heritage Designation by Canadian Heritage Sites – An Exploratory Media Analysis
  49. Hawkins / Dion / Fazenda - Sustainable Tourism and Market Access Strategy for the Douro Valley of Portugal
  50. Hryhorczuk / Wicks - Religious and Secular Conflicts in the Management of UNESCO Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Vladimir, Russia
  51. Hurnath / Sambadoo - Le Morne Cultural Landscape Heritage Site: Its Different Senses of Attachment and Support
  52. Istasse - Unesco World Heritage and Tourist Development in Fez, Morocco
  53. Jansen - The Sosobala in Guinea ‐ Transnational Management of Intangible Heritage at a (Too) Far Away Location
  54. Jimura - The Relationship between the World Heritage Site Inscription and Local Identity
  55. Kaya - Relationship Between Cultural Heritage and Tourism: Case of Mardin
  56. Kayahan / VanBlarcom - Assessing the economic impact of a UNESCO World Heritage designation
  57. Keshodkar - The Local Politics of World Heritage Tourism:the dilapidation of Zanzibar Stone town
  58. Khirfan - Place Experience and Place Making in World Heritage Cities
  59. Krusche - Keeping Up With Heritage: Tourism and Issues of Conservation at Taj Mahal, India
  60. Kumar - Marketing World Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Product Rejuvenation and Promotion of World Heritage Sites in India
  61. Lebe - Can Findings Regarding Attitudes and Behaviour of“Cultural Tourists” to Small Countries Be Appliedto Less Visited UNESCO Sites?
  62. Litka - Indigenous Perspectives on Ownership and Management of Yucatecan Archaelogical Sites
  63. Lutton / Williams - Interrogating the “Universal” in St. Lucia’s Piton Management Area
  64. Majdoub - Touristes des sites du patrimoine mondial : Vers quelles expériences? Une étude de la Médina de Sousse
  65. Marcotte / Bourdeau - L’utilisation du label du Patrimoine mondial selon son annĂ©e d’obtention
  66. Marrou - InsularitĂ©, patrimoine mondial et tourisme ou : L’insularitĂ© est‐elle soluble dans la liste des biens du Patrimoine Mondial ?
  67. McClanahan - The Morality of Landscape: Community, Capital and the Commons in the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site
  68. McGlade - Visitor Management in Sensitive Historic Landscapes. Strategies to Avoid Conflict in Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site
  69. Mouaki - Impact du tourisme urbain en Croatie : Les cas de Split et Dubrovnik
  70. Murray - Fremantle Prison, Australia – A Heritage Success Story
  71. Nicot / Özdirlik - Inscription sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial, politiques de gestion et dĂ©veloppement local : l’exemple de deux sites en Turquie
  72. Niknami - A Virtual Reality Model for The People Who Never Able to Visit a Heritage Site, a Preliminary Technical Report
  73. Otis / BarabĂ© - Programme de labellisation en dĂ©veloppement durable dutourisme : le cas de la RĂ©serve mondiale de la biosphĂšre du Lac‐Saint‐Pierre
  74. Perry - A Global Model Identifies the 16 Natural Resource World Heritage Sites Most at Risk From Climate Change
  75. Petitpas / Queguiner - Les conditions d’accueil dans les sites du patrimoine mondial
  76. Quinlan Cutler / Doherty Carmichael - Immediacy, Photography, and Memory: The Tourist Experience of Machu Picchu
  77. Reed - The Social Life of the Castles: Inclusion, Exclusion, and Heritage Sites in Ghana
  78. Revelin / Roué - Le site Laponia au nord de la SuÚde Regards croisés des touristes et des résidents
  79. Rousselot - La patrimonialisation de l’Unesco ? Un atout de dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique Ă  valoriser : La Lope‐Okanda
  80. Russeil - De gouverner une ville labellisée patrimoine mondial à penserle patrimoine mondial à travers les villes
  81. Salazar - Managing the Local‐to‐Global Dynamicsof World Heritage Interpretation
  82. Sauermost - Les sites Unesco du Languedoc‐Roussillon
par les Chemins de l’Histoire
  83. Shieldhouse - The Impact of World Heritage on Tourism and the Integrity of Heritage: One Case from Mexico
  84. Shortliffe - Gender and (World) Heritage: The Myth of a Gender Neutral Heritage
  85. Sintùs - À qui Rhodes? Discours d’appropriation et mise en valeur touristique dans la vieille ville de Rhodes (Grùce)
  86. Svels - Tourism Development and Joint Management of a Transnational World Heritage: The Case of the World Heritage High Coast/KvarkenArchipelago (Sweden/Finland)
  87. Teather - Conversations with the Queen of Sheba: Questions of Museums, Heritage Studies and World Heritage Tourism
  88. Torres MartĂ­nez - The Ancient Silk Roads:Tourism Potential and World Heritage Nomination
  89. Turcov / Turcov - La valorisation du potentiel touristique du site archéologique Orheiul Vechi
  90. Valera-Turalba - THE IVATANS: Batanes Guardians of the Endangered Spirit of Place
  91. Venzal - Analyse et mise en perspective du gĂ©otourisme :« Global Geoparks Network ‐ UNESCO »
  92. Vidal Casellas - ANALYSE DE LA PEDRERA (Gaudí), PATRIMOINE DE L’HUMANITÉ : La mise en valeur touristique
  93. von Jacobi - Sustainable Tourism as local Development Path – an operationalmethodology for community – and private sector involvement
  94. Ward - Looking Back Towards the Future: Historical Analysis of Machu Picchu Planning Documents as a Key toSite Conservation
  95. Wergin - Reconstructing Nature for Tourism Development: Ethnographic Accounts from a World Heritage Site in the Making
  96. Xiang / Wall - Tai Qian and Taishan Implication of World Heritage Designation to the Local Village