Dictionary of topography and dictionary of meteorology
eBook - PDF

Dictionary of topography and dictionary of meteorology

Book 3 - English/French

  1. 336 pages
  2. French
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Dictionary of topography and dictionary of meteorology

Book 3 - English/French

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À propos de ce livre

This bilingual dictionary is the third book of a series of three books dealing with artillery and its environment, both within a joint framework, and within the framework of a specific Service. It includes topography and meteorology among the different aspects of artillery environment, both for conventional artillery and for guided artillery. Within this framework, space plays an important role and all the more as operations can be carried out from space today. As regards artillery, this terminology includes what is useful to operate within a national framework and within an international framework (coalitions, NATO) within an ever-increasing global environment. This dictionary includes more than 4, 000 words and phrases in English and in French. It also includes about 2, 300 English acronyms and 380 French ones.

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Table des matiĂšres