Narrating "Europe": A Contested Imagined Community
eBook - ePub

Narrating "Europe": A Contested Imagined Community

  1. 210 pages
  2. French
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Narrating "Europe": A Contested Imagined Community

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Au sommaire de ce numéro 66: Introduction to the Special Issue / La lutte narrative pour la signification et la politisation de « l'Europe » dans les négociations du TTIP: le récit de l'Europe bouclier contre le populisme transnational / Europe on Display: A postcolonial reading of the House of European History / The witty Briton stands up to the European bully. How a populist myth helped the British Eurosceptics to win the 2016 EU referendum / The Heroes and Villains of an Alternative Europe - How EU Contestation shapes Narratives of Europe in Germany / Speaking for 'the European people'? How the transnational alliance Fortress Europe constructs a populist counter-narrative to European integration / Narrating into Europe: Female Migrant Writers' Voice and Representation / The social imaginary of precarious Europeans.

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Table des matiĂšres

  1. Couverture
  2. 4e de couverture
  3. Copyright
  4. Sommaire
  5. DOSSIER : 1 — Alvaro Oleart, Astrid Van Weyenberg. Introduction to the Special Issue
  6. 2 — Alvaro Oleart, Luis Bouza GarcĂ­a. La lutte narrative pour la signification et la politisation de « l’Europe » dans les nĂ©gociations du TTIP : le rĂ©cit de l’Europe bouclier contre le populisme transnational
  7. 3 — Astrid Van Weyenberg. “Europe” on Display: A postcolonial reading of the House of European History
  8. 4 — Imke Henkel : The witty Briton stands up to the European bully. How a populist myth helped the British Eurosceptics to win the 2016 EU referendum
  9. 5 — Maximilian Conrad, Helga Kristín Hallgrímsdóttir, Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly. The Heroes and Villains of an Alternative Europe – How EU Contestation shapes Narratives of Europe in Germany
  10. 6 — Sabine Volk. Speaking for ‘the European people’? How the transnational alliance Fortress Europe constructs a populist counter-narrative to European integration
  11. 7 — Jesse van Amelsvoort. Narrating into Europe: Female Migrant Writers’ Voice and Representation
  12. 8 — Margriet van der Waal. The social imaginary of precarious Europeans: the cultural representation of European socioeconomic precarity in Tascha and Bande de Filles
  13. LECTURES :
  14. Jean-Claude Barbier. Amandine Crespy, L’Europe sociale, acteurs, politiques, dĂ©bats, Bruxelles, Éditions de l’UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles, 2019
  15. Marc Milet. Maja Kluger Dionigi, Lobbying in the European Parliament. The battle for influence, London, Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics, 2017
  16. Numéros parus:
  17. Adresse