Substance & style. 30 étapes de civilisation et expression en anglais - 2e édition
eBook - ePub

Substance & style. 30 étapes de civilisation et expression en anglais - 2e édition

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eBook - ePub

Substance & style. 30 étapes de civilisation et expression en anglais - 2e édition

Détails du livre
Aperçu du livre
Table des matières

À propos de ce livre

Cette seconde édition a pour vocation d'accompagner le lecteur dans l'apprentissage de la langue anglaise et de la civilisation anglo-saxonne, avec:

  • Des éléments de cours,
  • Des connaissances de civilisation américaine et de civilisation britannique,
  • Des conseils de rédaction et d' amélioration du style.

Foire aux questions

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Chapter 1
The US: a Nation of Immigrants
Essential vocabulary
to abdicate
to appoint
to cut down
to dissolve
to draft
establishment, élites
notes de frais
un héritier
to implement
mettre en œuvre
to inherit
to lay down
imposer, stipuler
line of succession
ordre de succession
à l’étranger
cérémonies officielles
a palace
un palais
politique (appliquée à un domaine particulier)
to prosecute
poursuivre en justice
rule of law
État de droit
to sack
to scrutinise
to set out
A brief history of immigration to the USA until 1945
Immigration is the process through which individuals become temporary, permanent residents or citizens of a host country. Historically, the process of immigration has been a social, economic and cultural asset to the USA. It has resulted in the development of a multicultural society, which is today characterized by a wide variety of cultures and ethnicities deriving from these periods of immigration.
The US is therefore a nation of immigrants, and it has always been so. Americans share a common experience: they or their forebears left another country to begin anew in the United States. Successive migration waves have occurred since the 16th century and it is today considered that about 15% of the US population today was foreign-born. Thus, immigration is a defining factor of the American identity.
The first settlers were mostly Spanish, British and French settlers that left their country for various reasons (exploration, religion or trade). In the 17th century, the English Puritans left the Old continent when the developing Protestantism caused persecution and established a settlement on the East coast. In 1620, the Pilgrim Fathers left P...

Table des matières

  1. Couverture
  2. Page de titre
  3. Page de copyright
  4. Avant-propos
  5. Chapter 1. The US: a Nation of Immigrants
  6. Chapter 2. The American Dream
  7. Chapter 3. The American Constitution
  8. Chapter 4. Political parties in the USA
  9. Chapter 5. Religion in the USA
  10. Chapter 6. Gun Laws in the USA
  11. Chapter 7. Affirmative Action
  12. Chapter 8. The Death Penalty in the US
  13. Chapter 9. Discriminations in the USA
  14. Chapter 10. Self-Reliance and the Ownership Society
  15. Chapter 11. Major social movements in the US since 2016
  16. Chapter 12. The 2016 Race for the US Presidency
  17. Chapter 13. Donald Trump’s Presidency
  18. Chapter 14. The British Monarchy and the Establishment in the UK
  19. Chapter 15. Political parties in the UK
  20. Chapter 16. Education in the UK
  21. Chapter 17. Religion in the UK
  22. Chapter 18. Scotland : from the Act of Union to Devolution
  23. Chapter 19. The Scottish Independence Issue
  24. Chapter 20. Northern Ireland
  25. Chapter 21. Britain’s Fourth Estate
  26. Chapter 22. Multiculturalism in the UK
  27. Chapter 23. The UK and the EU
  28. Chapter 24. The Welfare system in the USA and in the UK
  29. Chapter 25. Health in the UK and the USA
  30. Chapter 26. Civil liberties and the fight against terrorism in today’s US and UK
  31. Chapter 27. Lessons from the Economic Crisis
  32. Chapter 28. Globalisation
  33. Chapter 29. The Glass Ceiling
  34. Chapter 30. Social networks
  35. Tables des matières