Computer Science

Solid State Storage

Solid state storage refers to a type of computer storage that uses solid state drives (SSDs) to store data. Unlike traditional hard disk drives (HDDs), solid state storage has no moving parts, which results in faster data access and improved reliability. It is commonly used in modern computing devices such as laptops, desktops, and servers due to its speed and durability.

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3 Key excerpts on "Solid State Storage"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Moving Media Storage Technologies
    eBook - ePub

    Moving Media Storage Technologies

    Applications & Workflows for Video and Media Server Platforms

    • Karl Paulsen(Author)
    • 2012(Publication Date)
    • Routledge
    ca . 2008–2009), and the storage size of memory modules began to grow, the implementation of SSD systems began to increase.
    SSD may stand for either solid state disk or solid state drive. Purists would argue that it cannot be a disk because that would assume it has a form of “disk” media that spins. Perhaps, it is assumed that because SSD is evaluated in competitive terms against the HDD, and depending upon the system, may use the same SAS, SATA, or Fibre Channel storage interfaces, that the SSD really is not just a disk—more appropriately it is a drive.
    Regardless, this chapter will look at the SSD as a formidable type of storage, one that offers many advantages to magnetic or optical spinning disk storage systems, not the least of which is power consumption, reduction of access time, and resistance to shock.
    Irrespective of SSD’s advantages and capabilities, which are covered in this chapter, a looming question still remains: As the storage industry takes a hard look at cost-control and its environmental ecosystems, just how soon will the move to SSD accelerate for enterprise level implementations?
    An overview, history, and development of flash memory, which is the media form utilized in solid state disks
    The components, cell structure, and operations of flash memory
    Outlining the values and the limitations of flash memory
    The designations, applications, and differences between NOR and NAND memories
    How data protection and security are handled in solid state disks
    Applications for flash memory and the components in a solid state disk

    Solid State Storage Evolution

    In an era of increasing file sizes, megalith-like storage requirements, rotational disk drive capacities exceeding terabyte proportions, and an astounding dependence upon storage in dimensions previously unobtainable comes a restoration of a nearly lost technology—solid state memory for mass storage.
  • Software-Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials
    eBook - ePub

    Software-Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials

    Cloud, Converged, and Virtual Fundamental Server Storage I/O Tradecraft

    While it is fast, DRAM is also volatile, meaning that in the absence of some form of a battery-backed (or capacitor) standby power system, loss of power means loss of data. This is where persistent and non-volatile memory (NVM) such as NAND or NOR flash, NVRAM, phase-change memory (PCM), 3D XPoint, and other emerging storage class memories (SCM) come into play. These NVM and SCM are available in NVDIMM and PCIe AiC drives as well as other packaging formats.

    7.5 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) and SSD

    Solid-state devices (SSD) have existed in various packaging form factors, semiconductor media types, interfaces, and functionalities for decades. These date back to DRAM-based versions with proprietary interfaces that evolved to open systems. Functionality has also evolved, along with increases in capacity, reliability, and performance along with a reduction in physical form factor as well as cost. While IOP performance is usually mentioned as the value proposition or metric for SSD, there are also lower latency as well as increased bandwidth benefits.
    The primary value proposition of SSD has been to boost the performance speed of applications, reducing wait-time overhead of servers and enabling non-volatile storage memory for harsh conditions. Benefits include more work being done in a given amount of time, reducing the time needed for a job, task, or application to occur, including response time.
    A by-product of using some amount of SSD is the ability to make servers more productive, maximizing their usefulness or delaying upgrades. Besides maximizing the value of a server, SSD are also useful for getting more value out of software licenses, including databases among others, while eliminating data center performance bottlenecks.
  • Semiconductor Memory Devices and Circuits
    • Shimeng Yu(Author)
    • 2022(Publication Date)
    • CRC Press
    Most of the data that is readily used by a software program is stored in the main memory. Both SRAM-based cache and DRAM-based main memory are classified as volatile memories, which means that the data will not be preserved when the power supply is removed. Sometimes, they are also referred to as working memories. If the data need to be preserved for a long time even when the power supply is removed, non-volatile memories (NVMs) are required as the storage memories. The line indicating the boundary between the volatile memories and the NVMs is shown in the pyramid. The widely used NVMs are the NAND Flash-based solid-state drive (SSD) and the magnetic hard-disk drive (HDD). SSD could be accessed in tens of μs and has a capacity of hundreds of GB–TB, and HDD could be accessed in ~ms and has a capacity of tens of TB. The perceived and ever-increasing gap between the main memory’s bandwidth and the SSD’s bandwidth motivates a recent trend of creating a new level in the memory hierarchy, namely the storage class memory which could be accessed in hundreds of ns and has a capacity of tens to hundreds of GB. The storage class memory is placed at the boundary between the working memories and the storage memories and very often it belongs to NVMs, thus sometimes it is also referred to as the persistent memory. Emerging memories are actively being researched to fill in this vacant position as storage-class memory, and a notable example is the three-dimensional (3D) X-point memory introduced by Intel and Micron [ 3 ]. Figure 1.2 shows the trade-offs between access time, integration density (Mb/mm 2), and cycling endurance of different memory technologies in the memory hierarchy. The recent industrial trends in 3D vertical NAND Flash and 3D stacked DRAM are also shown