Computer Science


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for managing and manipulating data. It is widely used for web applications and works across different platforms. MySQL is known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for many software developers and organizations.

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5 Key excerpts on "MySQL"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Teach Yourself VISUALLY Web Design
    • Rob Huddleston(Author)
    • 2010(Publication Date)
    • Visual

    ...Each table stores data about one specific topic. For example, in a database with product ordering information, the details about the products would be in a table, and the details about the customers would be kept separate in a different table. The database can then store information about the relationships between the data, so it would know which customer ordered which product. PHP and MySQL Although PHP can use a technology called ODBC, or Open Database Connectivity, to connect to Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, or Oracle, it includes the ability to directly connect to a MySQL database. This has the advantage of removing much of the abstraction and additional overhead required when using ODBC, but it also means that PHP applications must be written with a specific database in mind. Structured Query Language Also in the 1970s, a group of developers at IBM developed the Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL allows developers to write code to execute commands against a database. It allows developers to work with relational databases through a powerful language that nonetheless relies on a fairly clear syntax. SQL Syntax SQL is designed to be fairly easy to learn and use. It is comprised of a series of command words or phrases, all in simple English. For example, if you want to add data to a table, you use the INSERT INTO command. SQL Language Subsets SQL is divided into three sublanguages: the Data Definition Language (DDL), the Data Manipulation Language (DML), and the Data Control Language (DCL). The DDL is the subset of SQL that allows you to create, alter, and delete the actual tables themselves. By far the most commonly used subset of SQL is the DML. These commands allow you to interact with your data. The DCL is the subset of SQL that allows you to create and manage user accounts. Create a Database The MAMP and WAMP installations include phpMyAdmin, a Web-based tool for administering your MySQL database...

  • PHP and MySQL For Dummies
    • Janet Valade(Author)
    • 2009(Publication Date)
    • For Dummies

    ...Part II MySQL Database In this part. . . This part provides the details of working with a MySQL database. You find out how to use SQL (Structured Query Language) to communicate with MySQL. In addition, you discover how to create a database, change a database, and move data into and out of a database. Chapter 4 Building the Database In This Chapter Using SQL to make requests to MySQL Creating a new database Adding information to an existing database Looking at information in an existing database Removing information from an existing database A fter completing your database design (see Chapter 3 if you haven’t done this yet), you’re ready to turn it into a working database. In this chapter, you find out how to build a database based on your design — and how to move data into and out of it. The database design names the database and defines the tables that make up the database. To build the database, you must communicate with MySQL, providing the database name and the table structure. Later, you must communicate with MySQL to add data to (or request information from) the database. The language that you use to communicate with MySQL is SQL. In this chapter, I explain how to create SQL queries and use them to build new databases and interact with existing databases. Communicating with MySQL The MySQL server is the manager of your database: It creates new databases. It knows where the databases are stored. It stores and retrieves information, guided by the requests, or queries, that it receives. To make a request that MySQL can understand, you build an SQL query and send it to the MySQL server. (For a more complete description of the MySQL server, see Chapter 1.) The next two sections detail how to do this. Building SQL queries SQL (Structured Query Language) is the computer language that you use to communicate with MySQL. SQL is almost English; it’s made up largely of English words, put together into strings of words that sound similar to English sentences...

  • Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing
    • empreender(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Bibliomundi

    ...Developing Your AI Skills – Using SQL If you want to ensure you aren’t left behind by developments in AI and machine learning, then it may pay to learn relevant skills that you can use to implement your own strategies. At least by understanding the tools used in AI and machine learning, you will be able to navigate these new horizons and make smarter decisions for your business. One of the key concepts to understand then is SQL. SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and is a declarative language that is used to store and retrieve information from a database. If that sounds like gobbledygook, it basically provides a set of commands you can use to manipulate large data sets. SQL is crucial for data science and machine learning. It takes a number of forms such as MySQL, SQL Se rver, and SQLite. Each uses a slightly different dialect to achieve the same thing: interact with relational databases. Relational databases consist of numerous tables like you see in Excel, with columns and rows. So if you had a list of visitors to your website, you might fill out their data across rows, such as name, age, contact details, etc. Pull out any given visitor, and it will bring their details up so that you’re ready to call them and market to them. SQL then allows you to do things like creating whole new tables, or inserting new rows, columns, or cells. You can do this with simple commands like “CREATE TABLE” and “INSERT INTO.” To make a new database, you first need to use a command to make it, and from there you can then begin inserting tables like so: CREATE TABLE CLIENTS (ROWID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, LASTNAME TEXT, FIRSTNAME TEXT, PHONE TEXT, EMAIL TEXT); One of the more powerful commands is something called SELECT which will allow you to retrieve information across one or more tables...

  • Information Systems
    eBook - ePub

    Information Systems

    What Every Business Student Needs to Know, Second Edition

    • Efrem G. Mallach(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • CRC Press

    ...To get names and email addresses of MIS301 students, where the REGISTRATION table has student IDs but not their names, one could write: SELECT NAME, EMAIL FROM STUDENT WHERE REGISTRATION.COURSE='MIS301' AND STUDENT.ID=REGISTRATION.ID Simple SQL as in these examples is not difficult to learn, but mastering it takes time and effort. Figure 5.20 shows a user accessing a database. Most users access databases via applications, as you do when you check your grades. The application creates SQL messages and sends them to the database to retrieve your name, the list of your courses, and your grade in each. To you, the application and DBMS are one information system. You don’t need to know SQL to use it. FIGURE 5.20 User accessing a database via a DBMS. Database management systems also provide tools by which a database administrator (DBA) can create a database, modify its structure, manage its security settings, and optimize its performance. Large organizations have full-time DBAs to ensure that their databases will provide high-quality information as needed. DBMS that perform these tasks span a wide spectrum. Some are used by professionals. They access data from huge databases, with hundreds of tables having millions of rows each, used by thousands of people at a time. Such packages underlie airline reservation systems, insurance databases, and national tax records. The largest suppliers of proprietary DBMS are Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and Teradata. Several free packages are also widely used. Only an experienced professional can select the right DBMS at this level. This expert needs input from users (you). Other DBMS support one user on personal hardware. They make it easy to set up and use a database. Personal DBMS let users enter data and query the database via simple forms. Their application development languages are easier to learn and use than languages designed for IS professionals...

  • Human Capital Systems, Analytics, and Data Mining

    ...SQL, the common communication language in RDMSs, became a standard of ANSI in 1986 and of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987 (International Organization for Standardization 2016). Since then, the standard has gone through many revisions to include an expanding feature group. SQL Language Standards including Data Types are included in the ANSI SQL Standard. Despite the existence of such standards, most SQL code is not completely portable among different RDMS vendors due to their own extensions to the SQL Standard for language components, including Data Types. Data Types have a natural validation effect on Data Base Record activity in that data entered into records cannot violate the Data Type. For example, it is not possible to enter alpha characters into a numeric field. The RDMS engine would automatically reject such an attempt. SQL SQL is the main communication language with RDMSs for creating and managing databases, maintaining databases, and for retrieving information from databases. SQL has three main language components, Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), and Data Control Language (DCL). DDL DDL is the part of SQL that is used to create and change database structures, including Database Schemas, Tables, Columns, Views, and related objects. Data Design and Modeling Tools such as Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler provide utilities to automatically generate DDL for deployment of Database Designs directly to a live RDMS Instance. In addition, Data Modeler Systems usually support a number of different Vendor RDMS targets with their own specific DDL variations in terms of SQL grammar and Data Types...