Culture Techniques
eBook - PDF

Culture Techniques

Applicability for Studies on Prenatal Differentiation and Toxicity. Fifth Symposium on Prenatal Development, May 1981, Berlin

  1. 621 pages
  2. French
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eBook - PDF

Culture Techniques

Applicability for Studies on Prenatal Differentiation and Toxicity. Fifth Symposium on Prenatal Development, May 1981, Berlin

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Table des matières

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De Gruyter

Table des matières

  1. Dedication
  2. Preface
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. I. Studies on Whole-Embryo Culture
  6. Differentiation of Embryonic Tissues in Whole-Embryo Cultures as Compared to the Development In Vivo
  7. The Differentiation Between Teratogenic Action on Mother, Fetal Membranes and Embryos Using the Whole-Embryo Culture Method
  8. Trypan Blue Teratogenesis in the Rat In Vitro
  9. Studies on Embryotoxic Effects of Thallium Using the Whole-Embryo Culture Technique
  10. Evaluation of Serum Teratogenic Activity Using Rat Embryo Cultures
  11. Regulation of Mouse Embryogenesis by Exogenous Growth Factors
  12. Preliminary Communication on the Feasibility of Culturing Whole Embryos in a Chemically Defined Medium
  13. In Vitro Development of the Heart Under Influence of Retinole Acid
  14. II. Studies on Organ Cultures
  15. A. Differentiation of the Skeleton (predominantly Extremities)
  16. Simulation of Limb Bud Skeletogenesis In Vitro
  17. Comparison of the Differentiation of Muscle and Connective Tissue of Mouse Limb Buds in Culture and In Vivo: A Morphological Study by Indirect Immunofluorescence
  18. Quantification of Collagen Types I and II in Mouse Limbs during Differentiation In Vitro and In Vivo
  19. Feasibility of Storing Embryonic Tissues for Subsequent Use in Organ Culture
  20. Limb Bud Organ Cultures from Mouse Embryos after Apparent Induction of Monooxygenases In Utero. Effects of Cyclophosphamide, Dimethylnitrosamine and Some Thalidomide Derivatives
  21. On the Significance of Ascorbate and of Cysteine on Differentiation of Limb Buds in Organ Culture
  22. Effects of Some "Indirectly" Alkylating Agents on Differentiation of Limb Buds in Organ Culture
  23. Comparison of Effects on Limb Development In Vivo and In Vitro Using Methyl(acetoxymethyl)nitrosamine
  24. Development of Limb Buds in Organ Culture: Examination of Hydroxyurea Enhancement of Bromodeoxyuridine Toxicity Using Image Analysis
  25. Biochemical Characterization of Mouse Hereditary Chondrodystrophies in Organ Culture
  26. Effect of Teratogens on Human Embryonic Skeletal Tissue In Vitro
  27. Aspirin Induced Polydactyly in Rats Mediated by Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthesis
  28. B. Differentiation of other Organ Anlagen (kidneys, lungs, heart, prostate gland, haematopoetic system, and intestine)
  29. The Developing Kidney as a Model System for Normal and Impaired Organogenesis
  30. The Embryonic Lung as In Vitro Model for Testing Teratogenic Substances
  31. The Toxic Effects of Metal Dusts on Human Foetal Lungs In Vitro
  32. Effects of Substances Influencing Glycosaminoglycan Synthesis on Lung Development in Culture
  33. Effects of L-azetidine-2-carboxylic Acid and ß-D-xylosides on Lung Development In Vitro
  34. Interaction of Epithelium and Mesenchyme in the Induction of Foetal Rat and Mouse Prostate Glands by Androgens in Organ Culture
  35. In Vivo and In Vitro Assays of Trisomie Cells Isolated from the Fetal Organism or Rescued by Transfer to Non-Trisomic Hosts
  36. Effects of Gliadin-derived Peptides from Bread and Durum Wheat on Small Intestine Cultures from Rat Fetus and Coeliac Children
  37. III. Studies on Preimplantation Embryos
  38. Differential Adhesiveness as a Mechanism of Cell Allocation to Inner Cell.Mass and Trophectoderm in the Mouse Blastocyst
  39. Inefficient Capacity for Oxidative Phosphorylation of the Trophoblast as a Cause of Delayed Implantation in the Mouse
  40. Influence of Micromanipulation of Ova on the Postnatal Development of Mice (AKR)
  41. Investigations on the Mechanism of Action and on the Pharmacokinetics of Cyclophosphamide Treatment during the Preimplantation Period in the Mouse
  42. Benzo(a)pyrene Metabolism in Early Mouse Embryos
  43. IV. Studies on Cell and Tissue Cultures
  44. Influence of Different Antisera on Mouse Epiphyseal Chondrocytes in Monolayer Culture
  45. Cell Movement during Blastema Formation. Effect of Cytochalasin B on Cartilage Development In Vitro
  46. Cell-Substrate Adhesion of Fibroblast-like Cells Under Different In Vitro Conditions. A Scanning and Transmission Electron-Microscopic Study
  47. Development of Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Activities in Mouse and Human Tissues In Vitro
  48. In Vitro Treatment with Metallocene Dichlorides: Determination of the Intracellular Distribution of the Metal Atoms by Use of the Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
  49. Morphological Changes Induced by 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin (TCDD) in Epithelial Monolayer Culture Using Human and Rodent Fetal Tissues
  50. V. Studies on Non-mammalian Tissues
  51. The Chick Embryo: A Standard Against Which to Judge In Vitro Systems
  52. Experimental Manipulation Leading to Cardiac Malformation in Chick Embryo
  53. Morphogenese Systems and In Vitro Techniques in Teratology
  54. VI. Culture Techniques for "Screening" on Teratogenicity
  55. An Assessment of the Available In Vitro Techniques for Detecting Teratogens
  56. On the Predictability of Developmental Toxicity -especially Prenatal Toxicity - On the Basis of Culture Experiments
  57. VII. Some Methods Used for Culturing Embryonic Tissues
  58. A. Whole-Embryo-Culture: Beck; Anschiitz
  59. B. Limb Bud Method: Blankenburg
  60. C. Trowell Method: Zimmermann
  61. D. "Micro-Mass Culture": Zimmermann
  62. E. Preimplantation-Embryo Culture
  63. F. Teratogenicity Testing Method (Chick)
  64. G. CHEST I and II (Chick): Jelinek and Peterka
  65. Glossary
  66. List of Participants
  67. Index