The Community of Practices (CoP) of UNESCO Chairs for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for Mutual Understanding / La Communauté de pratiques comme outil de dialogue interreligieux et interculturel
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The Community of Practices (CoP) of UNESCO Chairs for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for Mutual Understanding / La Communauté de pratiques comme outil de dialogue interreligieux et interculturel

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eBook - PDF

The Community of Practices (CoP) of UNESCO Chairs for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for Mutual Understanding / La Communauté de pratiques comme outil de dialogue interreligieux et interculturel

Détails du livre
Table des matières

À propos de ce livre

From 2008 to 2009 the UNESCO Chair of Human Development and Culture of Peace of Florence coordinated a 'Community of Practices on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for Mutual Understanding' (CoP), a peace education programme which brought together international researchers, universities and other UNESCO Chairs. This book presents a selection of the original contributions in English and French submitted by the CoP participants from Brazil, Canada, Lebanon, United States, France and Italy. It also aims to contribute in a concrete way to the promotion of innovative methodologies, practices and tools for students and peace education researchers all around the world. Silvia Guetta, PhD, has supported the project on the Community of Practices and is coordinator of the respective UNESCO Chair. She is Associate Professor of Peace Education, Intercultural Pedagogy and Interreligious Dialogue. She has carried out studies in the History of Jewish Education in Italy. She is the contact for the agreements with the University of Tel Aviv and the Palestinian Al Quds University. She has collaborated with the Palestinian-Israeli Peace Forum and with many NGOs in the Middle East. She is currently collaborating with UNICEF and several NGOs on the Rights of the Child. Among her publications: Saper educare in contesti di marginalità, Koinè, Roma, 2010. Antonella Verdiani, PhD, coordinated the project on the Community of Practices presented in this book, as an international expert for the Transdisciplinary UNESCO Chair of the University of Florence and as a UNESCO consultant. She has extensive experience in the field of education for peace and conflict resolution. She has a PhD in educational research, having presented a thesis on the experience of the Free Progress schools of Auroville (India). She holds workshops and training sessions for teachers, parents and students in a number of countries and is currently completing a book Educating for joy, Actes Sud, Paris, 2012.

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Table des matières

  1. Front cover
  2. Title page
  3. Copyright page
  4. Sommaire
  5. Préface
  6. Introduction
  7. Chapitre 1
  8. Chapitre 2
  9. Chapitre 3
  10. Chapitre 4
  11. Chapitre 5
  12. Chapitre 6
  13. Bibliographie synthetique
  14. Annexes
  15. Back cover