Conservative Critics of Political Utopia
eBook - ePub

Conservative Critics of Political Utopia

  1. 208 pages
  2. French
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Conservative Critics of Political Utopia

Détails du livre
Table des matières

À propos de ce livre

The 19th and 20th centuries were fundamentally influenced by different ideologies. Some of them were more dangerous than others, but a conservative tradition - although adapting to the continuously changing conditions - consistently refused each artificial intellectual construction. For some, the distance conservative thinkers have kept from those ideological structures appears purely reactionary but for others it is a proof of credibility and authenticity. Transforming society, putting an end to the past and attempting to proclaim a new, golden era are heresies and utopian proposals to conservatives. In our book, researchers from the catholic universities of Lisbon and Budapest present several different portraits of authors from Burke to Maritain, from Donoso Cortés to Chantal Delsol. Together, they offer a series of intellectual spotlights, which might enlighten the intellectual evolution of a person - and community - oriented conservative tradition in its endless fight against the too often tragic and sinister political utopia.

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Table des matières

  1. Couverture
  2. 4e de couverture
  3. Titre
  4. Copyright
  5. Foreword (Máté Botos)
  6. Tamás Nyirkos – Conservative utopias
  7. László Zsinka – Jacques Maritain: A “Progressive” Catholic as a Conservative Political Philosopher? Maritain’s Critiques on Totalitarian Marxist Utopia
  8. José Antonio Pérez Ramos – Donoso Cortés, a European diplomat against modern political heresies
  9. Ferenc Horkay-Hörcher – The Dark Night of the City. Solar Construction and Urban Destruction in Communist Minsk
  10. Kálmán Pócza – Oakeshott in Central Europe
  11. João Pereira Coutinho – Scruton and the Utopian Fallacy
  12. Zoltán Pető – The devastating rule of uniformity.Utopias in Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s political thought.
  13. Máté Botos – The Transformation of the idiot and the Emergence of Populism. Chantal Delsol’s Critique of the European Elite
  14. Ivone Santos Moreira – Edmund Burke as a Critic of Utopia
  15. Daniela Silva – Alain de Benoist against two totalitarianisms of the 20th century
  16. Jorge Miguel Teixeira – Oakeshott and the Utopia of the Present. Practical knowledge and the defense of Conservatism
  17. Table of Contents
  18. List of Contributors